Health, Wellness & Safety 2020-24Plan of Work
Lincoln County CES
Health, Wellness & Safety 2020-24
Health, Wellness & Safety
Agents Involved:
Courtney Brock, Tyler Miller, Rita Stewart
Nutrition and Food Systems General
Food Preparation and Preservation
Active Living and Health Promotions General
The obesity epidemic threatens the quality and years of life of Kentuckians. Obesity has important consequences on the health and economy of our county. Obesity is linked to many chronic health conditions, including diabetes, heart disease, stroke, and some types of cancer. Kentucky ranks 29th in consumption of fruits and vegetables among states. Kentucky youth rank among the ten highest for obesity. In Lincoln County, 39% of adults reported no physical activity during the last month. Only around 14% of adults reported eating five or more servings of fruits and vegetables per day. Many chronic diseases, such as diabetes, heart disease, and stroke, are also prevalent in Lincoln County. As a result, Lincoln County residents have an increased risk of premature death (or loss of years of potential life prior to age 75). Increased consumption of unhealthy food, stress, and built environments that promote physical inactivity are largely responsible for the obesity epidemic. As a result, Kentuckians are dying from heart disease and cancer at higher rates than other Americans.?
People are living longer. Kentucky’s current population of seniors (65+) is 16.4% (2019 Census Data). As the largest and fastest-growing segment of the U.S. population, older adults influence everything from consumer behavior to health-care costs (U.S. Census)?
The recent statewide needs assessment identified substance use prevention and recovery as the most urgent priority for Cooperative Extension.? Moreover, substance use was the focal point of the CES Advisory Council Meeting in early 2019.? Taken together, youth KIP survey data and data from the CES needs assessment demonstrate the need to address substance use prevention, recovery, stigma, and impact on families and communities.
Long-Term Outcomes:
Empower families to make proactive choices to improve individual health and well-being, whether accessing nutritious foods and increasing the number of fruits and vegetables consumed; increasing literacy for chronic disease prevention; preparing healthier, safer meals; and participating in regular physical activity.?
By making better choices related to their health and their families’ health, they will have less risk of chronic disease, spend less on health care, experience fewer sick days, and have a better quality of life.?
There will be an increase in the practice and promotion of physical activity and healthy eating on a daily basis.?
Participants will better manage and prevent the risk, debilitation, and premature death related to diabetes, cancer, heart disease, stroke, and hypertension. Adults and youth will better manage their weight.?
The individual, family, community, and our country will all be positively impacted in terms of savings related to healthier living.
The prevention and/or reduction of substance use and its related consequences.
Changed public perception of substance use via stigma reduction.
Intermediate Outcomes:
Participants will access more local and nutritious foods, especially fruits and vegetables. Such access may include redeeming Farmers Market Nutrition Program benefits.?
They will plant, harvest, and preserve produce.?
Participants will also apply improved food preparation skills, food management skills, food safety and healthy eating and physical activity habits.?
They will practice making healthy food choices and strengthen their ability to build healthy eating plans and patterns.?
Participants will make positive lifestyle changes related to obesity, physical activity, and healthy eating, leading to better weight management and a reduction of chronic disease.
Increased access to healthy food via local farmers markets, food retailers, and/or home gardens
Reduced stigma from local community members related to substance abuse
Decrease tobacco/ substance use
More Kentucky households prepare for caregiving
Kentuckians will seek health screenings and vaccines
Older Kentuckians will prevent falls
Kentuckians will address mental health
Initial Outcomes:
Participants will experience changes in awareness, knowledge, opinions, skills, and attitudes needed to make informed choices regarding healthy lifestyles (nutrition and physical activity), childhood and youth obesity, weight management, practice and promotion of daily physical activity, reduction of chronic disease, food safety, and accessing nutritious foods
Increase motivation to be active
Increase awareness of accessible safe places for activity
Improve food and nutrition-related skills (e.g. gardening, preparation and preservation techniques, safe food handling, food resource management)
Kentuckians understand the importance of lifestyle choices and behaviors throughout their lifespan on their overall health, well-being and life quality
Kentuckians learn how to make healthy lifestyle choices
Kentuckians learn that caregiver preparation is important
Kentuckians learn that disease prevention and early detection is important
Kentuckians learn about resources to enhance life quality, safety and to support aging families
Increased knowledge of substance use prevention, addiction, and recovery (or related subject matter)
Increased ability to use destigmatized language
Improved social skills and/or self-efficacy in KY youth
Initial Outcome: Participants will experience changes in awareness, knowledge, opinions, skills, and attitudes needed to make informed choices regarding healthy lifestyles (nutrition and physical activity), childhood and youth obesity, weight management, practice and promotion of daily physical activity, reduction of chronic disease, food safety, and accessing nutritious foods
Indicator: Survey results
Method: Survey
Timeline: At program completion
Intermediate Outcome: Increased access to healthy food via local farmers markets, food retailers, and/or home gardens
Indicator: Survey results
Method: Survey
Timeline: Annual survey
Long-term Outcome: By making better choices related to their health and their families’ health, they will have less risk of chronic disease, spend less on health care, experience fewer sick days, and have a better quality of life.?
Indicator: Long-term survey results from Ephraim-McDowell Hospital
Method: Self-evaluation
Timeline: 5+ years
Learning Opportunities:
Audience: General Public & Extension Homemakers
Activity: "Sensational Salads" Leader Training
Content or Curriculum: FCS Curriculum
Inputs: Lincoln County Public Library, Health Dept, Ephraim McDowell Regional Medical Center in Stanford and Danville, Kentucky Cancer Program, local doctors’ offices, Kentucky State University, home health agencies, Lincoln County Senior Citizens Center, Elementary Schools, Family and Youth Service Centers, Lincoln County School System, local industries, Community Leaders, Boneyville Baptist Church and AME Church.
Date: February
Audience: General Public?
Activity:? Electric Pressure Cooker Group Meetings
Content or Curriculum:? FCS Curriculum
Inputs: Lincoln County Public Library, Health Dept, Ephraim McDowell Regional Medical Center in Stanford and Danville, Kentucky Cancer Program, local doctors’ offices, Kentucky State University, home health agencies, Lincoln County Senior Citizens Center, Elementary Schools, Family and Youth Service Centers, Lincoln County School System, local industries, Community Leaders, Boneyville Baptist Church and AME Church.
Date: All Year
Audience: General Public
Activity: Plate It Up Kentucky Proud Demonstrations
Content or Curriculum: Plate It Up Kentucky Proud recipes/information
Inputs: Lincoln County Public Library, Health Dept, Ephraim McDowell Regional Medical Center in Stanford and Danville, Kentucky Cancer Program, local doctors’ offices, Kentucky State University, home health agencies, Lincoln County Senior Citizens Center, Elementary Schools, Family and Youth Service Centers, Lincoln County School System, local industries, Community Leaders, Boneyville Baptist Church and AME Church.
Date: All Year
Audience: General Public
Activity: Farmers Market Program
Content or Curriculum: FCS Plate It Up Materials, KDA training guides/powerpoints
Inputs: Lincoln County Public Library, Health Dept, Ephraim McDowell Regional Medical Center in Stanford and Danville, Kentucky Cancer Program, local doctors’ offices, Kentucky State University, home health agencies, Lincoln County Senior Citizens Center, Elementary Schools, Family and Youth Service Centers, Lincoln County School System, local industries, Community Leaders, Boneyville Baptist Church and AME Church.
Date: All Year
Audience: General Public
Activity: #StrongerTogetherLincoln Program Focus on Mental Health
Content or Curriculum: FCS Curriculum?
Inputs: Lincoln County Public Library, Health Dept, Ephraim McDowell Regional Medical Center in Stanford and Danville, Kentucky Cancer Program, local doctors’ offices, Kentucky State University, home health agencies, Lincoln County Senior Citizens Center, Elementary Schools, Family and Youth Service Centers, Lincoln County School System, local industries, Community Leaders, Boneyville Baptist Church and AME Church.
Date: Fall
Audience: General Public
Activity: Addiction 101 multi-county program
Content or Curriculum: FCS Curriculum?
Inputs: Lincoln County Public Library, Health Dept, Ephraim McDowell Regional Medical Center in Stanford and Danville, Kentucky Cancer Program, local doctors’ offices, Kentucky State University, home health agencies, Lincoln County Senior Citizens Center, Elementary Schools, Family and Youth Service Centers, Lincoln County School System, local industries, Community Leaders, Boneyville Baptist Church and AME Church.
Date: Spring
Audience: General Public
Activity: Boneyville Community Outreach Program at Boneyville Church
Content or Curriculum: Health Education and Screenings, farming and gardening updates, youth activities.
Inputs: Health Dept, Ephraim McDowell Regional Medical Center in Stanford and Danville, Kentucky Cancer Program, local doctors’ offices, Kentucky State University, home health agencies, Lincoln County Senior Citizens Center, Elementary Schools, Lincoln County Public Library, Family and Youth Service Centers, Lincoln County School System, Community Leaders, Boneyville Baptist Church, AME Church, and others.
Date: Fall or Spring
Audience: Early Childhood Parents
Activity: Early Childhood Nutrition Education Programs
Content or Curriculum: FCS Publications, HEEL Program Materials/ Got Vegetables Program
Inputs: Health Dept, Ephraim McDowell Regional Medical Center in Stanford and Danville, Kentucky Cancer Program, American Cancer Society, local doctors’ offices, Kentucky State University, home health agencies, Lincoln County Senior Citizens Center, Elementary Schools, Lincoln County Public Library, Family and Youth Service Centers, Lincoln County School System, Community Leaders, Boneyville Baptist Church and AME Church.
Date: Spring
Audience: General Public
Activity: Provide nutritional information related to disease prevention and management (low-fat, low cholesterol, reduced sugar and salt especially) as requested by clientele
Content or Curriculum: FCS Materials, HEEL Program Materials, 4-H Professor Popcorn
Inputs: Health Dept, Ephraim McDowell Regional Medical Center in Stanford and Danville, Kentucky Cancer Program, local doctors’ offices, Kentucky State University, home health agencies, Lincoln County Senior Citizens Center, Elementary Schools, Lincoln County Public Library, Family and Youth Service Centers, Lincoln County School System, Community Leaders, Boneyville Baptist Church and AME Church.
Date: All Year As Needed by Clientele
Audience: General Public
Activity: Newsletter, Newspaper, and Radio Programs
Content or Curriculum: Health Education (HEEL Information), Agent Exclusives, 4-H Nutrition Information
Inputs: Health Dept, Ephraim McDowell Regional Medical Center in Stanford and Danville, Kentucky Cancer Program, American Cancer Society, local doctors’ offices, Kentucky State University, home health agencies, Lincoln County Senior Citizens Center, Elementary Schools, Lincoln County Public Library, Family and Youth Service Centers, Lincoln County School System, Community Leaders, Boneyville Baptist Church and AME Church.
Date: All Year
Audience: Limited Resource Families
Activity: SNAP Program Efforts and Programs
Content or Curriculum: FCS Publications, 4-H Curriculum, AG Resources
Inputs: Health Dept, Ephraim McDowell Regional Medical Center in Stanford and Danville, Kentucky Cancer Program, American Cancer Society, local doctors’ offices, Kentucky State University, home health agencies, Lincoln County Senior Citizens Center, Elementary Schools, Lincoln County Public Library, Family and Youth Service Centers, Lincoln County School System, Community Leaders, Boneyville Baptist Church and AME Church.
Date: All Year
Audience: General Public
Activity: Pressure Canner Gauge Testing Opportunities
Content or Curriculum: Food Preservation/Food Safety Guidelines
Inputs: Health Dept, Ephraim McDowell Regional Medical Center in Stanford and Danville, Kentucky Cancer Program, American Cancer Society, local doctors’ offices, Kentucky State University, home health agencies, Lincoln County Senior Citizens Center, Elementary Schools, Lincoln County Public Library, Family and Youth Service Centers, Lincoln County School System, Community Leaders, Boneyville Baptist Church and AME Church.
Date: Spring/Summer
Audience: General Public
Activity: Food Preservation Education Opportunities/Workshops
Content or Curriculum: FCS Curriculum
Inputs: Health Dept, Ephraim McDowell Regional Medical Center in Stanford and Danville, Kentucky Cancer Program, American Cancer Society, local doctors’ offices, Kentucky State University, home health agencies, Lincoln County Senior Citizens Center, Elementary Schools, Lincoln County Public Library, Family and Youth Service Centers, Lincoln County School System, Community Leaders, Boneyville Baptist Church and AME Church.
Date: Spring/Summer
Audience: General Public
Activity: National Dining with Diabetes Program & other diabetes training
Content or Curriculum:? FCS Curriculum
Inputs: Health Dept, Ephraim McDowell Regional Medical Center in Stanford and Danville, Kentucky Cancer Program, American Cancer Society, local doctors’ offices, Kentucky State University, home health agencies, Lincoln County Senior Citizens Center, Elementary Schools, Lincoln County Public Library, Family and Youth Service Centers, Lincoln County School System, Community Leaders, Boneyville Baptist Church and AME Church.
Date: Fall/Spring
Audience: General Public
Activity: Diabetes Support Group
Content or Curriculum: Family Mealtime/Dining FCS Materials/Curriculum
Inputs: Health Dept, Ephraim McDowell Regional Medical Center in Stanford and Danville, Kentucky Cancer Program, American Cancer Society, local doctors’ offices, Kentucky State University, home health agencies, Lincoln County Senior Citizens Center, Elementary Schools, Lincoln County Public Library, Family and Youth Service Centers, Lincoln County School System, Community Leaders, Boneyville Baptist Church and AME Church.
Date: Monthly
Audience: General Public
Activity: Home-Based Processing and Microprocessing Workshops
Content or Curriculum: FCS and State Curriculum/Materials
Inputs: Health Dept, Ephraim McDowell Regional Medical Center in Stanford and Danville, Kentucky Cancer Program, American Cancer Society, local doctors’ offices, Kentucky State University, home health agencies, Lincoln County Senior Citizens Center, Elementary Schools, Lincoln County Public Library, Family and Youth Service Centers, Lincoln County School System, Community Leaders, Boneyville Baptist Church and AME Church.
Date: As Requested
Audience: Senior Citizens
Activity: Senior Citizens Center Nutrition Education Programs
Content or Curriculum: Kentucky Gets FoodWise, Food Fundamentals, FCS Publications and Programs emphasizing fruit and vegetable consumption and making healthy food choices.
Inputs: Health Dept, Ephraim McDowell Regional Medical Center in Stanford and Danville, Kentucky Cancer Program, American Cancer Society, local doctors’ offices, Kentucky State University, home health agencies, Lincoln County Senior Citizens Center, Elementary Schools, Lincoln County Public Library, Family and Youth Service Centers, Lincoln County School System, Community Leaders, Boneyville Baptist Church and AME Church.
Date: Monthly programs-all year.
Audience: General Public
Activity: Physical Activity Educational Walking Program
Content or Curriculum: FCS Program Materials emphasizing physical activity
Inputs: Health Dept, Ephraim McDowell Regional Medical Center in Stanford and Danville, Kentucky Cancer Program, American Cancer Society, local doctors’ offices, Kentucky State University, home health agencies, Lincoln County Senior Citizens Center, Elementary Schools, Lincoln County Public Library, Family and Youth Service Centers, Lincoln County School System, Community Leaders, Boneyville Baptist Church and AME Church.
Date: Spring
Audience: General Public
Activity: Lunch-n-Learn Nutrition Education Programs
Content or Curriculum: FCS/HEEL materials
Inputs: Health Dept, Ephraim McDowell Regional Medical Center in Stanford and Danville, Kentucky Cancer Program, American Cancer Society, local doctors’ offices, Kentucky State University, home health agencies, Lincoln County Senior Citizens Center, Elementary Schools, Lincoln County Public Library, Family and Youth Service Centers, Lincoln County School System, Community Leaders, Boneyville Baptist Church and AME Church.
Date: Monthly programs, except for January, February and March
Audience: Preschool-8th Grades
Activity: Windowsill Garden Project in the Elementary Schools
Content or Curriculum: 4-H Curriculum
Inputs: Health Dept, Ephraim McDowell Regional Medical Center in Stanford and Danville, Kentucky Cancer Program, American Cancer Society, local doctors’ offices, Kentucky State University, home health agencies, Lincoln County Senior Citizens Center, Elementary Schools, Lincoln County Public Library, Family and Youth Service Centers, Lincoln County School System, Community Leaders, Boneyville Baptist Church and AME Church.
Date: Spring
Audience: General Public
Activity: Sizzlin' Summer Series Workshops
Content or Curriculum: FCS and 4-H Curriculums
Inputs: Health Dept, Ephraim McDowell Regional Medical Center in Stanford and Danville, Kentucky Cancer Program, American Cancer Society, local doctors’ offices, Kentucky State University, home health agencies, Lincoln County Senior Citizens Center, Elementary Schools, Lincoln County Public Library, Family and Youth Service Centers, Lincoln County School System, Community Leaders, Boneyville Baptist Church and AME Church.
Date: Summer
Audience: General Public
Activity: Mental Health/Farm Stress Series
Content or Curriculum: FCS and 4-H Curriculums
Inputs: Health Dept, Ephraim McDowell Regional Medical Center in Stanford and Danville, Kentucky Cancer Program, American Cancer Society, local doctors’ offices, Kentucky State University, home health agencies, Lincoln County Senior Citizens Center, Elementary Schools, Lincoln County Public Library, Family and Youth Service Centers, Lincoln County School System, Community Leaders, Boneyville Baptist Church and AME Church.
Date: Summer or Fall
Audience: Youth
Activity: Youth Day Camps
Content or Curriculum: FSNEP, FCS, SNAP and 4-H Curriculum
Inputs: Health Dept, Ephraim McDowell Regional Medical Center in Stanford and Danville, Kentucky Cancer Program, American Cancer Society, local doctors’ offices, Kentucky State University, home health agencies, Lincoln County Senior Citizens Center, Elementary Schools, Lincoln County Public Library, Family and Youth Service Centers, Lincoln County School System, Community Leaders, Boneyville Baptist Church and AME Church.
Date: Summer
Audience: Youth
Activity: Health Rocks!
Core: Health Rocks, 4-H Health Curriculum
Inputs: Health Dept, Ephraim McDowell Regional Medical Center in Stanford and Danville, Kentucky Cancer Program, American Cancer Society, local doctors’ offices, Kentucky State University, home health agencies, Lincoln County Senior Citizens Center, Elementary Schools, Lincoln County Public Library, Family and Youth Service Centers, Lincoln County School System, Community Leaders, Boneyville Baptist Church and AME Church.
Date: throughout school year
Audience: General Public
Activity: Home Gardening Updates
Content: Garden Production Marketing Topics
Inputs: Health Dept, Ephraim McDowell Regional Medical Center in Stanford and Danville, Kentucky Cancer Program, American Cancer Society, local doctors’ offices, Kentucky State University, home health agencies, Lincoln County Senior Citizens Center, Elementary Schools, Lincoln County Public Library, Family and Youth Service Centers, Lincoln County School System, Community Leaders, Boneyville Baptist Church and AME Church.
Date: Spring/Summer
Audience: General Public
Activity: Farmers Market & Voucher Certification Training Programs
Content: FCS Publications, Ky. Department of Agriculture Training Materials
Inputs: Health Dept, Ephraim McDowell Regional Medical Center in Stanford and Danville, Kentucky Cancer Program, American Cancer Society, local doctors’ offices, Kentucky State University, home health agencies, Lincoln County Senior Citizens Center, Elementary Schools, Lincoln County Public Library, Family and Youth Service Centers, Lincoln County School System, Community Leaders, Boneyville Baptist Church and AME Church.
Date: Spring & Summer
Audience: Early Childhood Students (3 and 4 Year Olds)
Activity: LEAP Program NEP Assistant's work
Content: LEAP Materials
Inputs: Health Dept, Ephraim McDowell Regional Medical Center in Stanford and Danville, Kentucky Cancer Program, American Cancer Society, local doctors’ offices, Kentucky State University, home health agencies, Lincoln County Senior Citizens Center, Elementary Schools, Lincoln County Public Library, Family and Youth Service Centers, Lincoln County School System, Community Leaders, Boneyville Baptist Church and AME Church.
Date: Monthly during the school year
Audience: Youth
Activity: 4-H In-School & Community Clubs
Content: Professor Popcorn, 4-H & FCS Curriculum
Inputs: Health Dept, Ephraim McDowell Regional Medical Center in Stanford and Danville, Kentucky Cancer Program, American Cancer Society, local doctors’ offices, Kentucky State University, home health agencies, Lincoln County Senior Citizens Center, Elementary Schools, Lincoln County Public Library, Family and Youth Service Centers, Lincoln County School System, Community Leaders, Boneyville Baptist Church and AME Church.
Date: All Year
Audience: General Public
Activity: Herbs & Gardening Programs
Content: UK Publications
Inputs: Health Dept, Ephraim McDowell Regional Medical Center in Stanford and Danville, Kentucky Cancer Program, American Cancer Society, local doctors’ offices, Kentucky State University, home health agencies, Lincoln County Senior Citizens Center, Elementary Schools, Lincoln County Public Library, Family and Youth Service Centers, Lincoln County School System, Community Leaders, Boneyville Baptist Church and AME Church.
Date: Spring
Audience: General Public
Activity: Farmers' Market Educational Programs
Content or Curriculum: FCS Publications
Inputs: Health Dept, Ephraim McDowell Regional Medical Center in Stanford and Danville, Kentucky Cancer Program, American Cancer Society, local doctors’ offices, Kentucky State University, home health agencies, Lincoln County Senior Citizens Center, Elementary Schools, Lincoln County Public Library, Family and Youth Service Centers, Lincoln County School System, Community Leaders, Boneyville Baptist Church and AME Church.
Date: Summer
Audience: General Public
Activity: Coordinate Health/Wellness Booth for County Field Day
Content or Curriculum: FCS & 4-H Materials,?
Inputs: Health Dept, Ephraim McDowell Regional Medical Center in Stanford and Danville, Kentucky Cancer Program, American Cancer Society, local doctors’ offices, Kentucky State University, home health agencies, Lincoln County Senior Citizens Center, Elementary Schools, Lincoln County Public Library, Family and Youth Service Centers, Lincoln County School System, Community Leaders, Boneyville Baptist Church and AME Church.
Date: Summer/Fall
Audience: General Public
Activity: Provide information on physical activity as requested by clientele
Content or Curriculum: FCS & 4-H Materials
Inputs: Health Dept, Ephraim McDowell Regional Medical Center in Stanford and Danville, Kentucky Cancer Program, American Cancer Society, local doctors’ offices, Kentucky State University, home health agencies, Lincoln County Senior Citizens Center, Elementary Schools, Lincoln County Public Library, Family and Youth Service Centers, Lincoln County School System, Community Leaders, Boneyville Baptist Church and AME Church.
Date: All Year As Requested
Audience: General Public
Activity: Provide nutritional information related to meal planning with a special emphasis on low-fat, low cholesterol, and reduced sugar and salt as requested by clientele
Content or Curriculum: FCS Publications
Inputs: Health Dept, Ephraim McDowell Regional Medical Center in Stanford and Danville, Kentucky Cancer Program, American Cancer Society, local doctors’ offices, Kentucky State University, home health agencies, Lincoln County Senior Citizens Center, Elementary Schools, Lincoln County Public Library, Family and Youth Service Centers, Lincoln County School System, Community Leaders, Boneyville Baptist Church and AME Church.
Date: All Year as Needed
Audience: General Public
Activity: Nutrition Education Programs Presented to other groups
Content or Curriculum: FCS Publications
Inputs: Health Dept, Ephraim McDowell Regional Medical Center in Stanford and Danville, Kentucky Cancer Program, American Cancer Society, local doctors’ offices, Kentucky State University, home health agencies, Lincoln County Senior Citizens Center, Elementary Schools, Lincoln County Public Library, Family and Youth Service Centers, Lincoln County School System, Community Leaders, Boneyville Baptist Church and AME Church.
Date: As requested
Audience: General Public
Activity: “A Matter of Balance” Program
Content or Curriculum: CDC Materials
Inputs: Health Dept, Ephraim McDowell Regional Medical Center in Stanford and Danville, Kentucky Cancer Program, American Cancer Society, local doctors’ offices, Kentucky State University, home health agencies, Lincoln County Senior Citizens Center, Elementary Schools, Lincoln County Public Library, Family and Youth Service Centers, Lincoln County School System, Community Leaders, Boneyville Baptist Church and AME Church.
Date: Spring/Summer
Audience: General Public
Activity: Cook Together, Eat Together
Content: UK materials
Inputs: Health Dept, Ephraim McDowell Regional Medical Center in Stanford and Danville, Kentucky Cancer Program, American Cancer Society, local doctors’ offices, Kentucky State University, home health agencies, Lincoln County Senior Citizens Center, Elementary Schools, Lincoln County Public Library, Family and Youth Service Centers, Lincoln County School System, Community Leaders, Boneyville Baptist Church and AME Church.
Date: Fall or Spring
Audience: General Public
Activity: Prepare to Care
Content: FCS Curriculum
Inputs: Health Dept, Ephraim McDowell Regional Medical Center in Stanford and Danville, Kentucky Cancer Program, American Cancer Society, local doctors’ offices, Kentucky State University, home health agencies, Lincoln County Senior Citizens Center, Elementary Schools, Lincoln County Public Library, Family and Youth Service Centers, Lincoln County School System, Community Leaders, Boneyville Baptist Church and AME Church.
Date: Fall or Spring
Audience: General Public
Activity: Nutrition Education Programs at Public Library and Other Community Agencies/Partners
Content: FCS Curriculum
Inputs: Health Dept, Ephraim McDowell Regional Medical Center in Stanford and Danville, Kentucky Cancer Program, American Cancer Society, local doctors’ offices, Kentucky State University, home health agencies, Lincoln County Senior Citizens Center, Elementary Schools, Lincoln County Public Library, Family and Youth Service Centers, Lincoln County School System, Community Leaders, Boneyville Baptist Church and AME Church.
Date: Fall or Spring
Audience: Limited Resource Families and Youth
Activity: SNAP-Ed Assistant's Program Efforts
Content: SNAP-Ed Curriculum and Materials
Inputs: Health Dept, Ephraim McDowell Regional Medical Center in Stanford and Danville, Kentucky Cancer Program, American Cancer Society, local doctors’ offices, Kentucky State University, home health agencies, Lincoln County Senior Citizens Center, Elementary Schools, Lincoln County Public Library, Family and Youth Service Centers, Lincoln County School System, Community Leaders, Boneyville Baptist Church and AME Church, Section 8 Housing, Bluegrass Community Action Agency, Dept. for Community Based Services, Dept. of Protection and Permanency.
Date: All Year
Audience: Limited Resource Families and Youth
Activity: SNAP-Ed Assistant Supervision and Work with Targeted Audience (Agent Efforts)
Content: UK/SNAP-Ed Materials
Inputs: Health Dept, Ephraim McDowell Regional Medical Center in Stanford and Danville, Kentucky Cancer Program, American Cancer Society, local doctors’ offices, Kentucky State University, home health agencies, Lincoln County Senior Citizens Center, Elementary Schools, Lincoln County Public Library, Family and Youth Service Centers, Lincoln County School System, Community Leaders, Boneyville Baptist Church and AME Church, Section 8 Housing, Bluegrass Community Action Agency, other community groups, Dept. for Community Based Services, Dept. of Protection and Permanency.
Date: All Year
Audience: 3rd - 12th grade
Activity: Junior Master Gardeners
Content or Curriculum: Junior Master Gardening Curriculum and other 4-H Curriculum
Inputs: Health Dept, Ephraim McDowell Regional Medical Center in Stanford and Danville, Kentucky Cancer Program, American Cancer Society, local doctors’ offices, Kentucky State University, home health agencies, Lincoln County Senior Citizens Center, Elementary Schools, Lincoln County Public Library, Family and Youth Service Centers, Lincoln County School System, Community Leaders.
Date: Spring - Summer
Audience: Middle school youth
Activity: Outdoor Adventure Club
Core: 4-H health and natural resources curriculum
Inputs: Lincoln County Cattleman’s Association, livestock leaders, volunteer leaders, local schools, Lincoln County Fair Board, Vo-Ag Program, Farm Bureau, Early Childhood and Head Start Programs, physical therapy offices, Family Resource Centers, Youth Service Center, local businesses, hospitals.
Facilities used will include the Lincoln County Extension Office, Lincoln County Schools (high, middle, and elementary), local businesses, various other community agencies, statewide outdoors attractions, etc.
Date: Spring and Summer
Audience: Youth
Activity: 4-H Garden club
Core: 4-H service-learning materials in conjunction with health and natural resources curriculum
Inputs: Lincoln County Cattleman’s Association, livestock leaders, volunteer leaders, local schools, Lincoln County Fair Board, Vo-Ag Program, Farm Bureau, Early Childhood and Head Start Programs, physical therapy offices, Family Resource Centers, Youth Service Center, local businesses, hospitals.
Facilities used will include the 4-H Butterfly Garden, 4-H community garden(s), Lincoln County Extension Office, Lincoln County Schools (high, middle, and elementary), local businesses, various other community agencies, statewide outdoors attractions, etc.
Date: Spring and Summer
Success Stories
4-H Handwashing for Health Program
Author: Courtney Brock
Major Program: Health

When the COVID-19 global pandemic forced Kentuckians into quarantine, schools closed to in-person instruction. By early September 2020, schools began welcoming limited numbers of youth back into classrooms, while others opted for virtual learning. A middle school teacher and 4-H volunteer reached out to the Lincoln County 4-H Program seeking educational programming for proper handwashing for her students. At the time, visitors were not permitted in
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Substance Use Prevention & Recovery
Author: Rita Stewart
Major Program: Substance Use Prevention and Recovery General
Substance use and substance use disorder (SUD) are pervasive public health problems in the United States, and specifically, in the state of Kentucky. In the year since the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic in March 2020, the United States suffered a record 88,000 overdose deaths (CDC, 2021). More specifically, Kentucky counties have seen increases in hospitalizations, infectious diseases, non-fatal overdoses, and other complications related to drug use, all while leading the nation
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pumpkin palooza team project-
Author: Rita Stewart
Major Program: Food Preparation and Preservation
Because of in-person meeting restrictions, the Lincoln County Extension Office has moved to incorporate virtual options and independent study pick-up kits. This has allowed clients to stay engaged and provided new opportunities for Extension Programs to involve the entire family. All Lincoln County Extension Staff members worked together to plan and implement a week-long Pumpkin Palooza event for the last week of October. Families signed up in advance and received a kit with most of the supplies
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© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment