Life Skill Development for All AgesPlan of Work
Monroe County CES
Life Skill Development for All Ages
Family and Consumer Sciences
Agents Involved:
Turner, Susan
Family and Consumer Science
According to a 2019 profile produced by Kentucky By the Numbers, 34.6% of Monroe County youth ages 0 to 17 live in poverty with a county poverty rate of 23%. Children who live in poverty are more likely to have learning disabilities and developmental delays. Furthermore, children who start kindergarten with delayed development and fewer assets are by far more likely to repeat grades, get tracked into lower-tier classes and drop out of high school than more advantaged children. The Monroe County Community Assessment indicated that there was a need for more education in the areas of basic life skill instruction and financial management. Kentucky 4-H and the Family and Consumer Sciences program seeks to meet these needs through working with youth and families in a variety of situations to increase their consumer awareness, financial management, nutrition, culinary arts, textiles, housing, and human development.
Long-Term Outcomes:
Foster the positive development of children
Be responsible and contributing individuals and family members
Gain and maintain employment through life skill development
Contribute to a safe and healthy home and community
Early development of financial management skills
Intermediate Outcomes:
Practice responsible consumer and financial decision-making
Practice healthy eating choices
Adopt habits and skills that contribute toward employability in the future
Utilize and practice life skills in projects and life situations
Project a positive image and self-confidence
Initial Outcomes:
Gain knowledge and develop skills in Family & Consumer Sciences projects and programs
Understand the decision-making process
Gain skills in setting a goal and developing a plan of action
Learn to read and follow instructions
Outcome: Gain knowledge and develop skills in Family & Consumer Sciences projects and programs
Indicator: Effective completion of FCS project
Method: project record books, fair entries, club activities
Timeline: annually
Outcome: Gain skills in setting a goal and developing a plan of action
Indicator: quality completion of projects and skills learned
Indicator: setting and achieving goals
Method: testimonials of members, parents, and leaders
Timeline: annually
Outcome: Adopt habits and skills that contribute toward employability in the future
Indicator: ability to recognize career requirements
Method: Project club work
Timeline: Annually
Outcome: Practice healthy eating habits
Indicator: testimonials from clientele and parents
Method: after-school and club programming
Timeline: Annually
Learning Opportunities:
Audience: Youth ages 14-18
Project/Program: American Private Enterprise Program
Curriculum: American Private Enterprise
Inputs: curriculum, volunteers, paid staff, facilities
Date: March/April 2021
Audience: Youth in grade 8
Project/Program: 4-H Reality Store
Curriculum: 4-H Build a Million, Building a Healthy, Wealthy Future, Consumer Savvy
Inputs: curriculum, paid staff
Date: classroom instruction held during school March and April
Audience: Youth ages 9 to 18
Project/Program: 4-H Babysitting Program
Curriculum: Babysitting Basics, Fathers Reading Every Day
Inputs: curriculum, paid staff, volunteers, facilities
Date: club meetings held after school September through May
Audience: Youth ages 9 to 18
Project/Program: 4-H Sewing Project
Curriculum: Sewing Basics, Fashion Magic, Fashion Forward
Inputs: curriculum, paid staff, Master Clothing Volunteers, volunteers, facilities
Date: club meetings held after school September through May
Audience: Youth ages 9 to 18
Project/Program: 4-H Nutrition Education
Curriculum: Teen Cuisine, 4-H Cooking, Jump into Food and Fitness, Plate It Up, International Foods, Exploring MyPlate
Inputs: curriculum, paid staff, volunteers, facilities, SNAP resources
Date: club meetings held after school and during school hours September through May
Audience: Youth ages 9 to 18
Project/Program: Super Star Chef
Curriculum: Super Star Chef
Inputs: curriculum, paid staff, volunteers, facilities, SNAP resources
Date: July, annually
Audience: Youth ages 5 to 8
Project/Program: 4-H Clover Bud Nutrition Education
Curriculum: Literacy, Eating, and Activity for Primary (LEAP)
Inputs: curriculum, paid staff, volunteers, facilities, SNAP resources
Date: monthly meetings held during school hours September through May
© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment