LeadershipPlan of Work
Elliott County CES
Agents Involved:
Civic Engagement
Natural Resources
Leadership is a needed and important programming emphasis in Kentucky 4-H. The Cooperative Extension Service provides opportunities for youth and families to help improve their leadership ability and create a positive impact on their future. Leadership opportunities for youth create a setting that reduces the access of youth to risk factors that can negatively impact their success.
Basic leadership knowledge & skills are essential for success in almost any field. The skills associated with leadership are necessary when working in a group or communicating with others. Employers look for leadership skills in future employees. Developing leadership in the youth and adults who are involved in the 4-H program is a priority. By assisting the development of leadership skills in today’s youth, we improve their ability to face the challenges of tomorrow (Unlock Your Leadership Potential, University of Florida, 2017).
Kentucky 4-H provides opportunities for youth to actively engage locally and globally to promote life skills [such as leadership] that prepare them for the global marketplace. Through 4-H youth exercise critical thinking skills, learn to appreciate diversity, practice tolerance, develop socio-emotionally, and strive to contribute to their environment (United States Department of Education International Affairs Office of International Strategy). 4-H participants rate their leadership life skills above average, have a positive view of their leadership ability, and have a positive attitude toward diversity and acceptance of others (Locke, Boyd, Fraze, and Howard, 2007).
Long-Term Outcomes:
- Communities are equipped with competent, effective leaders
- Community members engage others to initiate projects
- Civic engagement is possible and desirable for community members
- Communities become more prosperous
Intermediate Outcomes:
- Youth put skills into practice by becoming more engaged, taking on leadership roles
- You improve skills in communication or problem solving in addressing community issues and needs
- Youth participants become more engaged in non-formal leadership roles which increases involvement/action
- Youth participants initiate projects that meet the needs of their community
- Youth are inclusive of all individuals
- Youth will volunteer and participate in community service
- Youth will engage in civic involvement
- Youth will maintain future intentions for civic engagement
Initial Outcomes:
- Youth increase knowledge of effective leadership skills
- Youth develop/enhance leadership skills
- Youth are informed of community systems, are better connected to communication networks, are more confident and skills in identifying and implementing strategies for change in their community (local/state/national/global)
Outcome to be Evaluated: Youth become more engaged as a leader in their community by:
- planning a service project
-serving as mentors
-increasing participation in local, state, and national levels
- Youth plan a community service project in their community
- Youth report they serve as a mentor for a younger participant
- Youth serve as leaders within their club or county programs
- Youth serve in a state or national leadership position
Method: 4-H Common Measures Survey
Timeline: July 2020 - June 2024
Learning Opportunities:
Audience: Elementary School Youth
Project or Activity: Leadership Boards
Content or Curriculum: Unlocking Your Leadership Potential, Teambuilding with Teens, My Leadership Workbook (Level 1), My Leadership Journal (Level 2), My Leadership Portfolio (Level 3), Leadership Mentor Guide 1: K-5, Leadership Mentor Guide 2: 6-12
Date: September 2020
Audience: 4-H Livestock & 4-H Shooting Sports
Project or Activity: Mentorship Programs
Content or Curriculum: Leadership Mentor Guide 1: K-5, Leadership Mentor Guide 2: 6-12
Date: July 2020 - June 2024
Audience: High School Youth
Project or Activity: Teen Leadership Academy
Content or Curriculum:
- 4-H State Teen Council and Leadership Boards, 4-H Leadership Boot Camp, 4-H Teen Conference, 4-H Southern Region Teen Leadership Conference, 4-H National Congress, 4-H Achievement Program, 4-H National Conference, 4-H Summit, 4-H Camp Counselors, Local Leadership Clubs/Events
Date: November 2020 - April 2021
Success Stories
2020 KACAA and NACAA Achievement Award Recipient
Author: Keith Center
Major Program: Agriculture and Extension Leadership Development

Abstract: Since 2015, Keith Center, Agriculture and Natural Resources Extension Agent in Elliott County, has developed a diversity of programs in horticulture, forestry, beef production, forages, and youth agriculture. Active as a KACAA member, he won the 2018 Excellence in 4-H Programming award and placed 2nd in the Applied Research Poster Presentation in 2016 and 2018. It is Keith's goal to educate and engage local producers and the youth of the community through research-based education.&
Full Story
© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment