Teaching today's children to be tomorrow's leadersPlan of Work
Grant County CES
Teaching today's children to be tomorrow's leaders
Engaging Community Youth
Agents Involved:
FCS, 4H, Ammerman
Volunteer Development
Civic Engagement
Agriculture and Extension Leadership Development
Youth Engagement Leadership Program (YELP)
Discussions with local stakeholders and recent community survey identified youth activites that develop and promote core competences needed in life and that education was needed to further those core competences in all areas.
Long-Term Outcomes:
Students acquire and educate others life skills
Intermediate Outcomes:
Students apply acquired skills to enhance personal well being
Initial Outcomes:
Students learn basic life skills and are capable of responding in general and emergency situations.
Initial Outcome: Students learn basic life skills
Indicator: Students attend and learn basic life skills
Method:end of meeting questionaires and observations
Timeline: year round
Intermediate Outcome: Students apply acquired skills
Indicator: Students are faced with decisions in life and apply knowledge gained to make better informed decisons
Method: followup questionaires and personal testimonies
Timeline:year round
Long-term Outcome: Students acquire and educate others life skills
Indicator: former students return to programs to educate others
Method: observations
Timeline: year round
Learning Opportunities:
Audience: 4H Youth
Project or Activity: 4H Country Ham
Content or Curriculum: UK Food Science
Inputs: hams, house, socks papers and volunteers
Date: Jan - Aug 2022
Audience: 4H Youth
Project or Activity: Babysitting Clinic
Content or Curriculum: 4H Babysitting and Red Cross First Aid/CPR
Inputs: volunteers
Date: Summer 2022
Audience: 4H Youth
Project or Activity: Project Nights
Content or Curriculum: varies by project
Inputs: volunteers and supplies by project
Date: spring and summer 2022
Audience: 4H Youth
Project or Activity: 4H Camp
Content or Curriculum: 4H Camp and Agents
Inputs: kids, camp staff and volunteers
Date: Summer 2022
Audience: 4H Youth
Project or Activity: Environmental Camp
Content or Curriculum: 4H Camp Staff, kids and volunteers
Date: Spring 2022
Audience: 4H Youth
Project or Activity: 4H Teen Council
Content or Curriculum: varies by project
Inputs: volunteers and supplies by project
Date: year round
Success Stories
2021 Camp
Author: Chris Ammerman
Major Program: Camping
Being a single agent county bound in a world full of the COVID conundrum presented a unique set of challenges. Initial feedback from stakeholders was that camp numbers would fall off dramatically and that we would be hard pressed to meet our minimum numbers required for the program. Through determined work at fundraising and the county District Board agreeing to help cover part of the programming cost for campers, we were able to offer a reduced cost per camper and still cover count
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Overcoming Stage Fright
Author: Ari Veach
Major Program: Communications and Expressive Arts

February 2022, Williamstown Elementary School, in the 5th grade history class. This is where some Grant County 5th graders learned that they can public speak and overcame their fears of giving a speech in front of people. On one of my monthly school visits the kids learned how to prepare a speech or demonstration for the communication contest. They learned about the parts that make up a speech, how to dress, researching it, and how to deliver them. Once we went through the lessons the kids had a
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© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment