Plate It Up Kentucky ProudPlan of Work

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Pulaski County CES

Plate It Up Kentucky Proud
Making Healthy Lifestyle Choices
Agents Involved:
Lovett, Hernandez
Plate It Up! Kentucky Proud
National Dining with Diabetes

Family and Consumer Sciences Extension encourages families to make proactive choices to improve individual health and well being, whether choosing a low fat, nutritious diet, increasing health literacy for chronic disease prevention, or participation or participating in regular physical exercise.

Long-Term Outcomes:

To decrease in the number of obese and overweight children, youth, adults and elderly.

Intermediate Outcomes:

All participants will practice healthy food choices and strengthen individuals ability build healthy eating plans and patterns.

Initial Outcomes:

Change in awareness, knowledge, opinions, skills and attitudes needed to make informed choices regarding healthy lifestyle choices, adult weight management, healthy aging, and reduction of chronic disease.


Initial Outcome:  Reduce the level of obesity.

Indicator:  Weight loss

Method:  Making Healthy Lifestyle Choices Curriculum

Timeline:  July, 2020-June, 2021

Intermediate Outcome: Change in eating habits

Indicator:  Eating healthier foods

Method:  Curriculum

Timeline: July, 2020-June, 2021

Long-term Outcome:

Indicator:A decrease in the number of obesity adults

Method:  Healthy Lifestyle Curriculum

Timeline: July, 2020-June 2021

Learning Opportunities:

Audience:  Adults or Interested Persons

Project or Activity: Monthly Meetings with Adults

Content or Curriculum:  Plate It Up Kentucky Proud

Inputs: Kentucky Cooperative Extension, Local Health Department

Date:  July, 2020-June, 2021

Audience:  Diabetic Clients

Project or Activity:  Weekly Classes

Content or Curriculum:  Taking Ownership of Your Diabetes

Inputs: Kentucky Cooperative Extension, Local Health Department

Date: July 2020-June 2021


Project or Activity: 

Content or Curriculum:



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