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Contact Information

Craig Wood, Ph.D
Acting Associate Dean & Director
UK Cooperative Extension Service

S-107 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091

+1 (859) 257-4302


Contact Information

Craig Wood, Ph.D
Acting Associate Dean & Director
UK Cooperative Extension Service

S-107 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091

+1 (859) 257-4302

Fiscal Year:
Jul 1, 2023 - Jun 30, 2024

Developing Desirable Workplace SkillsPlan of Work

Monroe County CES

Developing Desirable Workplace Skills
Workforce Development and Career Exploration
Agents Involved:
Turner, Susan;
Communications and Expressive Arts

According to U.S. Census data, 22.4% of the population of Monroe County is under the age of 18; approximately 2,389 people. 52.4% of the population aged 16 years and older are in the civilian labor force and 26.2% of our population is categorized as living in poverty. Our poverty level is uncharacteristically high when compared to other geographic locations. As income and employability has a direct link to poverty, the Monroe County 4-H Council and County Extension Council members identified workforce development and career exploration as a major area of programming.

Long-Term Outcomes:

Long-term Outcomes: Number of clientele reporting improved economic well-being.

•Individuals and families are increasing their income.

•Improved employability skills resulting in a higher quality of life for Kentuckians.

Intermediate Outcomes:

Intermediate Outcomes:

Develop skills and resources to expand employability.

•Formulate a career plan which identifies their marketable skills.

•Cultivate their marketable skills through continuing education which targets those skills identified.

•Improve employability through resume development.

•Illustrate skill building development through increased communication and interview skills.

Initial Outcomes:

Initial Outcome:

•Identify individual marketable skills.

•Know the connection between employment, income, and poverty.

•Explore career opportunities and understand the skill sets required

•Recognize the importance of the interview process and the value of communication skills in the workplace.

•Compose a personal workplace ethics plan.

•Analyze the concept of self-motivation and how it affects the workplace and employability.


Outcome: Number of clientele reporting improved economic well-being and individuals and families are increasing their income

Indicator: Percentage of population categorized as in poverty.

Method: US Census data

Timeline: 2020 Census data

Intermediate Outcome: Develop skills and resources to expand employability

Indicator: Number of individuals reporting employment

Method: Survey participants

Timeline: Annually in September of each year.

Initial Outcome: Formulate a career plan which identifies their marketable skills.

Indicator: Development of a career plan.

Method: Completed career plan in their 4-H file.

Timeline: annually

Initial Outcome: Know the connection between employment, income, and poverty.

Indicator: Number of youth participating in the 4-H Reality Store program. Method: numbers reported by the Monroe County School District. Timeline: March annually

Initial Outcome: Identify individual marketable skills. Explore career opportunities and understand the skill sets required. Recognize the importance of the interview process and the value of communication skills in the workplace. Compose a personal workplace ethics plan. Analyze the concept of self-motivation and how it affects the workplace and employability.

Indicator: Number of youth participating in the career shadowing program. Method: 4-H enrollment Timeline: June and July annually

Intermediate Outcome: Cultivate their marketable skills through continuing education which targets those skills identified

Indicator: Number of individuals enrolled in continuing education programs.

Method: Survey participants

Timeline: Annually in September of each year.

Initial Outcome: Improve employability through resume development

Indicator: Completed, up to date resume.

Method: Completed resume in their 4-H file.

Timeline:  annually

Initial Outcome: Illustrate skill building development through increased communication and interview skills. Indicator: Number of participants participating in the mock interview

contest on the county level.

Method: Mock interview contest as part of the 4-H communications and expressive arts curriculum.

Timeline:  annually

Learning Opportunities:

Learning Opportunities

Audience: Monroe County youth ages 14 to 18.

Project or Activity: 4-H Reality Store.

Content or Curriculum: 4-H Reality Store curriculum

Inputs: curriculum, volunteers, paid staff, facilities.

Date: March, annually

Learning Opportunities

Audience: Monroe County youth ages 14 to 18.

Project or Activity: 4-H Career Shadowing Program.

Content or Curriculum: 4-H World of Work Series

Inputs: curriculum, volunteers, paid staff, facilities.

Date: June through July, annually

Learning Opportunities

Audience: Monroe County youth ages 14 to 18.

Project or Activity: 4-H Mock Interview Program.

Content or Curriculum: 4-H Communications Curriculum

Inputs: curriculum, volunteers, paid staff, facilities.

Date: February, annually