Developing leadership skills- adult NEWPlan of Work
Pulaski County CES
Developing leadership skills- adult NEW
Leadership Development & Community Engagement
Agents Involved:
Ag, FCS, Hort, 4-H
Volunteer Development
Kentucky Extension Homemaker Association
KEHA-The Kentucky Extension Homemakers Association mission is to improve the quality of life for families and communities through education, leadership development and volunteer service. With membership totaling more than 13,000 statewide, KEHA members are engaged leaders and active volunteers.
According to the Corporation for National & Community Service (CNCS), Kentucky ranks 48th in Teenage Volunteer Rate and 39th in Adult Volunteer Rate. Kentucky’s Teenage Volunteer Rate was 17.9%, as compared to other states which ranged from 14.1% to 42.2%. Conversely, 28.1% of adults volunteer. Meanwhile, volunteer rates among teens, nationwide are increasing. Finally, teens engaged in service activities during their high school years are twice as likely to serve as volunteers during their 20’s and 30’s. Clearly, in order to develop the next generation of volunteers in Kentucky, Extension must be more proactive in engaging teens in volunteer service.
Long-Term Outcomes:
KEHA-KEHA members serve as active Extension and community volunteers engaged in addressing community needs.
Adults will increase their rate of volunteer involvement in their communities and in Extension.
Adults will make a positive contribution as community volunteers. This increased level of community involvement will continue throughout their twenties and thirties. Additionally, communities will experience an increased retention rate as people who are engaged in their communities experience a heightened sense of belonging and are more likely to settle and reside in that community.
Intermediate Outcomes:
KEHA-KEHA leaders will practice personal leadership skills throgh leadership roles at the club, county, area and state level.
- Adults will develop a sense of belonging in their communities, as they become more strongly affiliated with the community through service to a non-profit organization.
- Adults will master skills related to their specific volunteer role.
- Adults will experience a feeling of generosity as they serve non-profit organizations, their programs and clientele in a volunteer role.
- The number of youth and adults reported to be serving on 4-H Councils and Leadership Boards will increase by 2024.
Initial Outcomes:
KEHA-KEHA members will gain organizational knowledge through annual officer and chairman training.
Adults will increase their knowledge of the types of volunteer and service opportunities that are available to them in their communities.
Adults will increase their knowledge of the non-profit organizations in their communities and the services that they provide.
Initial Outcome: KEHA members will gain organizational knowledge through annual officer and chairman training.
Indicator:Number of KEHA members who report knowledge gained through county and or aea officer and chairman training.
Method: Program evaluation with pre and post assessment questions.
Timeline: July, 2020-June 2021
Intermediate Outcome: KEHA members will increase knowledge and skills in personal leadership through club lessons and special interest workshops.
Indicator: Number of individual reporting improved personal and interpersonal leadership knowledge and or number of individuals reporting improved personal and interpersonal leadership skills.
Method: End of program evaluations, surveys
Timeline: -July 2020-June 2021
Long-term Outcome: KEHA Leaders will practice personal leadership skils through leadership roles at the club, county, area and or state level.
Indicator: Number of KEHA members who utilized knowledge gained through officer training to fulfill a KEHA leadership role at the club, county, area and or state level.
Method: Observation, review of officer directories
Timeline: July 2020-June 2021
Initial Outcome: Adults will increase their knowledge of the types of volunteer and service opportunities that are available to them in their communities.
Indicator: More adults will seek out Extension to learn more about volunteer opportunities
Method: recruitment, obersvation
Timeline: year-round
Intermediate Outcome: Increase of volunteers involved with councils, club, etc.
Indicator: more and new volunteers are involved
Method: recruitment, observation
Timeline: year-round
Long-Term Outcome: Retention of volunteers will rise
Indicator: Volunteers will want to keep their volunteer position for multiple program years.
Method: recruitment, observation,
Timeline: year-roun
Learning Opportunities:
Audience: Pulaski County Extension Homemakers
Project or Activity: KEHA Officer and Chairman Training/County, KEHA Kickoff
Content or Curriculum: KEHA Training Toolkit, KEHA Manual, KEHA Website
Inputs: FCS Agents, State Advisors
Date: Annually each fall
Audience: KEHA County Extension Homemakers
Project or Activity: KEHA Leader Training and or Special Interest Workshop
Content or Curriculum: KELD Curriculum, FCS Extension Lesson Resources, FCS Curriculum
Inputs: FCS Agents, State Advisors
Date: Monthly
Audience: Pulaski County Extension Homemakers
Project or Activity: KEHA State Meeting
Content or Curriculum: Officer Training and Educational Workshops
Inputs: FCS Agents, State Advisors
Date: Annually each spring
Audience: Community members, parents, teachers, Master Gardener, Homemakers etc
Project or Activity: 4-H Council
Content or Curriculum:
Inputs: Agents, community members, 4-H members, parents
Date: year round
Audience: Community members, parents, teachers, Master Gardeners, Homemakers etc
Project or Activity: Client Protection Committee
Content or Curriculum:
Inputs: Agents
Date: year round
Audience: Adult Camp Counselors
Project or Activity: 4-H Camp
Content or Curriculum: Counselor Training
Inputs: agents, past volunteers, camp specialist
Date: year round
Success Stories
Master Gardeners Are Leaders in Their Communities
Author: Bethany Wilson
Major Program: Master Gardener
Extension Master Gardeners are required to volunteer hours of service back to the community or in efforts that help Cooperative Extension. Over the course of this fiscal year, even with lack of engagement events due to COVID, the Lake Cumberland Master Gardeners have volunteered over 1000 hours of community service. Using hourly wage data from the Independent Sector, this amounts to roughly $23,500. Not only do Master Gardeners help maintain three public ga
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© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment