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Contact Information

Craig Wood, Ph.D
Acting Associate Dean & Director
UK Cooperative Extension Service

S-107 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091

+1 (859) 257-4302


Contact Information

Craig Wood, Ph.D
Acting Associate Dean & Director
UK Cooperative Extension Service

S-107 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091

+1 (859) 257-4302

Fiscal Year:
Jul 1, 2023 - Jun 30, 2024

Leadership DevelopmentPlan of Work

Pike County CES

Leadership Development
Leadership Development
Agents Involved:
Novella Froman, Leslie Workman, Kristy Porter & Suzanne Stumbo
Family and Consumer Science
Kentucky Extension Leadership Development (KELD)
Youth Engagement Leadership Program (YELP)

The Pike County Extension Council identified a need for our community to be addressed inclusive of leadership and community issues for the county and city. Many leadership scholars agree that leadership development is an important, and often overlooked facet of education (MacNeil, 2000). The development of leadership contributes greatly to the positive development of our citizens and their communities. Helping citizens develop leadership competencies makes them better able to solve community problems and enhances civic participation (O-Brian & Kohmlmeier, 2003).

Long-Term Outcomes:

•Clientele will serve as leaders in their communities, community organizations and as mentors for youth.

•Clientele will demonstrate the understanding of diversity, inclusivity and multiculturalism in their daily life.

•Clientele will identify and address critical issues that impact their community.

•Clientele will be productive, contributing adults in the future.

•Clientele will use leadership and communication skills needed to be successful in the workplace on a daily basis

Clientele will learn how to develop a PowerPoint Presentation to influence community through education on relevant interests

Intermediate Outcomes:

•Clientele will demonstrate leadership, teamwork and communication skills in their day to day life.

•Clientele will utilize leadership skills during their time in Pike County Extension clubs, activities, workshops and other venues with other organizations.

•Clientele will become leaders for Extension programs and activities.

•Clientele will indicate increased awareness of diversity issues in their community and personal lives.

•Clientele will engage in community based service projects selected to address identified needs.

Initial Outcomes:

Clientele will learn the communication, leadership and procedural skills that will allow them to run a meeting.

•Clientele will increase their knowledge about leadership and how to be an effective leader, team player and communicator.

•Clientele will learn about leadership styles and will be able to identify positive and negative leadership experiences.

•Citizens will learn about diversity and will demonstrate inclusivity.

•Citizens will acquire decision making skills and gain an appreciation for civic engagement.

•Citizens will learn how to set appropriate, attainable goals.

•Citizens will listen to people who have different ideas from them.


Initial Outcome: Citizens will  set and accomplish a goal.

Indicator: Number of citizens who indicate that they know how to listen set and accomplish a goal.

Method: 4-H Projects Books, Displays, Self Reports

Timeline: 2020-2024

Intermediate Outcome: Citizens will take responsibility and listen to people with different ideas.

Indicator: Number of citizens engaged in responsibility and discussions with others.

Method: Meetings, Projects on Leadership, and Activities

Timeline: 2020-2024

Long-term Outcome: Citizens will lead a group, lesson or activity.

Indicator: Number of citizens leading a group, lesson or activity, number of citizens serving as mentors.

Method: Meetings, Projects and or Lessons on Leadership and Activities

Timeline: 2016-2020

Learning Opportunities:

Audience: Citizens of Pike County

Project or Activity: Leadership

Content or Curriculum: 4-H Teen Mentors & Citizenship Curriculum

Inputs: Project Books

Date: 2020-2024

Audience: Citizens of Pike County

Project or Activity: Leadership

Content or Curriculum: Character Counts, WeConnect: A Global Citizenship Curriculum

Inputs: Workshops, Meeting and Activities

Date: 2020-2024

Audience: General population

Project or Activity: Textile workshops

Content or Curriculum: Master Volunteer in Clothing Curriculum

Inputs: Extension resources, FCS Program, volunteer time & training

Date: ongoing 2020-2024

Audience: General population

Project or Activity: Kentucky Extension Homemaker Experience

Content or Curriculum: KELD, Homemaker lessons & leadership trainings

Inputs: Extension resources, FCS Program, volunteer time & training

Date: ongoing 2020-2024

Audience: Citizens of Pike County and Farmers Market Leadership

Project or Activity: Workshop on developing a PPT

Content or curriculum: PPT Development

Inputs: Computer programs and developing a short PPT

Date: 2020-2024

Success Stories

Pike County leadership in KEHA

Author: Leslie Workman

Major Program: Kentucky Extension Homemaker Association

True leadership reveals itself in difficult times.  During the 2020 homemaker year, most KEHA clubs were unable to meet in person due to COVID-19 restrictions. Pike County Homemakers enjoyed their last regular county council meeting on Feb 15, 2020.  After that point, club meetings were reduced to phone calls, social media interaction and lesson materials delivered by paper or electronic means.  Because Pike County Homemaker officers, chairman and leaders are trained as Extension

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4-H Scholarship Receipients Win Knowledge & Leadership

Author: Novella Froman

Major Program: Leadership

Five 4-H scholarship applicants gave a report on what they have learned through their ten year membership with the Pike County 4-H Program.  Listed below are the skills that they have learned or what they are going to do different because of 4-H.* I learned to be able to do public speaking in front of many large crowds. * I learned how to properly conduct a business meeting from my as president and vice-president. * I learned how to work with younger children through being a teen counselor

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Pike County Master Clothing Volunteers

Author: Leslie Workman

Major Program: Master Clothing Volunteer

Many studies have shown that sewing is not only a productive life skill and hobby, but that it can be a stress reliever and can increase a person’s feeling of self-worth. The Pike County Family and Consumer Sciences Agent and the Greenup County Family and Consumer Sciences Agent work together as the coordinators of the Northeast Area Master Clothing Volunteer program. Currently there are 8 active Certified Master Clothing Volunteers (MCV) and 3 new Master Clothing Volunteers in the area wh

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Zach Chaney - Leadership Development

Author: Kristy Porter

Major Program: Community Leadership Development

Even at nine years old, Zach Chaney knew he had talent and wanted to learn to use it. Growing up in a rural area of Pike County, access to the arts was not always readily available. He remembers walking through the doors of Artists Collaborative Theatre (ACT) that first day and falling in love with theatre.  His first play was The Wizard of Oz. During the next nine years, he would take part in acting, tech work, co-directing, and stage-managing productions at ACT. Zach said he has lost coun

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