Develop Individual Youth and Adults for Leadership Volunteer Roles Plan of Work
Metcalfe County CES
Develop Individual Youth and Adults for Leadership Volunteer Roles
Engaged Communities
Agents Involved:
Bell, Blankenship, Branstetter
Kentucky Extension Homemaker Association
Kentucky Extension Leadership Development (KELD): Developing Core Leadership Skills
Community Leadership Development
Volunteer Development
Volunteers are important in building engaged and empowered communities.
The Kentucky Extension Homemakers Association mission is to improve the quality of life for families and communities through education, leadership development and volunteer service. With membership totaling more than 13,000 statewide, members are engaged leaders and active volunteers.
4-H Youth and Volunteer Leadership is about:
- Learning about the concept of leadership and your individual role as a leader.
- Using leadership skills to effectively lead small groups and teams toward common goals.
Work within our community (club/county/state or beyond) to become an engaged leader who can make a difference.
Volunteers make up the Metcalfe County Ag Development Council and are important in overseeing the use and distribution of Ag Development Funds.
Long-Term Outcomes:
KEHA members, 4-H volunteers, and Council members serve as active Extension and community volunteers engaged in addressing community needs.
Intermediate Outcomes:
Leaders will practice personal leadership skills through leadership roles at the club, county, area and/or state level.
The number of volunteer service hours reported annually for KEHA, Extension and Community activities will increase.
Initial Outcomes:
Members and volunteers will gain organizational knowledge through annual officer and chairman training.
Members and volunteers will increase knowledge and skills in personal leadership through club lessons and special interest workshops.
Youth and Volunteers will serve as teen and adult leaders in our community, organizations, and as mentors for younger youth. Youth will be productive, contributing adults in the future, leadership and communications skills needed to be successful in the workplace on a daily basis
Outcome: Members and volunteers will increase knowledge and skills in personal leadership through club lessons and special interest workshops.
Indicator: Number of individuals reporting improved personal and interpersonal leadership knowledge and/or Number of individuals reporting improved personal and interpersonal leadership skills.
Method: end of program evaluations, surveys
Timeline: on-going
Outcome: Leaders will practice personal leadership skills through leadership roles at the club, county, area and/or state level.
Indicator: Number of members who utilized knowledge gained through officer training to fulfill a leadership role at the club, county, area and/or state level.
Method: Observation, review of officer directories
Timeline: on-going
Long Term Outcome: Youth and Volunteers will serve as teen and adult leaders in our community, organizations, and as mentors for younger youth. They will be productive, contributing adults in the future, leadership and communications skills needed to be successful in the workplace on a daily basis.
Indicator: Number of volunteers and youth in leadership and communication roles
Method: Observation, Pre and Post Written Test
Timeline: On Going
Learning Opportunities:
Audience: Metcalfe County Extension Homemakers
Project or Activity: KEHA Leader Training and/or Special Interest Workshops Content or Curriculum: KELD Curriculum, FCS Extension Lesson Resources, FCS CurriculumInputs: FCS Agents, State Advisors
Date: 9 annual sessions
Audience: Metcalfe County Extension Homemakers
Project or Activity: MCA Area Meeting and KEHA State Meeting Content or Curriculum: Officer Training & Educational Chairman Workshops Inputs: FCS Agents, Area Advisors, State Advisors
Date: Annually, KEHA in spring and MCA in Fall
Audience: Metcalfe Co. Extension Council ANR, FCS & 4 – H YD Adv. Cncls.
Project or Activity: Twice annual planning meetings
Content or Curriculum: KELD, POW, Annual County Report, Publications, Legislative update info etc…
Inputs: Extension Agents, State specialists, D- 6 Director, Extension office resources
Date: Annually in Spring and Fall
Audience: 4-H Volunteers
Project or Activity: 4-H Volunteer Orientation
Content or Curriculum: 4-H Curriculum
Inputs: Agent, Extension Office, Volunteers
Date: Fall
Audience: 4-H Youth
Project or Activity: 4-H Officer Orientation
Content or Curriculum: 4-H Curriculum
Inputs: Agent, Extension Office
Date: Fall
Audience: 4-H Youth
Project or Activity: 4-H Club meetings
Content or Curriculum: 4-H Curriculum
Inputs: Agent, Extension Office
Date: on going
Audience: 4-H Council
Project or Activity: Monthly Meetings
Content or Curriculum: Volunteer Development
Inputs: Agent, Extension Office, Community Partners, Volunteers
Date: on Going
Audience: 4-H Youth
Project or Activity: 4-H Communications and Expressive Arts
Content or Curriculum: 4-H Curriculum
Inputs: Agent, Extension Office, Volunteers
Date: August-May
Audience: 4-H Youth
Project or Activity: Metcalfe County TAG
Content or Curriculum: 4-H Curriculum
Inputs: Agent, Extension Office, Community Partners
Date: August-May
Audience: AG Development Council
Project or Activity: Ag Development Funds
Content or Curriculum: GOAP
Inputs: Agent, Council Members GOAP
Date: Ongoing
Success Stories
4-H Thank you for Making Me the Person I am Today
Author: Amy Branstetter
Major Program: Leadership
From my first cow camp all the way to right now as Council Secretary, 4-H has been a big part of my life. I can remember being younger out at Wisdom Faith Christian Academy when my 4-H Agent or any of the others from the Extension office would come, they would always call out the older classes for their club meeting, for us to go and participate in what the activity was for the day. I can remember it was always the older kids that got to have their club meetings. So when I was little we would al
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4-H and PAT making a difference
Author: Amy Branstetter
Major Program: Communications and Expressive Arts
Metcalfe County High School sophomore has found herself on stage all over the area, performing for a variety of organizations. That ever-growing list has included the Kentucky 4-H Performing Arts Troupe and Leadership Board for the past two years. It’s perhaps an unusual departure for a national organization with its roots steeped for decades in agriculture, but it is part of a new generation of 4-H activities designed to draw more youth to the organization. “When people think
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4-H Summit Success
Author: Amy Branstetter
Major Program: Leadership
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic the 2021 Kentucky 4-H Summit could not be implemented in the typical face-to-face format. Kentucky 4-H Program volunteers, members, and professionals decided, based on current events and fundamental developmental needs, that middle school youth needed the opportunity to connect to others and practice their leadership skills through 4-H. If adolescents are to develop the skills necessary for adulthood, they must learn basic skills for everyday life (Carnegie Council f
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Legacy Dairy
Author: Amy Branstetter
Major Program: Agriculture
The Mammoth Cave area is the heart of the dairy industry in Kentucky. Over 50% of the state’s total dairies and over 75% of the state’s total dairy cattle are located in south central Kentucky. Agents from this area joined forces to bring an educational video that not only focuses on dairy production but adding value past the farm gate. Legacy Dairy owned by the Jones family, bottles the milk from their cows right on the farm. The non-homogenize
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Gardening and Outdoor Activity for Physical and Mental Healthiness
Author: Lynn Blankenship
Major Program: Community Gardens and Horticulture Therapy
This FCS Agent created a comprehensive curriculum and evaluation, for the April 2021 Mammoth Cave Area Homemakers Leader training, with the theme of Gardening and Outdoor Activity for Physical and Mental Healthiness. This FCS Agent was the first to travel to all ten Counties post COVID, to deliver an approved, COVID safe monthly area Homemaker Leader Training in person, to 64 Homemaker Leaders. These leader volunteers then delivered the lesson to the members of their Homemaker Clubs,
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© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment