Investing in Community LeadersPlan of Work
Leslie County CES
Investing in Community Leaders
Personal Growth and Leadership Development
Agents Involved:
Vicki R. Boggs,
Family and Consumer Science
Youth Engagement Leadership Program (YELP)
Community Strategic Planning
Creating a culture of individuals giving back to their community through leadership roles serves a multi-purpose process of personal growth, community engagement, and helps to ensure a new generation of involved citizens. Building the volume of volunteer leaders and partners within Leslie County is critical for the sustainability and growth of our community. With dropout rates of over 35% and escalating poverty concerns (28.6% below poverty level), providing youth and adults these valuable skills and attitudes can break negative generational patterns and prepare them to assume leadership roles both today and tomorrow. Leslie County Extension has 1 Engaged Certified Livestock Volunteer, over 60 KEHA members, 2 Master Clothing Volunteers and various other volunteers who share their expertise, and volunteer time with youth and families in their community. Through the efforts of Extension agents, paraprofessionals, and volunteers local citizens are engaged, educated and empowered to understand family and community issues and take ownership of implementing local solutions.
Long-Term Outcomes:
-Maintain and/or increase number of volunteers who extend research based information to participants
-Community problems and needs are met through active, engaged local leaders.
- Kentucky communities’ health and economy are strengthened through strong local organizational leadership
-Economic opportunities are increased for residents of Leslie County
-Individuals will serve as Adult and Teen leaders in their communities, community organizations, and as mentors for younger youth
Intermediate Outcomes:
-Practice personal leadership skills in clubs, school, and community service/outreach.
-Use and Apply Improved skills in communication, problem solving, or group process in addressing organizational issues and needs.
-Apply skills to assess needs, develop programs, and implement solutions for community problems.
Initial Outcomes:
-Participants will develop communication skills that will allow them to effectively communicate with others.
-Participants will learn effective team management and teamwork practices.
-Participants will aspire to create change in their community through their actions, attitudes, and leadership.
-Participants will learn to identify and develop personal and group goals.
-Participants will gain an appreciation for volunteerism and community service.
-Participants will acquire decision-making skills and gain confidence and self-esteem in their own abilities.
-Participants will understand diversity, and the importance of respecting differences among people.
Initial Outcome: Gain leadership and communication skills.
Indicator: Individual(s) acquire knowledge, skills, opinions, and aspirations.
Method: Observation; Written and verbal evaluations; Individual reports
Timeline: July 2020 - June 2021
Intermediate Outcome: Leadership and communication skills are put into practice.
Indicator: Individual(s) participate in Extension and community programs and councils.
Method: Observation
Timeline: July 2020-June 2021
Long-term Outcome: Community problems are solved through active, engaged local leaders.
Indicator: New individual(s) assume leadership roles to address community issues.
Method: Observation
Timeline: Ongoing
Learning Opportunities:
Audience: Extension Stakeholders
Project or Activity: Leslie County Extension Council and Program Advisory Council Meetings
Content or Curriculum: State Extension Manual
Inputs: County Extension Council; FCS Council; Extension Homemaker's Council; Ag Development Council; 4-H Council
Date: July 2020-June 2021
Audience: Extension Homemakers
Project or Activity: Homemaker Lunch-n-Learns
Content or Curriculum: FCS & KEHA Curriculum
Inputs: Quicksand Area FCS agents
Date: September 2020-May 2021
Audience: Extension Homemakers
Project or Activity: Community Service Projects
Content or Curriculum: FCS Curriculum
Inputs: Extension Homemakers; FCS agent
Date: July 2020-June 2021
Audience: Youth, Homemakers, Community
Project or Activity: Expressive Arts
Content or Curriculum: Arts Council, Approved Core Curriculum
Inputs: Homemaker, Volunteer; Extension Agents, Arts Council
Date: July 2020-June 2021
Audience: Youth (Grades 8-12)
Project or Activity: Leslie County 4-H Teen Council
Content or Curriculum: 4-H Leadership Curriculum and Community Service Projects
Inputs: 4-H Agent; 4-H Program Assistant; Cooperative Extension Agents and UK Specialists; Community and Service Organizations; State Teen Officers
Date: July 2020-June 2021
Audience: Youth (Grade:5)
Project or Activity: 4-H Appalachian Heritage Skills Day
Content or Curriculum: County-developed Curriculum
Inputs: 4-H Agent; FCS Agent; 4-H Program Assistant; SNAP Ed Assistant, School and Community Volunteer Leaders; Multi-County Agent Teams
Date: Fall 2020
Audience: Youth (Grades 8-12)
Project or Activity: 4-H State Teen Conference
Content or Curriculum: Teen Leadership
Inputs: 4-H Agent; 4-H Program Assistant; Teens, 4-H State Teen Council and Officers, Volunteers and UK Specialists
Date: Summer 2021 ( Annual Event)
Audience: Youth (Middle School Grades)
Project or Activity: 4-H Teen Summit
Content or Curriculum: Teen Leadership
Inputs: 4-H Agent; 4-H Program Assistant; Volunteers, STC Members, 4-H State Teen Council and Officers, UK Specialist
Date: Spring 2021 ( Annual Event)
Audience: Youth ages 9-18
Project or Activity: 4-H Summer Residential Camp
Content or Curriculum: 4-H Summer Camp Program Activities for Personal Development and Leadership
Inputs: Extension Agents; 4-H Program Assistant; Extension Staff; Teen and Adult Volunteers; Summer Camp Staff; Camp Manager; UK 4-H Summer Camp Specialist
Date: Summer 2021, (Annual Event)
Audience: 4-H Teens (grades 9-12)
Project or Activity: Youth Engagement Leadership Program (YELP)
Content or Curriculum: Teen Leadership activities accompanied by Art, Environmental and Community Initiatives
Extension Agents; Community and State Organizations; Associates, Specialists and Area Extension Agents; CEDIK; Promise Zone Partners
Date: July 2020-June 2021
Audience: Youth ( 3rd- 12th grades)
Project or Activity: Art and Communication Initiatives: In-School Enrichment Art Program; Youth Summer Day Camps; District Day at The Kentucky State Fair
Content or Curriculum: Extension State Specialists; 4-H Arts Core Curriculum
Inputs: Extension Agents; 4-H Program Assistant; Extension Staff and Volunteers
Date: July 2020-June 2021
Audience: Community
Project or Activity: Mary Breckinridge Festival/ Cultural Arts Displays
Content or Curriculum: Community Sharing/Pride; Tourism; Partnerships
Inputs: Homemakers; Extension Staff; 4-H Teens Community Service/Partnership, Chamber of Commerce; Community Volunteers; Extension staff
Date: Fall 2020
Audience: Community Artisans
Project or Activity: Holiday Craft Bazaar
Content or Curriculum: Local Community Arts Celebration and Promotion
Inputs: Extension Agents and staff; Extension volunteers; community members
Date: Winter 2020
Audience: Community
Project or Activity: Pinterest Make-N-Take
Content or Curriculum: Arts Promotion
Inputs: FCS Agent
Date: July 2020-June 2021
Audience: Business Leaders
Project or Activity: Chamber of Commerce
Content or Curriculum: Tourism and Leadership Materials
Inputs: Chamber of Commerce; community professionals; Extension staff
Date: July 2020-June 2021
Audience: Youth (Grades 4-12)
Project or Activity: Leslie County 4-H Youth Recognition
Content or Curriculum: Community Development
Inputs: 4-H Agent; Extension Staff, Leslie County Schools
Date: Spring 2021
Audience: Community
Project or Activity: Community Interest/Involvement Meetings: Trail-Town, Promise Zone,
Appalachian Horse Center, Unite and SOAR
Content or Curriculum: Agent attendance and Involvement/Community Driven (PSE)
Inputs: Leslie County Extension Agents; Community; Volunteers
Date: July 2020-June 2021: Ongoing
Audience: Engaged/Interested Extension Volunteers; Extension Agents and Staff
Project or Activity: 2022 Kentucky Extension Volunteer Forum
Content or Curriculum: Celebration and Recognition of Extension Volunteers, Achievements and Accomplishments; Recertification and Professional Development
Inputs: Extension Agents; UK Volunteer Specialist; Extension Volunteer Leaders and Stakeholders
Date: February 2022 ( Bi-Annual Event, even years)
Success Stories
2021 Kentucky 4-H Summit Success Story
Author: Dawna Peters
Major Program: Leadership
One important goal for Leslie County Extension and especially 4-H is to participate in leadership events. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic the 2021 Kentucky 4-H Summit could not be implemented in the typical face-to-face format. Kentucky 4-H Program volunteers, members, and professionals decided, based on current events and fundamental developmental needs, that middle school youth needed the opportunity to connect to others and practice their leadership skills through 4-H. It would be impl
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2021 Teen Conference Success Story
Author: Dawna Peters
Major Program: Leadership

Success Story: Teen Conference 2021Written By: Dawna Jace Peters, 4-H Youth Development Agent for Leslie County When the COVID-19 pandemic shut down programming in March 2020 youth, families, and communities experienced long-term isolation and alteration of their typical lives related to in and out of school activities. Youth out-of-school time programs, such as 4-H, are essential ecological assets and their disruption during the pandemic may have a major impact on youth’s
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© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment