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Contact Information

Craig Wood, Ph.D
Acting Associate Dean & Director
UK Cooperative Extension Service

S-107 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091

+1 (859) 257-4302


Contact Information

Craig Wood, Ph.D
Acting Associate Dean & Director
UK Cooperative Extension Service

S-107 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091

+1 (859) 257-4302

Fiscal Year:
Jul 1, 2023 - Jun 30, 2024

Home HorticulturePlan of Work

Barren County CES

Home Horticulture
Improving Consumer Horticulture Skills for Adults and Youth
Agents Involved:
Stith, Schalk, Drake, Tarry
Horticulture, Consumer and Home
Master Gardener
Integrated Pest Management
Water and Soil Quality and Conservation

Due to the high volume of phone calls and office visits received at the Cooperative Extension Service, many Barren County homeowners and residents have inquired for more information related to consumer horticulture subjects such as home vegetable gardening, home fruit production, landscape tree and shrub care, home lawns, pollinator safety and water quality. Those same clients have also requested for more environmental friendly and sound practices in those identified areas. There has been a growing concern with environmental education practices and storm water management/water quality options in the community. The adults wish to pass along the same basic knowledge onto youth, so they understand more about how plants are grown and produced in order to have fruits, vegetables, flowers, and landscape plants to beautify their community. 

Long-Term Outcomes:

*More reports of homeowners utilizing environmental friendly practices used in consumer horticulture areas

*Increase in home fruit plots and vegetable gardens from home gardeners and residents

*Increase in amounts of fresh fruit and vegetable availability in the community

*Increased consumption for fresh fruit and vegetable

*Reduction in the amount of miles that food travels to reach the consumer’s plate, so it helps aid in the local food economy

*More beautification noticed in their community

*Decrease in obesity in the community

*Installation of water management systems

Intermediate Outcomes:

Youth and citizens practice the best growing practices in all consumer horticulture areas such as performing a soil test before planting, applying fertilizers according to UK soil recommendations, planting recommended plant varieties for various horticulture plants, utilizing specific growing practices for the crop being grown, installing rain barrels, building pollinator way stations and implementing pest management strategies for multiple pests in the garden and landscape.

Initial Outcomes:

Youth and citizens will gain more basic knowledge about home and consumer horticulture skills and production.

Knowledge increase on horticulture topics. 

More community interest in gardening and best growing practices.


Long-term Outcome: More beautification of homes and gardens in and around the Glasgow and Barren County community, more environmentally friendly practices; rain barrel, pollinator way stations, rain gardens, and others.

Indicator: Reports of increased fruit and vegetable harvests, better care for ornamental trees and lawns, pest management strategies

Method: Evaluations, group discussion, personal interviews, and surveys

Timeline: 3-6 months following educational programs

Intermediate Outcome: Participants applying the practices learned from the educational Extension programs.

Indicator: Number of participants noting that they changed practices to be a better gardener

Method: Evaluations, group discussion, personal interviews, and surveys

Timeline: July-June

Initial Outcome: Participants gaining knowledge and skill in consumer horticulture areas.

Indicator: Total number of participants noting knowledge or skills gained after an educational program

Method: Pre- and post-meeting evaluations, group discussion, personal interviews, and surveys

Timeline: Immediately after educational programming

Learning Opportunities:

Audience: Horticulture Enthusiasts

Project or Activity: Horticulture/Gardening Workshops

Content or Curriculum: UK Extension Specialists, Agents, publications, Home Vegetable Gardening Guide, ID-128, Water Quality materials from UK

Inputs: Agents, Specialists, City of Glasgow

Date: July-June

Audience: Barren County Youth (both 4-H and FFA)

Project or Activity: Educational Classes and Workshops

Content or Curriculum: UK Extension related publications, materials, and curriculum

Inputs: Agents, Specialists

Date: Spring and Summer

Audience: Garden Gazette Horticulture Newsletter

Project or Activity: Timely and seasonal articles

Content or Curriculum: UK Extension related publications, materials, curriculum, Master Gardener projects and activities, SNAP materials & recipes

Inputs: Agents, Specialists

Date: July-June

Audience: Adult and youth

Project or Activity: Raised Bed Demonstration Gardens & Flower Trial Gardens

Content or Curriculum: UK Extension related publications, materials, and curriculum

Inputs: Agents, Specialists, EMG volunteers

Date: May-October

Audience: Adult and youth

Project or Activity: Local Media Outlets (Facebook, radio, TV, newspaper)

Content or Curriculum: UK Extension related publications, materials, and curriculum

Inputs: Agents, Specialists

Date: July-June

Audience: Barren County and Glasgow residents

Project of Activity: Educational Webinar Series

Content or Curriculum: Agents & Specialists presentations, UK publications and materials

Inputs: Agents, Specialist and commodity guests

Date: Year round efforts