Develop Individuals for Volunteer Roles, Speech, Performance and Visual Arts in the CommunityPlan of Work
Pike County CES
Develop Individuals for Volunteer Roles, Speech, Performance and Visual Arts in the Community
Engaged Communities
Agents Involved:
Froman, Workman, Porter, Stumbo
Kentucky Extension Leadership Development (KELD)
Youth Engagement Leadership Program (YELP)
Family and Consumer Science
Artistic Skill Development
Volunteers are important in building engaged and empowered communities.
KEHA - The Kentucky Extension Homemakers Association mission is to improve the quality of life for families and communities through education, leadership development and volunteer service. With membership totaling more than 13,000 statewide, KEHA members are engaged leaders and active volunteers.
MCV - Home sewing is now considered an “uneconomic use of time” because today’s marketplace is flooded with easily available, low-priced clothing and other sewn products. In the past, home sewing was a necessity to save money; today it is usually cheaper to buy an off-the-rack item. Although this may decrease the economic need for sewing skills, it is still important to make sure that the craft of sewing and clothing construction is taught and maintained so that these skills are not forgotten.
Leadership is a needed and important programming emphasis in Kentucky 4-H. The Cooperative Extension Service provides opportunities for youth and families to help improve their leadership ability and create a positive impact on their future. Leadership opportunities for youth create a setting that reduces the access of youth to risk factors that can negatively impact their success.
Basic leadership knowledge & skills are essential for success in almost any field. The skills associated with leadership are necessary when working in a group or communicating with others. Employers look for leadership skills in future employees. Developing leadership in the youth and adults who are involved in the 4-H program is a priority. By assisting the development of leadership skills in today’s youth, we improve their ability to face the challenges of tomorrow (Unlock Your Leadership Potential, University of Florida, 2017).
Kentucky 4-H provides opportunities for youth to actively engage locally and globally to promote life skills [such as leadership] that prepare them for the global marketplace. Through 4-H youth exercise critical thinking skills, learn to appreciate diversity, practice tolerance, develop socio-emotionally, and strive to contribute to their environment (United States Department of Education International Affairs Office of International Strategy). 4-H participants rate their leadership life skills above average, have a positive view of their leadership ability, and have a positive attitude toward diversity and acceptance of others (Locke, Boyd, Fraze, and Howard, 2007).
Providing youth with the ability to enhance and develop communication skills is of great importance in Kentucky. The development of communications skills is one of the preeminent skills necessary to grow as an individual, a community member and a leader. Using age appropriate activities selected from the approved Kentucky 4-H Communication & Expressive Arts Curriculum, educators can maximize the ability of youth to develop their writing, reading and personal communication capacities. This in turn creates a solid foundation for positive youth development (Jones, K. R. 2006) Research also shows a positive association between arts participation and a number of desirable academic and social outcomes, such as school grades, test scores, enrollment in post-secondary education, attainment of a bachelor’s degree, and higher levels of literacy and civic engagement. (Child Trends, 2012) Kentucky 4-H provides communication and expressive arts by engaging youth in hands-on educational experiences that inspire confidence and foster a love for the arts. Programs and projects are offered in the areas of public speaking, visual arts, and performing arts.
During the 2019 Community Assessment, Pike County identified more youth life skills training and more jobs paying good wages with benefits as top priorities. Providing youth with the ability to enhance and develop communication skills is of great importance in Kentucky. The development of communications skills is one of the preeminent skills necessary to grow as an individual, a community member and a leader. Research also shows a positive association between arts participation and a number of desirable academic and social outcomes, such as school grades, test scores, enrollment in post-secondary education, attainment of a bachelor’s degree, and higher levels of literacy and civic engagement.
Long-Term Outcomes:
KEHA members serve as active Extension and community volunteers engaged in addressing community needs.
Master Clothing Volunteers provide the counties with experienced leaders who can assist in the implementation of sewing-related programs; develop lasting friendships with other Volunteers thereby gaining a support-group that can improve quality of life
Participants of MCV-Led Programs continue to engage in sewing-related activities, sustain or increase the participation in sewing-related activities – sew for pleasure or self-expression; gain skills that can be used to benefit livelihood; save money by mending or altering clothing and by sewing home décor items.
• Overall leadership competency has increased as a result of participation in 4-H.
• Gain the needed leadership skills that will allow them to serve as teen and adult leaders in their communities and in community organizations and as mentors for younger youth.
• Receive education on diversity, incivility and multiculturalism.
• Identify and address critical issues that impact the community
• Demonstrate the necessary teamwork, leadership and communications skills needed to be successful in the workplace.
• Youth will utilize the skills gained to serve as leaders in 4-H and other organizations;
• Youth share the elements of the music, dance, drama and visual arts with their community
• Youth will be advocates for the arts
Youth will utilize the skills gained to serve as leaders in Extension programming and other organizations. Youth share the elements of the music, dance, drama, and visual arts with their community. Youth will be advocates for the arts. Youth gain the presentation skills necessary to obtain gainful employment and excel in secondary education.
