Strengthening Local Food SystemsPlan of Work
Whitley County CES
Strengthening Local Food Systems
Strengthening Local Food Systems
Agents Involved:
ANR, Moses, Cornelius, 4H
Local Food Systems
Building Healthy Coalitions
Local Food System Development and Mapping
The Southeastern U.S., relative to the nation, can benefit from stronger local food systems. In Kentucky, agricultural receipts will top $5 billion for the first time in 2011. Consumer and producer interest in rebuilding community food systems is significant. County Extension Offices can play a pivotal role in helping food producers, entrepreneurs, buyers, and consumers work toward more vibrant rural communities with strong local food systems. Stronger local food systems can help everyone eat a healthier diet while benefitting the local economy and communities.
Over the past several years, local food has grown in demand and along with this demand an increase in farmers trying to supply the demand has occurred. Whitley County currently has three active Farmers Markets. The city of Corbin has been recognized at the national level for their efforts in using local foods as an economic driver in rebuilding their Main street.
In Whitley County, 5-10% Farmers had direct sales in 2015 according to the USDA's Food Environment Atlas. Whitley County Extension plays a pivotal role in helping food producers, entrepreneurs, buyers, and consumers work toward more vibrant rural communities with strong local food systems. Stronger local food systems can help everyone eat a healthier diet while benefitting the local economy and communities.
Long-Term Outcomes:
-Make a noticeable financial impact on the Whitley County farming economy
-Communities sustain coalitions to address local food systems
-Policy changes are discussed to increase awareness and access
-The number of entrepreneurs in the community is increased due to local food systems
-Strong and diverse local food systems are integrated into community development efforts
Intermediate Outcomes:
-Increase access to markets for farmers
-Local food access is
-appropriate match between producers and consumers so sustained locally
-Community coalitions are established to address access to local foods and utilization of local food
-local food production friendly land use and other policies being adopted.
Initial Outcomes:
-Whitley County residents learn to grow, prepare and preserve food.
-Whitley County residents learn to incorporate unfamiliar foods or foods not currently eaten into a healthy diet
-Whitley County residents learn about community support services to increase food security
-Increased awareness among general public, increased access to "local" foods
-Communities begin listening sessions to discuss their goals in local foods
-local land use and other policies supportive of new food initiatives
Initial Outcome: Whitley County residents learn to grow, prepare and preserve food.
Indicator: More people gardening and cooking at home.
Method: Post-class surveys at 3 months and 6 months
Timeline: 1 year
Intermediate Outcome: Increase access to markets for farmers
Indicator: More restaurants will buy local foods and Farmer's Market will see increased sales.
Method: Sales at Farmer's Market are tracked by the market coordinators. Restaurants will provide Kentucky Proud purchasing information.
Timeline: 2 years
Long-term Outcome: Make a noticeable financial impact on the Whitley County farming economy
Indicator: Farm census data will show an increase in gross farm receipts in county
Method: Information will be online
Timeline: 4 years
Learning Opportunities:
Audience: Low-income families and Senior Citizens
Project or Activity: WIC and Sr. Vouchers plus Double Dollars
Content or Curriculum: Given by Health Dept and First Baptist Church
Inputs: Vouchers, Health Department, First Baptist Church Williamsburg, Community Farm Alliance Double Dollar program, Horticulture Agent
Date: 2017-2020
Audience: Farmer’s Market Vendors
Project or Activity: WIC and Sr. Vouchers plus Double Dollars
Content or Curriculum: Training on acceptance of vouchers
Inputs: Training, vouchers, Farmer's Market, Kentucky Dept of Agriculture, Horticulture Agent
Date: 2021-2024
Audience: Low income families and members of community garden
Project or Activity: Community Gardens (various locations)
Content or Curriculum: University of Kentucky Publications
Inputs: ID-128, Grow Appalachia, Horticulture Agent
Date: Ongoing
Audience: Farmer’s Market Vendors
Project or Activity: Farmer’s Market Workshop Series
Content or Curriculum: Good Agricultural Practices, Sampling, WIC/SR. Voucher training, Field Trip, Homebased Microprocessing, Social Media, and Grant Opportunities
Inputs: Kentucky Department of Agriculture, Kentucky Center for Rural Development, Family and Consumer Sciences, Whitley County Public Health, Kentucky Dept of Public Health, and Horticulture Agent
Date: Yearly
Audience: Farmer's Market vendors
Project or Activity: Homebased Microprocessing (may be virtual)
Content or Curriculum: Homebased Microprocessing and renewal courses provided by UK
Inputs: Horticulture and FCS agents. DVD’s and online videos
Date: 2020-2024 (as needed in the rotation)
Audience: Non profits and people in need of food
Project or Activity: Farm to Food banks
Content or Curriculum: N/a
Inputs: Farmers, faith groups, horticulture agent
Date: 2021-2024
Audience: Farmer's Market vendors and other farmers
Project or Activity: Community Supported Agriculture (CSA)
Content or Curriculum: Classes on how to start and sustain a CSA
Inputs: Online CSA resources, extension publications, Horticulture agent, farmers already doing CSA
Date: 2021-2024
Success Stories
Chicken Processing Class.
Author: Stacy White
Major Program: Poultry/Small Flocks
Food insecurity issues have caused many people to want to become more self sufficient in regards supplying food for their households. Chickens are a good source of protein and can be produced and handled without large investments in machinery and equipment. The ANR agent conducted a chicken processing workshop on May 14, 2022. Humane slaughter, scalding, plucking, and gutting was demonstrated by the agent. Afterwards each participant slaughtered and processed a chicken of
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Plant, Grow and Learn
Author: Benjamin Prewitt
Major Program: Local Food Systems
Being provided an opportunity to work in a rural community in the mountains of southeastern Kentucky where an economy is heavily reliant on the timber and coal mining industries, and where nearly 25% of families fall well below the poverty line. I have jumped on board with an amazing program called Plant, Grow and Learn. Working in conjunction with several entities around the community including Tri County Childhood Council, Save the Children, Whitley County Family Resource P
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Beginning Gardeners Program
Author: Benjamin Prewitt
Major Program: Local Food Systems
There is no doubt that the last couple of years have been tough (to say the least) for Americans. Battling numerous things including a global pandemic and times of economic uncertainty. With this thought in mind, I decided that it would be an excellent time to introduce the topic of getting back to our roots and provide a program in our community on some basic gardening principles. The ultimate goal for this Beginning Gardening Program was for individuals to be able to obtain
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Health Department Gardening Project
Author: Benjamin Prewitt
Major Program: Community Gardens and Horticulture Therapy
I was recently given the opportunity to help with a Raised Bed Garden Project at the Whitley County Health Department. Our local health department wanted to provide community members a chance to see fresh, local produce being grown at their office location. After contacting several community leaders and local businesses I was able to provide the materials to construct six (6) different Raised Bed Gardens, including the soil and plants to grow inside them. &
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Earth Day Celebration 2022
Author: Lisa Jones
Major Program: Agriculture

Whitley County 4-H Cloverbud's met in February and learned about the importance of vegetables and how to plant them. We gathered all program areas and offered our services and information to the county along with hands-on activities for Earth Day. This year it was held at the Green Space in downtown Williamsburg for the Earth Day Celebration 2022. The Cloverbud's successfully planted all the vegetables that we gave away during the Earth Day Celebration. The Cloverbud's planted all th
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© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment