Securing Financial StabilityPlan of Work
Edmonson County CES
Securing Financial Stability
Enhance Life Skills and Build Consumer Awareness
Agents Involved:
Julia Wilson
Financial Education - General
Edmonson County consistently lags behind other areas of Kentucky in household income indicators, including personal income, population living below the poverty line, unemployment and revolving debt loads. Edmonson County's household median income is $33,550; much lower than the state average of $40,061. The percentage of the population living below the poverty level has increased the last few years to over 20%. Unemployment continues to be an issue because of the lack of industry in the county. In 2012, unemployment in Edmonson County was 9.4%. Eighty percent of workers travel outside Edmonson County to work with almost half (49.2%) traveling between 30-60 minutes to work. With the increased costs of fuel, it is difficult for unskilled workers to justify traveling so far to work for minimum wage jobs.
Long-Term Outcomes:
- Better family money management skills, such as reducing debt, increasing savings, and financial planning.
- More effective employees and community leaders.
- Improved financial capability for Kentuckians, results in better quality of life and stronger families.
Intermediate Outcomes:
- Practice one or more resource management behaviors resulting in increased savings or investments.
- Adopt financial planning strategies for short-, mid-, and long-term goals.
Initial Outcomes:
- Increased knowledge and skills related to managing financial resources, including savings, credit, and financial planning.
- Change knowledge, opinions, skills, and aspirations, to improve employability through work and practical living skills and continuing education practices.
- Increase financial literacy (knowledge and skills) related to savings and investments.
Outcome: Increased awareness of sound financial behaviors
Indicator(s): Number of individuals who implemented at least one
strategy to reduce expenses or manage money
Number of individuals who made a sound financial decision
(regarding credit, budgeting, savings, and/or debt)
Method: Retroactive pre-post
Timeline: Following financial education workshops
Outcome: Increase knowledge and skills related to
managing financial resources
Indicator: Number of individuals reporting increased levels of
understanding in the area: confidence in handling money issues
or specific financial matters
Method: Retroactive pre-post
Timeline: Following financial education workshops
Outcome: Increase knowledge and skills related to
estate planning
Indicator: Number of individuals who took action toward
implementing at least one estate planning strategy in regard to the subject matter presented
Method: Retroactive pre-post
Timeline: Following financial education workshops
Learning Opportunities:
Audience: Adults
Project or Activity: Estate Planning Workshop
Content or Curriculum: Estate Planning
Inputs: FCS Specialist (family finance and resource
management), curriculum publications and resources, and local
partners such as an attorney, CPA and/or financial planner
Date: Spring 2022
Audience: Adults, young adults, and teens
Project or Activity: Credit Education
Content or Curriculum: Good Credit Game
Inputs: FCS Agent, curriculum publications and resources,
Good Credit Game set
Date: Spring 2022
Project or Activity: Moneywise Newsletter
Content or Curriculum: MITT Newsletter
Inputs: MITT
Date: Monthly
Project or Activity: Stretching your Holiday Dollar
Content or Curriculum: Stretching your Holiday Dollar resources
Inputs: Kentucky CES Agents & Assistants, CES publications & resources, Community partners, business owners.
Date: October 2021
© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment