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Contact Information

Craig Wood, Ph.D
Acting Associate Dean & Director
UK Cooperative Extension Service

S-107 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091

+1 (859) 257-4302


Contact Information

Craig Wood, Ph.D
Acting Associate Dean & Director
UK Cooperative Extension Service

S-107 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091

+1 (859) 257-4302

Fiscal Year:
Jul 1, 2023 - Jun 30, 2024

Securing Financial StabilityPlan of Work

Edmonson County CES

Securing Financial Stability
Enhance Life Skills and Build Consumer Awareness
Agents Involved:
Julia Wilson
Financial Education - General

Edmonson County consistently lags behind other areas of Kentucky in household income indicators, including personal income, population living below the poverty line, unemployment and revolving debt loads. Edmonson County's household median income is $33,550; much lower than the state average of $40,061. The percentage of the population living below the poverty level has increased the last few years to over 20%. Unemployment continues to be an issue because of the lack of industry in the county. In 2012, unemployment in Edmonson County was 9.4%. Eighty percent of workers travel outside Edmonson County to work with almost half (49.2%) traveling between 30-60 minutes to work. With the increased costs of fuel, it is difficult for unskilled workers to justify traveling so far to work for minimum wage jobs. 

Long-Term Outcomes:
  • Better family money management skills, such as reducing debt, increasing savings, and financial planning.
  • More effective employees and community leaders.
  • Improved financial capability for Kentuckians, results in better quality of life and stronger families.
Intermediate Outcomes:
  • Practice one or more resource management behaviors resulting in increased savings or investments.
  • Adopt financial planning strategies for short-, mid-, and long-term goals.
Initial Outcomes:
  • Increased knowledge and skills related to managing financial resources, including savings, credit, and financial planning.
  • Change knowledge, opinions, skills, and aspirations, to improve employability through work and practical living skills and continuing education practices.
  • Increase financial literacy (knowledge and skills) related to savings and investments.

Outcome:  Increased awareness of sound financial behaviors

Indicator(s):  Number of individuals who implemented at least one 

strategy to reduce expenses or manage money

Number of individuals who made a sound financial decision 

(regarding credit, budgeting, savings, and/or debt)

Method:  Retroactive pre-post

Timeline: Following financial education workshops

Outcome:  Increase knowledge and skills related to 

managing financial resources

Indicator: Number of individuals reporting increased levels of

understanding in the area: confidence in handling money issues

or specific financial matters

Method:  Retroactive pre-post 

Timeline:  Following financial education workshops

Outcome:  Increase knowledge and skills related to 

estate planning

Indicator: Number of individuals who took action toward 

implementing at least one estate planning strategy in regard to the subject matter presented

Method:  Retroactive pre-post 

Timeline:  Following financial education workshops

Learning Opportunities:

Audience: Adults

Project or Activity: Estate Planning Workshop

 Content or Curriculum: Estate Planning

 Inputs: FCS Specialist (family finance and resource 

management), curriculum publications and resources, and local 

partners such as an attorney, CPA and/or financial planner

  Date: Spring 2022

Audience: Adults, young adults, and teens

Project or Activity: Credit Education 

 Content or Curriculum: Good Credit Game

 Inputs: FCS Agent, curriculum publications and resources, 

Good Credit Game set

Date: Spring 2022

Project or Activity: Moneywise Newsletter

Content or Curriculum: MITT Newsletter 

Inputs: MITT 

Date: Monthly 

Project or Activity: Stretching your Holiday Dollar 

Content or Curriculum: Stretching your Holiday Dollar resources 

Inputs: Kentucky CES Agents & Assistants, CES publications & resources, Community partners, business owners. 

Date: October 2021