Promoting Community and Economic DevelopmentPlan of Work
Graves County CES
Promoting Community and Economic Development
Growing the Local Community and Economy
Agents Involved:
Chadwick, Wooley, ANR Agent
Economic Development
Community Engagement
Community Leadership Development
Community Strategic Planning
Youth and adults in Kentucky need programming support to enhance skills for influencing change. Extension can provide educational opportunities that build and nurture effective and engaged adult and youth leaders. Extension should encourage the use of civic engagement techniques and listening sessions.
In Graves County, the Extension District Board is in the process of building a new Extension campus. In that process, the board has reached out to community groups, held listening sessions to receive community feedback, and conducted a feasibility study to gather more feedback. As the Extension program grows through developing community leaders and volunteers, it will be important to focus on ways Extension can contribute to Community and Economic Development through programming efforts, new community partnerships, and use of the new facility.
Long-Term Outcomes:
Community will be equipped with competent, effective leaders
Community members will engage others to initiate projects
Community members will find civic engagement possible and desirable
Community will become more prosperous
Intermediate Outcomes:
Community leaders will put skills into practice by becoming more engaged and taking on leadership roles
Community leaders and citizens will use improved skills in communication or problem solving in addressing organizational issues and needs
Community leaders will initiate civic engagement and move from informal leadership roles into increased involvement/action
Community leaders will create strategic plans are inclusive and strategies are adopted by communities and organizations
Community leaders will increase in diversity of individuals taking on leadership roles
Youth will engage in current and future civic involvement, community service and volunteerism
Initial Outcomes:
Community leaders will increase knowledge of effective leadership skills
Community leaders will develop/enhance the leadership skills of youth and adults
Community leaders and citizens will be informed about community systems, better connected to communication networks, more confident and skilled in identifying and implementing strategies for systemic change
Outcome: Increased knowledge of leadership skills
Indicator: Number of individuals attending programs
Method: Retroactive pre-post
Timeline: Following every leadership training
Outcome: Increased abilities in communication/problem solving
Indicator: Number of individuals who attend training
Method: Retroactive pre-post
Timeline: Following any program that includes communication skills training.
Outcome: Citizens (adults and youth) taking new leadership roles
Indicator: Number of people reporting new leadership roles
Method: Survey and/or interview
Timeline: Ongoing
Learning Opportunities:
Audience: Youth
Project or Activity: Leadership training
Content or Curriculum: 4-H Leadership Development Curriculum
Inputs: Agents, Volunteers
Date: 2020-2021
Audience: Adult community leaders (existing or rising leaders)
Project or Activity: Leadership trainings
Content or Curriculum: KELD
Inputs: Agents, Community Partners
Date: 2020-2021
Project or Activity: CAIP
Content or Curriculum: CAIP Program Requirements
Inputs: Agents, volunteers
Date: 2020-2021
Project or Activity: Farmer's Market Collaboration
Content or Curriculum: Farmer's Market Toolkit
Inputs: Agents, volunteers
Date: 2020-2021
Project or Activity: Extension information-gathering for campus
Content or Curriculum: Community outreach
Inputs: Agents, volunteers, boards, councils
Date: 2020-2021
Success Stories
Extension Drive-Thru Trunk or Treat
Author: Kelsey Chadwick
Major Program: Community Engagement

During the COVID-19 pandemic, many families in our county were experiencing frustration with virtual methods and pick-up of programs-in-a-bag had slowed. In an effort to find a new way to reach the community during this time, the Graves County Extension Office hosted the first annual Extension Trunk-or-Treat, drive-thru style, on October 22nd. Every Extension group was represented with a trunk. It was a wonderful experience for the community with 4-H Sewing, Livestock, Dog, and Horse Clubs prese
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