HorticulturePlan of Work
Simpson County CES
20-21 Horticulture
Agents Involved:
Jason Phillips, Catherine Webster
Horticulture, Commercial
Master Gardener
Horticulture, Consumer and Home
Local Food Systems
Situation: Consumers have grown increasingly cognoscente of food safety and improving overall health while demanding fresh, quality food products. These factors have fueled the local food movement across Kentucky and in Simpson County. Producers require more programming opportunities to continue to supply this need and improve upon their products and profitability. Additionally, home production has increased to meet food needs for local families.
Long-Term Outcomes:
Long-term Outcomes: Consumers will improve their health and add stability to the local economy by purchasing locally grown food products which will increase producer profits. Homeowners will save money and improve health by improving horticultural production practices.
Intermediate Outcomes:
Intermediate Outcomes: Producers will improve practices and adopt new technology to increase the overall efficiency of the production process for various local horticultural products. Commercial producers will put into practice strategic marketing plans to help promote local products which will continue to increase the demand among consumers for farm fresh foods.
Initial Outcomes:
Initial Outcome: Producers will increase their knowledge in vegetable, small and tree fruit, local meat production, and non-food horticultural products. They will be better prepared to take, follow, and implement UK soil test fertility management recommendations, understand integrated pest management techniques, select disease resistant and higher yielding varieties, make timely plantings and pesticide applications, utilize sustainable management practices, research new technologies and alternative production techniques, improve marketing strategies, and understand how to implement the best overall production system for their specific farming operation. Individuals will increase their knowledge and understanding of healthy eating, food safety and food resource management.
Outcome: Commercial horticultural producers will increase knowledge and develop plans, execute plans, and increase profitability. Homeowners will improve practices, health and increase savings.
Indicator: The number of producers indicating knowledge, practice, and increased profitability.
Method: Post-meeting evaluations
Timeline: Evaluations will be given immediately following programs and one to twenty for months after programs.
Learning Opportunities:
Learning Opportunities (repeat as needed):
Audience: Franklin-Simpson Farmers’ Market Vendors
Project or Activity: Franklin-Simpson Farmers’ Market
Content or Curriculum: production and marketing education, F-S Farmers’ Market promotional events, food safety education
Inputs: Agents’ time, paid staff, meeting facility, UK publications, KDA resources, newsletters, radio programs
Date: 2020-2021 program year
Audience: Community Gardening
Project or Activity: Container Garden Kits
Content or Curriculum: food production education, nutrition
Inputs: Agent’s time, UK publications, Tractor Supply Company, WKU Agriculture Greenhouse, School District
Date: April - June 2021
Audience: Small and Mid-sized fruit producers and homeowners
Project or Activity: Fruit tree workshop
Content or Curriculum: pruning and production
Inputs: Agent’s time, paid staff, UK specialists, UK publications, newsletters, radio programs
Date: March 2021
Audience: Commercial Food Producers
Project or Activity: Commercial Food Production Educational Programs
Content or Curriculum: fertility, marketing, high tunnels, production methods, integrated pest management
Inputs: Agent’s time, paid staff, meeting facilities, UK specialists, newsletters, radio programs
Date: 2020-2021 program year
Audience: Simpson County residents
Project of Activity: Soil, Water and Wildlife Environmental Video Series
Content or Curriculum: timely video series addressing environmental conservation practices for homeowners
Inputs: Agent's time, paid staff, video equipment and software
Date: September 2020 - June 2021
Audience: 4-H Members
Project or Activity: Horticulture Judging and Jr. Forestry Field Day
Content or Curriculum: State Fair Guidelines
Inputs: Mammoth Cave National Park & Employees, UK Specialists,
Extension Agents & Offices, 4-H Parents & Volunteers, Community
Businesses related to Horticulture
Date: September 2020
Audience: Extension Homemakers
Project or Activity: Farmers Market - Get what you need to eat seasonally
Content or Curriculum: Extension materials
Inputs: Agent led, train-the trainer for clubs, food and nutrition information
Date: May 2021
Success Stories
Community Container Garden Kits, Year Two
Author: Catherine Webster
Major Program: Horticulture, Consumer and Home
The Simpson County Extension Agents for Agriculture and 4-H Youth Development worked jointly to provide new programs during COVID-19, with home vegetable gardening resources being in high demand since the onset of the pandemic. As a result, our joint gardening programs began with Drive Thru Container Garden Kits where Extension provided some 200 families with everything they needed to grow tomatoes, zucchini, and/or herb gardens last year. This year Simpson Co. Extension Agents continued t
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4-H Gardening Club
Author: Catherine Webster
Major Program: Agriculture
Simpson County 4-H received an Agriculture Mini Grant through the Kentucky 4-H Foundation to provide youth gardening opportunities this summer. The primary objective of the grant request was to teach youth how to grow their own food, including harvesting, preserving, and cooking what they grow. The Simpson County 4-H Agent, along with the Agriculture Agent, Franklin-Simpson Schools Community Education Director, and the Franklin-Simpson Farmer's Market Coordinators, are partnering to lead and
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Gardening Initiative
Author: Jason Phillips
Major Program: Local Food Systems
The Simpson County Extension Agents for Agriculture and 4-H Youth Development worked jointly to provide new programs during COVID-19, with home vegetable gardening resources being in high demand since the onset of the pandemic. As a result, our joint gardening programs began with Drive Thru Container Garden Kits where Extension provided 155 families with everything they needed to grow tomatoes last year.This year Simpson Co. Extension Agents continued our home gardening programs with squash cont
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Local Food Systems
Author: Jason Phillips
Major Program: Local Food Systems
Local food production systems have become a staple in many communities throughout the Commonwealth. As buying local food products has continued to gain popularity, the Simpson County Extension Agent works with small and beginning farmers to ensure that appropriate resources are available from the University of Kentucky Cooperative Extension Service to provide the best opportunity for success. Many small and beginning farmers utilize the Franklin-Simpson Farmers’ Market to help
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© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment