4-H Youth DevelopmentPlan of Work
Butler County CES
4-H Youth Development
Youth Development
Agents Involved:
Communications and Expressive Arts
4-H Youth Development is part of Kentucky Cooperative Extension. Extension’s mission is to make a positive difference in the lives of Kentucky citizens through non-formal education for the entire family. Extension agents and volunteers take the results of university research and explain it in such a way that different age groups can learn and apply the information to their own lives. 4-H is a youth organization committed to building outstanding leaders with marketable skills to succeed in today’s global society. 4-H empowers youth to reach their full potential, working and learning in partnership with caring adults.
Long-Term Outcomes:
Youth will contribute to self, family, community and to the institutions of our society. Youth will have reduced risky behavior now and in the future. 4-H alumni will be successful in a global society. 4-H youth will successfully enter the workplace and/or institution of higher learning.
Intermediate Outcomes:
Youth will use scientific decision making techniques to make decisions on a daily basis. Youth will express themselves to others in group settings and on an individual bases. Youth have a positive bond with a caring adult who believe in their success. Youth apply the skills learned in 4-H in other activities at home, school and in the community. Youth set and achieve goals through a 4-H program.
Initial Outcomes:
Youth will gain knowledge and skills in the decision-making process. Youth learn skills need to communicate with others. Adult mentors will understand elements of positive youth development. Youth learn and develop life skills though 4-H. Youth learn steps in goal setting and developing a plan of action.
Initial Outcome: Youth learn communication, decision-making, goal setting, plan of action. Adults understand positive youth development.
Indicator: Number of youth who participate
Method: Observation, survey, evaluation
Timeline: Pre/Post Surveys
Intermediate Outcome: Youth apply decision-making skills and communication learned in everyday life. Set and achieve goals through 4-H.
Indicator: Youth demonstrate skills learned
Method: Observation, survey, evaluation
Timeline: Pre/Post Surveys
Long-term Outcome: Youth will contribute to self, family, community and to the institutions of our society. Show less risky behavior and enter higher ed/workforce successfully.
Indicator: Youth will achieve, based upon demonstrated skills, leadership positions, scholarships, etc.
Method: Observation, survey, evaluation
Timeline: Pre/Post surveys
Learning Opportunities:
Audience: Youth, 4-Hers
Project or Activity: Citizenship
Content or Curriculum: 4-H Citizenship, 4-H curriculum
Inputs: Agent time, volunteers time, financial resources
Date: January –June 2022
Audience: Youth, 4-Hers
Project or Activity: Communications/Demonstrations
Content or Curriculum: 4-H curriculum
Inputs: Agent time, volunteers time
Date: July 2021 (State contest, State Fair contests) Jan./April 2022 (Speech contest, Demonstration Contests and Mock Interviews, County and Mammoth Cave Area)
Youth on PAT and Communications Boards, year round.
Audience: Youth, 4-Hers
Project or Activity: 4-H Clubs
Content or Curriculum: 4-H curriculum
Inputs: agent time, volunteer time, financial resources
Date: Year round
Audience: Youth, 4-Hers
Project or Activity: Project Camp
Content or Curriculum: 4-H curriculum
Inputs: Agent time, volunteers time, 4-H financial resources
Date: June 2022
Audience: Youth, 4-Hers
Project or Activity: SET Aerospace
Content or Curriculum: SET Aerospace
Inputs: Agent time, volunteers time
Date: April 2022 Youth on SET Board year round.
Success Stories
4-H Camp and Camping in the COVID world.
Author: Lloyd Saylor
Major Program: Camping
4-H Camp and camping.Although COVID mitigation operations plans resulted in us taking only 70 4-Hers to summer Camp, we were able to have camp, meet the challenges, and provide the life enhancing experiences that our youth need. The KY State 4-H Office says that a county our size should take a minimum of 25 camp participants. That a county our size, doing an excellent job should have a goal of 40 participants. Our usual camp participation ranges from year to year between 90 and
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Author: Lloyd Saylor
Major Program: Economic Development and Workforce Preparation – 4-H Youth Development
2022 Farm Safety Day Camp In May of 2022 The Butler County Extension Service worked with several community partners to offer the Progressive Agriculture Safety Day Camp for all the 4th graders in our community. All of the office staff worked to make the day a success. The program was held at the extension office because of the unique capabilities of our facility, and the willingness of our staff to support the event. The 4-H agent Lloyd Saylor served on the planning commit
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Teen Conference
Author: Lloyd Saylor
Major Program: Community Vitality and Leadership – 4-H Youth Development
Teen Conference 2022 Success Story The 98th Annual Kentucky 4-H Teen Conference was held at the University of Kentucky June 14-17, 2022. The objectives of Kentucky 4-H Teen Conference are: develop leadership and teamwork skills, improve communication skills, foster civic engagement, expand knowledge and skills related to 4-H core content areas, gain club, county and state 4-H program skills, have fun, create a sense of belonging, expand social skills through networking, dev
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© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment