Developing the CommunityPlan of Work
McCreary County CES
Developing the Community
Community and Economic Development
Agents Involved:
Whitis, Fugate
Business Retention and Expansion
Trail Design
Arts Engagement
The McCreary County Extension Service collaborates with many community organizations to meet the needs of the community. These organizations assist the community in community and economic development efforts, recreation, civic activities, tourism promotion, and overall community pride. Research has shown that a growing community must have these organizations for sustainability. McCreary County is home to over 200 miles of recreational trails and 56 miles of the Sheltowee Trace National Recreational Trail.
Long-Term Outcomes:
Community organizations will acquire needed skills and knowledge to benefit the community and assist the community in becoming sustainable.
Intermediate Outcomes:
These organizations will continue to conduct educational programs, activities, and events for the benefit of the community. One major project facing the county is getting the most of Stearns being designated as a Trail Town and the Sheltowee Trace National Recreational Trail.
Initial Outcomes:
These community organizations will remain functional and will sustain the development of McCreary County.
Outcome: Citizens will become involved in addressing significant community issues. They will gain knowledge of the governmental process and their role in it. Coalitions will be formed or continued. Citizens will benefit from Stearns being designated as an official Trail Town.
Indicator: Number of people involved in addressing these issues. Number of coalitions in which Extension is involved. Projects that these organizations conduct.
Method: Observation and surveys
Timeline: July - June
Learning Opportunities:
Audience: Community partners/community organizations
Project or Activity: Regular scheduled meetings, special called meeting, educational programs, and committees.
Inputs: Agents, Chamber of Commerce, McCreary County Educational Development Foundation, Tourism Commission, Fair Board, McCreary County Development Association, Family Resource Centers, Youth Service Centers, Christian Care Center, McCreary County Public Library, Pine Knot Job Corp and KCTCS.
Date: July - June
Audience: Park Board, County Fair Board, Community Partners and organizations
Project or Activity: Continued development of a county park/fairgrounds
Content or Curriculum: Hospitality, Youth programs, Federal Prison, Job Skills, County Fair, and Economic Development
Inputs: Agents, Chamber of Commerce, McCreary County Educational Development Foundation, Tourism Commission, Fair Board, McCreary County Development Association, Family Resource Centers, Youth Service Centers, Christian Care Center, McCreary County Public Library, and KCTCS.
Date: July - June
© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment