Healthy HomesPlan of Work
Knott County CES
Healthy Homes
Healthy Homes and Communities
Agents Involved:
Linda Combs, Dora Centers, Chad Conway
Food Preparation and Preservation
As we progress into the 21st century, a number of factors have gained prevalence within the family and consumer science field, driven by the increase of online shopping, the rise of video-based home tutorials, and shifting family structures, as evident by 17% of stay-at-home parents being fathers. This ever-changing family landscape highlights the need for a responsive and innovative FCS program, while also providing the basic needs that all families have. As these families navigate the many challenges life brings, Kentucky 4-H seeks to meet these needs through working with youth and families in a variety of situations to increase their consumer awareness, financial management, nutrition, culinary arts, textiles, housing, and human development.
Long-Term Outcomes:
• Be responsible and contributing individuals and family members
• Gain and maintain employment through life skill development
• Contribute to a safe and healthy home and community.
Intermediate Outcomes:
·Utilize and practice life skills in projects and life situations
·Project a positive image and self-confidence
·Practice responsible consumer and financial decision-making
·Practice healthy eating choices
·Make choices that lead to responsible and beneficial results
·Adopt habits and skills that contribute toward employability in the future
Initial Outcomes:
·Gain knowledge and develop skills in Family & Consumer Sciences projects and programs
·Understand the decision-making process
·Gain skills in setting a goal and developing a plan of action
·Learn to read and follow instructions
·Outcome to be Evaluated
oYouth who engage in FCS project Work
·Indicator of Success for Outcome
oYouth complete a FCS Project
·Method of Evaluation
o4-H Common Measures Universal Survey
Learning Opportunities:
·Consumer & Financial Ed.
oCurriculum: It’s Your Reality
oTraining: Agent In-services
·4-H Food Preparation & Nutrition
oCurriculum: 4-H Cooking, Jump into Food and Fitness, Exploring MyPlate
oTraining: Agent In-services
© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment