2020 Agriculture Technology (MTC, KLP)Plan of Work
Calloway County CES
2020 Agriculture Technology (MTC, KLP)
Science and Technology
Agents Involved:
M. Chadwick
Chemical Management
Pest ID
Technology in the field of agriculture is changing at an exceedingly rapid rate, and in multiple different directions. Producers are faced with decisions on a continual basis when selecting varieties to plant, options on new equipment, mixes of new chemical products, etc. Often it is difficult for them to find researched based information for new technology in a timely manner. This program plan is designed to help producers locate resources for identifying research based information for new products and equipment.
Long-Term Outcomes:
-Producers will make well informed decisions before purchasing new equipment
-Producers will utilize multiple varieties of each crop, making decisions based on field conditions
-Producers will make purchasing desisions based on reserch based information
Intermediate Outcomes:
-Producers conduct on farm trials to determine which varieties proform best in a given situation
-Producers establish a system for selecting varieties
-Producers develop a plan for implementing technology before purchase
Initial Outcomes:
-Producer seek out researched based information prior to purchasing new varieties and technology
Initial Outcome: Producer seek out researched based information prior to purchasing new varieties and technology
Indicator: Increased request for variety trial information
Method: Increased amount of request over time
Timeline: 2020-21
Intermediate Outcome: Producers develop a plan for implementing technology before purchase
Indicator:Decreased amount of idle tech
Method: One on one communication
Timeline: 2021-22
Long-term Outcome: Producers will utilize multiple varieties of each crop, marketing decisions based on field conditions
Indicator: Improved whole farm yield average
Method: One on one communication
Timeline: 2020-2024
Learning Opportunities:
Audience: Grain Crops Producers, industry professionals, comercail applicators, state and federal agents,
Project or Activity: Winter Ag Confrence
Content or Curriculum: Biotechnology, Varieties Trial Results, Ag Tech, Data Management
Inputs: UK/KSU college of ag professionals (Ag/Hort/FCS/4-H agents, specialists), Research information, Commodity producers, Ag industry representatives, Commodity associations (ex: Agriculture Business Assoc. of KY, Soybean board, KY Vegetable Growers Assoc.) State and federal agencies(ex: KY Dept. of Agriculture., USDA, EPA, FDA)
Date: Annual
Audience: Producers, land owners, general public
Project or Activity: Basic Tractor Electronics
Content or Curriculum: Review of basic troubleshooting of tractor electronic systems
Inputs: Tractor/Equipment Mechanics, UK/KSU college of ag professionals (Ag/Hort/FCS/4-H agents, specialists), Research information, Commodity producers, Ag industry representatives
Date: Winter 2021
Audience:Producers, Farm Managers, Certified Crop Advisors, Private Agronomist, County Agents, Ag Retailers, Farm Workers, Industry Reps. General Public, Point of Sale Employees
Project or Activity: Quarterly Newsletter, Monthly Newspaper Articles
Content or Curriculum: Timely Information
Inputs: UK/KSU College of Ag Professionals, Publications, Research information, State and Federal Organizations
Date: Ongoing
Project or Activity:
Content or Curriculum:
Success Stories
Calloway County Farm Bureau ZOOM
Author: Matthew Chadwick
Major Program: Community Engagement

For the past year I have had the pleasure of assisting several of our key stakeholders in feeling comfortable accessing meetings through the zoom internet platform. I developed a detailed instruction sheet with color coded access points for use so that they individuals could weigh their options on how to connect via phone, tablet, computer or even an app on their smart phone. This lead to me having the opportunity to work with our local county farm bureau on hosting the first ever virtual county
Full Story
© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment