Securing Financial Stability, Estate Planning, Real Skills for Everyday LifePlan of Work
Kenton County CES
Securing Financial Stability, Estate Planning, Real Skills for Everyday Life
Securing Financial Stability
Agents Involved:
Linda Brown-Price, Joan Bowling, Kathy Byrnes
Financial Education - General
The consequences of the Great Recession and the extended period of slow economic growth which followed, encouraged Kentuckians to become more aware of their financial situation. Kentucky consistently lags behind other areas of the United States in key household economic indicators, including: personal income (42,958 KY 53,657 US Census 2014), population living below the poverty line, unemployment, (5.8% compared to National rate of 4.9% Department of Numbers) and revolving debt. These indicators, especially unemployment numbers, became more exaggerated during the period of the Great Recession. However, at present economists are cautiously optimistic regarding future economic forecasts. It is important to acknowledge the impact of current economic conditions on family financial management. The goal of the Securing Financial Stability Initiative is to help Kentuckians understand and respond to changing economic conditions, while promoting healthy financial behaviors across the lifespan. Consumers need to be aware of safety tips and strategies as they maneuver the internet and utilize technology in their everyday lives. The 2015 Kenton County Survey from current and new users of extension, and the “Farm Tour,” indicated a need for classes on sewing, budgeting, credit, job skills, estate planning Medicare, and Social Security.
Long-Term Outcomes:
• Maximize or extend resources to maintain or increase financial resources.
• Number of individuals reporting improved family financial stability and economic well-being.
• Increase the number of clientele reporting improved privacy security measures and reduction in reports of financial fraudulent matters across the state.
• Individuals will be able to retain gainful employment by utilizing the necessary skills and technology to rebuild financial security.
Intermediate Outcomes:
• Number of people who adopt short, mid, and long-term financial planning strategies
• Practice one or more resource management behaviors resulting in increased savings or investments.
• Apply practical living skills to advance education or employability.
• Examine personal and financial stability on a regular basis (at least annually).
Initial Outcomes:
• Teenagers and adults will show increased knowledge and skills related to managing available financial and non-financial resources. (Social marketing and Program Participants)
• Participants will increase understanding of consumer rights and privacy protection measures.
• Teens, young and older adults will simulate life situations to recognize importance of education and employability skills.• Participants will identify short, medium, and long-term personal goals and objectives related to maintaining and improving their financial stability.
Initial Outcomes: Increase knowledge and skills to improve employability
Indicator: Increase number of responses to job inquiries, long-term employability
Method: Surveys, phone calls, success stories
Timeline: 3 to 6 months after class then a year follow-up
Long-term Outcome: Increased financial planning and investments
Indicator: Retirement and Investment planning increased
Method: Surveys, informal feedback, phone calls, success stories
Timeline: 6-9 months after class
Outcome: Change in knowledge, opinions, skills and attitudes to improve
practical living skills.
Indicator: Increased knowledge of technology skills
Method: Informal observation, feedback, pre and post-tests
Timeline: 3-6 months after class
Outcome: Increased knowledge and skills related to managing available resources.
Indicator: Number of individuals reporting improved knowledge (such as knowledge of ways to reduce expenses; cut spending; and save for emergencies).
Method: Pre and Post Test, informal feedback testimonials, success stories
Timeline: 6-9 months after class
Outcome: New sewing skills and completion of sewing project
Indicator: Class project will be of an acceptable standard
Method: Agent and Master Clothing Volunteer approved, follow-up survey
Timeline: Fall 2019 and Spring 2020
Learning Opportunities:
Audience: College students, general public, young adults, retirees
Project or Activity: 3-5 Week Series of classes
Content or Curriculum: Money Talks: A Financial Guide for Women
Inputs: Kentucky Cooperative Extension Service Agents and Specialists, Program Assistants, Kentucky and CES publications and resources, and Community Partners
Date: Fall 2019
Audience: Young Adult Job Seekers
Project or Activity: Resume and Interview Skills Classes
Content or Curriculum: KY CES Resources
Inputs: KY CES State Specialists, Program Assistants, FCS Agents, Community Partners
Date: September-October, 2019 - March-April, 2020
Audience: Homemakers, young couples, general public, low income families
Project or Activity: Identity Theft
Content or Curriculum: KY CES Curriculum
Inputs: KY CES Agents and Specialists, Program Assistants, Community Partners
Date: March 2020
Audience: Limited-resource clientele, general public
Project or Activity: Credit Card Checkup
Content or Curriculum: KY CES Curriculum
Inputs; KY CES Specialists, FCS Agents, Program Assistants, and Community Partners
Date: October-November 2019; Feb.-March 2020Audience: Individuals participating in past financial classes
Project or Activity: Financial Newsletter
Content or Curriculum: ”KY CES”
Inputs: KY CES Specialists, FCS Agents,
Date: Bi-monthly
Audience: Adults interested in sewing
Project or Activity: Beginning Sewing for Adults series
Content or Curriculum: FCS Agent and Master Clothing Volunteer designed
Inputs: Master Clothing Volunteer Curriculum, FCS designed
Date: Fall 2019, Spring 2020
Audience: Sewing Expo
Project or Activity: Three-day seminar from District 3 Agents
Content or Curriculum: UK Clothing Program publications
Inputs: Master Clothing Volunteers, FCS agent designed
Date: April 2020
Audience: Adult Sewing Project Group
Project or Activity: FCS Agent Designed
Content or Curriculum: Master Clothing Volunteer curriculum
Inputs: UK Clothing publications
Date: Monthly, beginning September 2019Audience: Young Adults
Project or Activity: Financial Literacy for Young Adults
Content or Curriculum: Extension sponsored resources
Inputs: Ky. CES State Specialists, FCS Agents
Date: November 2019 and March 2020
Audience: Senior citizens, general public
Project or Activity: Questions on Social Security
Content or Curriculum: UK Fact Sheets; Social Security resources
Inputs: Social Security Administration; FCS Agent
Date: November 2019
Audience: Older adults, general public
Project of Activity: Questions on Medicare
Content of Curriculum: Extension sponsored resources
Inputs: Industry professionals, FCS agent
Date: November-December, 2019Audience: Older adults, general public
Project or Activity: Estate Planning Tips
Content or Curriculum: Extension sponsored resources
Inputs: KY CES State Specialist, FCS Agent
Date: April 2020
Success Stories
Preparing Your Digital Estate for Safety and Security
Author: Linda Brown-Price
Major Program: Financial Education - General
In this age of technology, estate planning has become more complicated. With email, online banking, and social media there is more information online called digital assets that must be included in the estate plan. To increase the safety and security of information a digital estate plan should be created. Digital assets are items individuals own such as (personal and business websites, art, music, writing, cryptocurrency, etc. and digital information email, social media, and banking ac
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Saving Savvy with Apps for Coupons and Grocery Lists
Author: Linda Brown-Price
Major Program: Financial Education - General

A recent survey by Deloitte found that $0.56 of every dollar spent in a store is influenced by a digital interaction. This growing trend is shaping how consumers shop and make decisions both in-store and beforehand. There are hundreds of grocery apps available that offer help with a wide range of shopping-related services and functions. Grocery apps can help save time and money through lists and meal planning, comparison shopping, coupons, store loyalty, and rebates. To increase consumer kn
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Healthy Bladder Habbits
Author: Joan Bowling
Major Program: Active Living and Health Promotions General
Research suggests that 50% of women will experience urinary incontinence (UI) at some point in their lifetime and half of women experiencing UI do not discuss the condition with their physician. Kenton and Pendleton County Family and Consumer Sciences Extension Agents taught “Healthy Bladder Habits” to 30 Northern Kentucky Extension Homemakers as a leader training. The lesson taught healthy bladder habits and exercises to help prevent/reduce severity of UI as well as reduce stigma so
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Prepare to Care
Author: Joan Bowling
Major Program: Aging-General
It is predicted that by 2030 19.8% of our population will be over 65. 14 percent of U.S. households report that at least one person has been a family caregiver to someone 50+ within the last 12 months. Today, over half of Kentucky’s older adults report living with a disability and there is a growing prevalence of Alzheimer’s disease and dementia. Due to the increasing demand for knowledge regarding caregiver resources and support in Kenton County, the Family and
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Adulting 101 Money Talks
Author: Linda Brown-Price
Major Program: Financial Education - General
Today’s young adults need to able to adapt to the challenges they face upon high school graduation and beyond. 2020 further complicated this transition into adulthood as many families were not equipped to handle the issues the COVID pandemic created. Joblessness, financial insecurity, and relationship conflicts created a crisis that many people never imagined they would endure. Concerns over the impact these problems will have on young adults generated a series on “Adulting 101&rdquo
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