Enhance access to local healthy foods by assisting producers in identifying new market opportunitiesPlan of Work
Hickman County CES
Enhance access to local healthy foods by assisting producers in identifying new market opportunities
Creating Local Food Systems
Agents Involved:
Melissa Goodman, Paula McCuiston, Mattea Mitchell, Lisa Dodson
Local Food Systems
Plate It Up! Kentucky Proud
Nutrition and Food Systems General
Nutrition Education Programs help families gain access to food and stretch food dollars; communities to decrease hunger; and local food assistance programs to educate recipients on healthy and safe food preparation methods. Extension staff, paraprofessionals and volunteers are pivotal in training consumers and producers to maximize local access to food products from farm to table.
Currently, Hickman County has a Farmer's Market that is in it 3rd full operating season. The Extension Staff continues to work with our local government and a locally formed committee that There is only one grocery store in Hickman County and two restaurants with very few healthy and local food options for consumers.
Long-Term Outcomes:
*Families will increase average fruit and vegetable consumption by one or more servings per day
*Families improve food-management skills and healthy eating habits.
*Maintain a viable and successful farmers market.
*To maintain or increase the number of entrepreneurs in the community is increased due to local food systems.
*Strong and diverse local food systems are integrated into community development efforts.
*Sustainability of family farms.
Intermediate Outcomes:
- Increased access to healthy food via local farmers markets, food retailers, and/or home gardens
- Establishment of new small farms and home gardens.
- Families apply improved food preparation and management skills, food safety, and healthy eating habits.
- More families plant, harvest and preserve foods.
Initial Outcomes:
*Increase knowledge and awareness among the general public of local foods and sustainable agriculture.
*Families understand the importance of sustainable local agriculture to their health and financial well being.
*Families learn to grow, prepare, and preserve food.
*Families learn to incorporate unfamiliar foods or foods not currently being consumed.
*Families increase knowledge and understanding of healthy eating, food safety and food resource management
Initial Outcome: Purchasing tendency of Consumer for Kentucky Fruits and Vegetables
Indicator: Number of individuals more likely to buy a Kentucky fruit or vegetable as a result of tasting a Plate It Up! Kentucky Proud recipe sample
Method: Evaluation- Tasting Exit Polls
Timeline: Summer/Fall 2020-2021
Intermediate Outcome: Families increase healthy foods produced and preserved.
Indicator: Number individuals reporting that their family supplemented their diets with healthy foods that they produced or preserved.
Method: Evaluation
Timeline: Program year 2020-2021
Intermediate Outcome: Families increase healthy foods within a daily diet.
Indicator: Number of individuals who reported eating more healthy foods
Method: Evaluation
Timeline: Program year 2020-2021
Outcome: Availability and access to healthy food
Indicator: Number of individuals who reported: utilizing delivery systems/access points (e.g., farmers’ markets, CSAs, WIC, food pantries) that offer healthy foods; supplementing diets with healthy foods grown or preserved (e.g., community or backyard gardens, fishing, hunting, farmers markets)
Method: Self-report survey
Timeline: Pre-post implementing curricula or program
Learning Opportunities:
Audience: 1st – 3rd grades
Project or Activity: Food Group
Content or Curriculum: Farm to Table, Exploring My Plate
Inputs: Extension Staff, SNAP-Ed assistant, volunteers, local fruit/vegetable growers
Date: 2020-2021 School Year
Audience: 4th-6th grades
Project or Activity: Jr. Chef
Content or Curriculum: Super Star Chef and 4-H Cooking
Inputs: Extension Staff, SNAP-Ed, Extension Facility
Date: 2020-2021 School Year
Audience: Hickman County Citizens
Project or Activity: Farmers Market
Content or Curriculum: UK Educational Materials
Inputs: Extension Staff, SNAP-Ed assistant, Local Government, Community Businesses
Date: Market Season 2020-2021
Audience: General Public
Project or Activity: Farm to Fork Dinner
Content or Curriculum: UK Educational Materials, KDA, Plate it Up Curriculum
Inputs: Extension Staff, Local Government, Community Organizations
Date: Late Summer 2021
Audience: General Public, Youth
Project or Activity: Food Preservation Classes/Workshop
Content or Curriculum: UK Food Preservation Materials, Plate it Up Youth Curriculum
Inputs: Extension Staff, SNAP-Ed assistant, volunteers, local fruit/vegetable growers
Date: Summer 2021
Audience: Youth
Project or Activity: Summer Food Camp
Content or Curriculum: UK Health and Food Curriculums
Inputs: Extension Staff, SNAP-Ed assistant, school facility
Date: Summer 2021
Audience: Families and Individuals
Project or Activity: Food Preparation for Better Health
Content or Curriculum: Cook Together Eat Together, Super Star Chef, Champion Food Volunteer, Plate It Up! Kentucky Proud Resources
Inputs: Programmatic materials, paid staff, community partners, faith-based organizations, health coalitions
Date: Ongoing projects throughout the year
Project or Activity: Food Preservation
Content or Curriculum: Publications, Trainings, Home-Based Micro-Processing Training, Champion Food Volunteers
Inputs: Paid staff, volunteers, facilities, programmatic materials, NEP
Date: July – September for adults and youth
Audience: Communities
Project or Activity: Farmers Market Outreach
Content or Curriculum: Cooking programs, marketing, increased access (e.g. location, hours, EBT), Plate It Up! Kentucky Proud resources, Farmers Market Toolkit, Super Star Chef
Inputs: Nutrition Education Program (NEP), paid staff, grant funds, facilities, Kentucky Department of Agriculture, local fruit/vegetable growers, Community Education
Date: April – October/Growing seasons
Project or Activity: Policy, Systems, and Environmental Approaches
Content or Curriculum: Faithful Families, Kentucky Farm to School Task Force Resources, Health Coalitions, resources for early care and education settings
Inputs: Volunteers, grant funds, faith-based organizations, community partners, key stakeholders, SNAP-Ed Toolkit
Date: Ongoing projects throughout the year
Success Stories
Project Full Plate Connects Producers and Consumers
Author: Mattea Mitchell
Major Program: Local Food Systems

Throughout the 2020 year, families and businesses alike were struggling. The Four-River WAVE Ag group sought out a way to lend a hand. In replacement of their annual WAVE Ag Event, this organization asked agribusinesses and other local businesses to come alongside the organization and help connect producers with consumers.Local businesses were overwhelmingly supportive of this idea, contributing over $6,000 to the program. This enabled the WAVE Ag group to go directly to local produc
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New Commercial Vegetable Producer Acquires Agent Help
Author: Mattea Mitchell
Major Program: Horticulture, Consumer and Home
Soon after graduating with her bachelor's degree, Caroline Webb knew that she wanted to be a part of her home farming operation, but in her own way. She and her brother took on more responsibility with the row crop operation, but she began looking into an operation of her own that combined her interest in healthy, locally sourced foods and crop production. As a result, Heirloom Acres at Webb Farms was created. Over the last year in meeting with the County Ag Extension Agent
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© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment