Life SkillsPlan of Work
Rowan County CES
Life Skills
Agriculture and Natural Resources
Agents Involved:
ANR agent
Horticulture, Consumer and Home
Food Preparation and Preservation
Learning life skills related to parenting and family development, personal development, social development and cognitive development to help individuals and families spend time together. Most people gain a sense of accomplishment after learning a skill that benefits them and/or their family. There is a growing interest in Do-it-yourself skills related to family development and sustainability than in previous years. Extension leaders and community partners have indicated the value of teaching life skills in the community. High School Career and Technical educators have also indicated a willingness to work with extension on educational program efforts for FFA students.
Long-Term Outcomes:
Families spend more time together
Families/individuals report experiencing personal growth and development.
Intermediate Outcomes:
Families/individuals grow and/or are involved with processing their own food. .
Initial Outcomes:
Individuals and families learn gardening, food preservation and processing skills.
Initial Outcome: Increased skills and knowledge about gardening.
Indicator: # individuals who learn more about gardening and fruit production.
Method: direct observation/written surveys
Timeline: Summer 2019
Initial Outcome: Increased skills and knowledge about food preservation
Indicator: # individuals who learn more about microprocessing and food preservation methods.
Method: direct observation/written surveys
Timeline: Summer 2019
Learning Opportunities:
Audience: Home gardeners
Project or Activity: Home Gardening Contest
Content or Curriculum: Fruit and vegetable production practices and leadership development activities
Inputs: Agent, volunteer, local business support
Date: Summer 2019
Audience: Seniors and those with disabilities
Project or Activity: Therapy gardening at Life Care
Content or Curriculum: Work with Life Care activities director to identify appropriate content
Inputs: Program support funds
Date: Summer 2019
Success Stories
2020 Garden Programs on the GO!
Author: Peggy Jones
Major Program: Active Living and Health Promotions General

2020 Garden Programs on the Go!Twenty-Twenty offered an entire new look to programming in Extension. Agents and staff in Rowan County had to start thinking Out Side the Box. Over 800 zip lock bags with new ideas, materials and systematic instructions to educate our adult clients and youth where given out this summer. Materials were gathered, ordered, printed and assembled into individual packages. FCS Agent, 4-H Agent and Staff Assistant all worked as a team to meet the
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2021 Free Seed for your Garden
Author: Peggy Jones
Major Program: Horticulture, Consumer and Home

During spring of 2021 and after a yearlong of Covid-19, the Rowan County Extension FCS Agent team up with the Rowan County ANR Instructor at the High School. This year we want to increase the knowledge of our youth on the importance of growing healthy vegetables with their family and the importance of learning how to survive from the earth. The Extension Office purchased 150 pounds of Trucker Sweet Corn, 150 pounds of Onion Sets and 50 pounds of Top Crop Green Bean seed; Caudill Seed Compa
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© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment