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Contact Information

Craig Wood, Ph.D
Acting Associate Dean & Director
UK Cooperative Extension Service

S-107 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091

+1 (859) 257-4302


Contact Information

Craig Wood, Ph.D
Acting Associate Dean & Director
UK Cooperative Extension Service

S-107 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091

+1 (859) 257-4302

Fiscal Year:
Jul 1, 2023 - Jun 30, 2024

Promoting Individual and Family DevelopmentPlan of Work

Todd County CES

Promoting Individual and Family Development
Empowering Youth, Individuals and Families to Succeed
Agents Involved:
Jill Harris,
Family Development General
Essential Skill Development

People are living longer. Kentucky’s current population of seniors (65+) is 16.4% (2019 Census Data). By 2040 it is projected that every district will see an increase in the percent of the population that is age 65 and older (Zimmerman/KY by the Numbers). As the largest and fastest-growing segment of the U.S. population, older adults influence everything from consumer behavior to health-care costs (U.S. Census). While we may be adding years to life, there is concern about life quality. This is because a person’s life expectancy, the total number of years a person is expected to live, does not always match a person’s “health span”—time spent in good health (Institute of Medicine). The life expectancy of Kentuckians, 75.1 years, fluctuates as much as 9 years between counties and ranks among the bottom five states. Heavily influenced by life-long lifestyle behaviors and choices, including quality of diet, physical activity and tobacco use, the Kentuckian health span is also below national averages. Kentucky FCS can help individuals and families establish healthy lifestyle behaviors and relationships throughout the lifespan as way to positively influence optimal aging and help reduce issues such as chronic disease, obesity, opioid and alcohol abuse, and mental illness.

 “School-readiness” is a broad term that refers to multiple precursor cognitive, physical, and social-emotional skills that indicate young children are prepared to learn and thrive in the school environment. A wide body of research shows a strong foundation in school readiness is indicative of school success. Emerging research also indicates that there is a synergistic effect when early learning activities activate physical and cognitive skills simultaneously, as opposed to doing so in isolation. However, in the state of Kentucky only 50% of children are deemed “school-ready” when they enter Kindergarten.   These numbers indicate a need for more activities that support school-readiness by building multiple skill sets simultaneously.

96,000 children in Kentucky live in kinship care.  Kentucky ranks first in the nation for the most children in kinship care settings in the country.  15,000 children are in kinship care due to removal from their home.   Kinship care providers need support.

Long-Term Outcomes:
  • Programs and policies will promote healthy aging in Kentucky
  • Kentuckians improve health span through lifestyle choices and behaviors related to overall health and well-being  
  • Increase the number of children who are “kindergarten ready” in the state of Kentucky.
  • Improve academic success for children in Kentucky
Intermediate Outcomes:
  • Kentuckians of all ages adapt healthy lifestyle choices, including diet, physical activity, no smoking/binge drinking. 
  • More Kentucky households prepare for caregiving
  • Kentuckians will seek health screenings and vaccines
  • Older Kentuckians will prevent falls 
  • Kentuckians will address mental health 
  • Increase opportunities and access to more preschool learning activities outside of the home
  • Increase number of children who are “kindergarten ready” in _______ county
  • Increase number of learning activities experienced at home
  • Increase child and parent social-emotional skills such as heightened self-awareness, responsible decision making, and self-management.
  • Increase caregiver advocacy for children in their care including legal, medical, social, and educational services
  • Increase access of community services to caregivers 
Initial Outcomes:
  • Kentuckians understand the importance of lifestyle choices and behaviors throughout their lifespan on their overall health, well-being and life quality
  • Kentuckians learn how to make healthy lifestyle choices
  • Kentuckians learn that caregiver preparation in important
  • Kentuckians learn that disease prevention and early detection is important
  • Kentuckians learn about resources to enhance life quality, safety and to support aging families 
  • Kentuckians understand the importance of developmentally appropriate play to their child’s academic success
  • Increase child’s ability to express appropriate emotion
  • Improve child’s gross motor skills
  • Improve child’s early literacy skills including phonological awareness, print awareness, and vocabulary
  • Increase awareness of indicators of high-risk adolescent behaviors 
  • Identify key points of adolescent development
  • Establish realistic expectations for teen behavior, and explore changing relationships within families 

Outcome: (ST) Learn about prevention and how to adapt healthy lifestyles

Indicator:  Total number of individuals/families reached with information to improve healthy lifestyle choices specifically related to aging/longevity

Method:  Lesson Evaluations: Keys to Embracing Aging, Stand up to Falling, Bedrooms, Bathrooms and Beyond (Home Accessibility), RAAD/VDT, AARP Prepare to Care, 10 Warning Signs/UAD  

Timeline:  Ongoing

Outcome: (I) Adapt healthy lifestyles related to aging and longevity  

Indicator:  Of the total number of individuals/families who learned information about healthy lifestyle choices related to aging/longevity, the total number of individuals/families/caregivers who adapted their behavior

Method:  3-6 month Post Lesson evaluations: Keys to Embracing Aging, Stand up to Falling, Bedrooms, Bathrooms and Beyond (Home Accessibility), RAAD/VDT, AARP Prepare to Care, 10 Warning Signs/UAD  

Timeline: Ongoing


Outcome:  (LT) Kentucky’s overall health span increases

Indicator:  Number of programs and policies identified, adapted, created and evaluated to promote healthy aging in Kentucky

Method:  Overall Health Life Expectancy increases in KY 

Timeline:  Ongoing

Outcome:  Kentuckians learn fun age appropriate activities to aid in their child’s healthy development.

Indicator:  Number of parents who expressed learning new activities to engage their children at home.

Method:  Laugh and Learn Play Dates Survey

Timeline:  January - December

Outcome: Increase child and parent social-emotional skills such as heightened self-awareness, responsible decision making, and self-management.

Indicator: How many children increased their ability to express emotion after attending the program?

Method:  Stories, Songs, and Stretches Survey

Timeline: July - June


Outcome: Increase number of children who are “kindergarten ready” in Todd county. 

Indicator: Several – (i.e. How many parents reported improved gross motor skills, social-emotional skills, and early literacy skills?) 

Method:  Kentucky Governor’s Office of Early Childhood Kindergarten Readiness Results

Timeline:  July- June

Outcome: Increase skills and resources of caregivers to provide effective care for young relatives

Indicator: Several – (i.e. How many caregivers improve skills/knowledge in child development, discipline and guidance, legal issues, and advocacy)

Method: Parenting a Second Time Around (PASTA) Evaluation 

Timeline:  Post program evaluation 

Learning Opportunities:

Audience: Extension Homemakers

Project or Activity:  Random Acts of Kindness

Content or Curriculum: FCS

Inputs: FCS

Date: September 2021

Audience: Preschool aged children and their parent(s)

Project or Activity:  Various

Content or Curriculum: Laugh and Learn Playdates

 Inputs: FCS Agent, Library, 

 Date: Starting January 2022

Audience: Extension Homemakers

Project or Activity:  KY 4H and You(th)

Content or Curriculum: FCS

 Inputs: FCS 

 Date: November 2021

Audience: Extension Homemakers

Project or Activity:  Undeground Railroad Quilts

Content or Curriculum: FCS

 Inputs: FCS 

 Date: February 2022

Success Stories

Ready, Set, Bake!

Author: Jill Harris

Major Program: Food Preparation and Preservation

The COVID19 pandemic left many in West Kentucky in situations with which they had never before dealt.  Early in the pandemic many stockpiled pantry staples in fear of shortages on grocery shelves.  Many followed Kentucky’s Healthy at Home recommendations and did not leave their houses except for the most necessary errands.  Once restrictions and recommendations loosened, many of our clientele still chose to limit leaving their homes because of the continual changes in inform

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Kentucky 4-H Teen Conference - a Leadership Experience

Author: Lee Ann McCuiston

Major Program: Leadership

The Kentucky 4-H Teen Conference hosted 490 senior 4-H youth from across the Commonwealth on Uk's campus in June.  Five Todd County youth traveled to the four day conference to experience leadership, communications, expressive arts and fun!  Two youth tried out for the Kentucky 4-H Leadership Board Performing Arts Troupe.  One youth performed with the Kentucky 4-H Performing Arts Troupe on stage. One youth received the Gold Achievement Honor as well as a $500 college scholarsh

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