Intermediate Outcomes:
KEHA leaders will practice personal leadership skills through leadership roles at the club, county, area and/or state level.
The number of KEHA volunteer service hours reported annually for KEHA, Extension and Community activities will increase.
Master Clothing Volunteers continue to hone their skills and increase confidence; seek out teaching and leadership opportunities in their communities; generate interest in sewing related activities within their communities
Participants of MCV-Led Programs learn more skills, consider mending clothing in lieu of replacing it, sew their own clothing or craft items; are provided with a creative outlet
• Demonstrate leadership, teamwork and communication skills in their day to day lives.
• 4-H members will utilize leadership skills learned during their time in 4-H in clubs, activities and other venues with 4-H and other community organizations.
• Senior 4-H members will become leaders or co-leaders of a 4-H project club, day camp or other project-based group of younger 4-H members.
• Participants will indicate increased awareness of diversity issues in their community and personal lives.
• Engage in community-based service projects selected to address identified needs.
INPUTS: What we invest
• Program resources: curricula, information based on land grant research
• Human resources: Extension professionals, volunteers, youth, professionals in related fields
• Funding: Extension funding, donations (cash, in-kind), participant fees, grants
• Partners: UK, local schools, local and state organizations and businesses
• Equipment: equipment purchased by CES; equipment available from partners
• Facilities: CES meeting space; schools; local organizations and businesses
• Youth will construct a speech that has a clear introduction, body and closing
• Youth will demonstrate an increased level of confidence when presenting in front of groups
• Youth apply elements of music, dance, drama and visual arts in creating and performing
Youth will construct a speech that has a clear introduction, body and closing. Youth will demonstrate an increased level of confidence when presenting in front of groups. Youth apply elements of music, dance, drama and visual arts in creating and performing.
Provide experiential learning opportunities in communication and expressive arts through:
• Club meetings
• Special interest groups
• School enrichment
• Day camps
• Overnight camps
• Workshops
• Field days
• Contests (e.g., 4-H State Communications Day, 4-H Written Com contest)
• 4-H Teen Conference
Initial Outcomes:
KEHA members will gain organizational knowledge through annual officer and chairman training.
KEHA members will increase knowledge and skills in personal leadership through club lessons and special interest workshops.
Master Clothing Volunteers are accepted into a group of individuals that share a passion for sewing; through our MCV training, our volunteers learn standard sewing skills and are exposed to advancements in sewing equipment; they may change point-of-view about the way some sewing techniques can be taught or implemented.
Participants of MCV-Led Programs learn basic sewing skills, accept sewing as a valid hobby, become interested in learning more sewing techniques; improve hand/eye coordination
• 4-H club participants learn the communication, leadership and procedural skills that will allow them to run a meeting.
• 4-H members increase their knowledge about leadership and how to be an effective leader, team player and communicator.
• 4-H members will learn about leadership styles and will be able to identify positive and negative leadership characteristics.
• 4-H members will learn about diversity and will demonstrate incivility.
• 4-H members will acquire decision making skills and gain an appreciation for civic engagement.
• 4-H members will learn how to set appropriate, attainable goals.
• 4-H members listen to people who have different ideas from them.
• Youth will gain knowledge in researching, preparing and presenting a speech or demonstration
• Youth can identify key elements of music, dance, drama and visual arts
Youth will gain knowledge in researching, preparing and presenting a speech or demonstration. Youth can identify key elements of music, dance, drama and visual arts.
Outcome: MCV’s increase knowledge and become experienced leaders
Indicator: Number of volunteers who practice personal and interpersonal leadership skills in clubs, schools and community outreach.
Method: Attend Fall training at Jabez; lead Jabez classes & throughout KY
Timeline: on-going
Outcome: Sewing class participants gain skills
Indicator: Number of youth and adults reached through volunteer conducted Extension programs and/or activities
Method: Attend MCV-led classes
Timeline: on-going
Outcome: KEHA members will gain organizational knowledge through annual officer and chairman training.
Indicator: Number of KEHA members who report knowledge gained through county and/or area officer and chairman training.
Method: program evaluation with pre and post assessment questions
Timeline: on-going
Outcome: KEHA members will increase knowledge and skills in personal leadership through club lessons and special interest workshops.
Indicator: Number of individuals reporting improved personal and interpersonal leadership knowledge and/or Number of individuals reporting improved personal and interpersonal leadership skills.
Method: end of program evaluations, surveys
Timeline: on-going
Outcome - initial: strong showing of participants
Indicator: increased number of participants
Method: review registration and sign-in sheets
Timeline: ongoing
Outcome – intermediate: More confidence and improved skills.
Indicator: Youth and adults display improved skills and better preparedness through event participation.
Method: observation
Timeline: ongoing
Outcome long-term: project results, self-confidence, improved school performance
Indicator: reviews, observation, and/or judging
Method: evaluations, teacher input
Timeline: ongoing
Learning Opportunities:
Audience: Master Clothing Volunteers
Project or Activity: Fall training
Content or Curriculum: classes based on certification needs or requests from members or as determined by the MCV Steering Committee
Inputs: State Coordinator, Agents, Steering Committee, other MCV’s
Date: Yearly in October
Audience: Participants of MCV-Led Programs
Project or Activity: Level-Specific Sewing Classes
Content or Curriculum: MCV’s teach sewing classes in their counties
Inputs: FCS & 4-H Agents or other MCV’s
Date: on-going
Audience: Pike County Extension Homemakers
Project or Activity: KEHA Officer and Chairman Training & KEHA State Meeting
Content or Curriculum: KEHA Training Toolkit, KEHA Manual, KEHA Website
Inputs: FCS Agents, State Advisors
Date: Annually each fall
Audience: Pike County Extension Homemakers
Project or Activity: KEHA Leader Training and/or Special Interest Workshops, cultural arts and DIY classes
Content or Curriculum: FCS Extension Lesson Resources, FCS Curriculum
Inputs: FCS Agents, State Advisors
Date: Monthly
Project or Activity: 4-H Leadership
Content or Curriculum: Jump into Leadership, KY 4-H Resources
Inputs: 4-H Council Meetings, 4-H Club Elections and Meetings, 4-H Teen Club Meetings, 4-H Teen Conference, 4-H Teen Summit, 4-H Client Protection, Affirmative Action Committee, 4-H Achievement Program, State Teen Council, 4-H Leadership Boot Camp, 4-H Leadership Boards, 4-H Camp Counselors, Officer Education,
Date: Ongoing-August-May
Project or Activity: 21st Century Skills
Content or Curriculum: 4-H Projects, 4-H Jump into Leadership, d
• Inputs: 4-H Project Work, Experiential learning opportunities, 4-H Summit, 4-H International Program
• Club involvement & procedural education, 4-H Competitions, Workshops, Communications and Expressive Arts Skills, County & State Fair,
Date: Ongoing- August - September
Audience: community members
Project or Activity: Blood Song (HMAC)
Content or Curriculum: original script
Inputs: students and local artists
Date: summers 2020-24
Audience: community members
Project or Activity: Artists Collaborative Theatre
Content or Curriculum: scripts
Inputs: students and local artists
Date: ongoing
Audience: interested members of community
Project or Activity: Pikeville Poetry
Content or Curriculum: artist led
Project or Activity: Communications
Content or Curriculum: 4-H Speech & Demonstration Booklets, KET Resources
Inputs: Competitions, Talent Shows, and Fairs
Date: Ongoing
Project or Activity: 4-H Kids Kits
Content or Curriculum: 4-H Project Books, YouTube, and Websites
Inputs: Bagged Kits, Printed Directions, YouTube videos, Day Camps
Date: Ongoing, till the Covid-19 Epidemic is over.
Project or Activity: 4-H Art Projects
Content or Curriculum: National 4-H Art Curriculum, and KET Art Kits
Inputs: 4-H Project Books, Workshops, 4-H Fairs
Date: Ongoing – September-August
Long term outcomes:
Goal 1: Clientele will use leadership and communication skills needed to be successful in the workplace and community improvement.
Goal 2: Clientele will become leaders in the community.
Intermediate outcomes:
Goal 1: Clientele will utilize leadership, teamwork, and communications skills in Pike County Extension clubs, activities, workshops and other venues within the organization.
Goal 2: Clientele will become leaders for Extension Programs and activities.
Initial outcomes:
Goal 1: Clientele will gain knowledge on how to develop a power point for educational purposes.
Outcome: Use of workshop, trainings, & financial information provided by Extension Service.
Indicator: *see UK Plan of Work Strategic Initiatives* & surveys.
Method: Immediate Follow-up Survey and Follow-up Surveys.
Timeline: During & at end of training/etc. and 6 month follow-up survey.
Learning Opportunities:
Audience: Developing Leaders
Project or Activity: Workshop for Developing a Power Point
Content or Curriculum: Power Point Construction
Inputs: Agents, specialists
Date: Fall
Audience: Developing Leaders
Learning Opportunities (repeat as needed):
Audience: Developing Leaders
Project or Activity: Workshop for Parliamentary Procedure
Content or Curriculum: Roberts Rules of Order
Inputs: Agents
Date: Yearly
Audience: Master Gardeners
Project or Activity: Meetings/etc.
Content or Curriculum: Meetings, training, tours, State meetings, & Projects
Inputs: Agents, specialists, volunteers, state MG
Date: Year round
Audience: Beekeepers
Project or Activity: Participation in local, regional, and state Beekeeper activities.
Content or Curriculum: Attending & presenting trainings, serving on regional and state boards.
Inputs: Agents, Volunteers, State Officers.
Date: year round
© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment