Health and WellnessPlan of Work
Estill County CES
Health and Wellness
Healthy Communities and Individuals
Agents Involved:
Eric Baker, Taylor Miles
Substance Use Prevention and Recovery General
Active Living and Health Promotions General
With the health and well-being of individuals becoming more and more of a concern local advisory councils felt that the extension service should work to curve the high obesity rate, and high over dose rate. As well as promote lifestyle changes the encourage a safer, healthier life.
Long-Term Outcomes:
To improve the quality of life
Reduce food related health issues
Reduce drug overdoses
Intermediate Outcomes:
Increase the use of proper safety equipment
Increase the use of healthy foods
Increase the amount of physical activity done by individuals
decrease the drug use rates.
Initial Outcomes:
Increase awareness about nutritious low cost foods for families
Increase knowledge of safety equipment and proper use
Increase awareness of effects of drugs
teach the skills for individuals to properly increase physical fitness
Initial Outcome: Increase Awareness of effects of drugs
Indicator: survey shows increased knowledge
Method: Survey
Timeline: Spring 2022
Intermediate Outcome: Increase the use of proper safety equipment
Indicator: Decreased severe injury rate
Method: interviews
Timeline: Spring 2022
Long-term Outcome: Improve the quality of life
Indicator: improved county statistics
Method: Kentucky Counts reports
Timeline: 2024
Learning Opportunities:
Audience: Community members
Project or Activity: Substance Abuse Awareness
Content or Curriculum: Education
Inputs: Curriculum
Date: All year
Audience: Low-income families
Project or Activity: SNAP-Ed
Content or Curriculum: Education
Inputs: Time, staff, curriculum
Date: Year Round
Audience: Youth
Project or Activity: 4-H Foods & Nutrition Programming
Content or Curriculum: Superstar Chef, International Foods, Professor Popcorn,
Inputs: time, staff, volunteers
Date: All year
Audience: youth
Project or Activity: 4-H Health Programing
Content or Curriculum: Jump into foods & fitness, Spark
Inputs: time, staff, volunteers
Date: All year
Audience: youth
Project or Activity: Truth and Consequences
Content or Curriculum: Truth and consequences
Inputs: time, staff, volunteers
Date: Spring
Audience: Youth
Project or Activity: Health Fair
Content or Curriculum: Awareness
Inputs: Curriculum
Date: Annual
Audience: Community members
Project or Activity: Homemaker Officer Trainigs
Content or Curriculum: Education
Inputs: Curriculum
Date: Annual
Audience: Youth/Adults
Project or Activity: Grandparents Raising Grandchildren Efforts
Content or Curriculum: Education
Inputs: Curriculum
Date: All year
Audience: Youth
Project or Activity: Youth Safety Day
Content or Curriculum: Education
Inputs: Curriculum
Date: Spring
Audience: Community members
Project or Activity: Farm Safety
Content or Curriculum: Education
Inputs: Curriculum
Date: Annual
Audience: Adults
Project or Activity: Sensational Salads
Content or Curriculum: Homemakers
Inputs: Agents
Date: January
Audience: Adults
Project or Activity: Sweet Enough Without All That Sugar
Content or Curriculum: Homemakers
Inputs: Agents
Date: February
Audience: Adults
Project or Activity: Radon: Why Is It Dangerous?
Content or Curriculum: Homemakers
Inputs: Agents
Date: March
Audience: Adults
Project or Activity: Sharing Meals Together: A Guide To Smarter Potlucks
Content or Curriculum: Homemakers
Inputs: Agents
Date: April
Success Stories
Virtual Pumpkin Week
Author: Taylor Miles
Major Program: Health

The Estill County 4-H Program started their Virtual Pumpkin week in the midst of 2020 when programming was limited. Due to the success from last year, we expanded the program and opened it to more youth and created more kits that filled up very quickly. This program allowed youth to stay engaged in our programming and was an opportunity to get the whole family involved in the various lessons provided. We had approximately thirty families sign up for a kit where they received a
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Charcuterie Board
Author: Judy Vaughn
Major Program: Food Preparation and Preservation
February 8, 2022Covid numbers are on the decline and people are beginning to gather for parties and events. Proper and safe preparation of food is important for people’s health. In 2016, fifty-one people suffered an outbreak of Salmonella. The FDA estimates that about 48 million cases of foodborne illness happen every year. Mild cases are often not reported. As part of a recent homemaker’s meeting, I conducted a lesson on proper food preparation and hand
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4-H Teen Summit
Author: Taylor Miles
Major Program: Leadership
According to research, middle school is a time where young people find their place in this world, they are exploring where their strengths and interests align (Fagell. P.L., 2019). Therefore, it is impreative to provide positive experiences where young people may explore the world in a safe environment. Historically, there is a decline in enrollment numbers throughout the middle school years in 4-H programming, Kentucky 4-H hosts the Kentucky 4-H Summit Leadership Conference for middle schoolers
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Living With Arthritis
Author: Judy Vaughn
Major Program: Aging-General
Arthritis is the leading cause of working disability among adults according to the CDC. There are over one hundred different variations of arthritis and is often accompanied by other chronic conditions. Arthritis affects all ages and genders but is most common in women. According to America’s Health Rankings Annual Report for 2021, 32.2% of Kentucky residents report a diagnosis of Arthritis. A cure for arthritis has not been found but it can be managed with treatment
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© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment