Improving Life for Aging Citizens and FamiliesPlan of Work

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Muhlenberg County CES

Improving Life for Aging Citizens and Families
Embracing Life as we age
Agents Involved:
Mary Beth Riley
Embracing Life as We Age (general)
Keys to Embracing Aging

People are living longer. Kentucky's current population of seniors (65+) is 14.0%% with Muhlenberg County's number at 17.2% being 65 or older. Whether it is the graying of America or extended life expectancies, aging is a lifespan process. Therefore, it is important to acknowledge and celebrate the changes that accompany aging, in regard to health, independence and life quality throughout all stages of life.

Long-Term Outcomes:

Change in social, economic, and environmental issues related to healthy aging, independent aging and quality aging:

* decrease falls

* decrease number of individuals with chronic disease

* increase caregiving knowledge and quality relationships

* improve quality of life for our citizens

Intermediate Outcomes:

Change in behavior related to healthy aging, independent aging and quality aging:

*change behavior to decrease risk of falling

*increase communications and enhance relationships and social support

*improve mental health

*work as a family unit to acknowledge and embrace aging issues

Initial Outcomes:

Change in awareness, knowledge, and aspirations related to healthy aging, independent aging and quality aging:

*risk of falling

*healthy eating and food safety

*healthy lifespan behaviors


Long-Term Outcome: Decrease in falls and injury and living a healthier lifestyle

Indicator: Improvement in county statistics

Method: Education classes and evaluations

Timeline: Fall and Spring of 2018-2020

Intermediate Outcome: Collaborate with community on program about aging

Indicator: Number of collaborations in the community and number of contacts

Method: Classes and programs at other locations with different organizations

Timeline: 2019-2020

Initial Outcome: Awareness of healthy aging

Indicator: Attendance of workshops and trainings and number of direct contacts

Method: Evaluation of Meetings

Timeline: 2018-2020

Learning Opportunities:

Audience: Kentucky Extension Homemaker Association

Project or Activity: KEHA Lesson

Content or Curriculum: CES Publications and Programs

Inputs: FCS Agent & Homemakers

Date: KEHA Year 2019-2020

Audience: Senior Citizen Center

Project or Activity: Stand Up to Falling and Weight the Reality Series

Content or Curriculum: CES publications and programs

Inputs: FCS Agent & Volunteers

Date: 2018-2020

Audience: Local Public Housing

Project or Activity: Keys to Embracing Aging

Content or Curriculum: CES publications and Program material

Inputs: FCS Agent & Specialist

Date: Summer 2019 or Fall 2020

Audience: Rehab Centers

Project or Activity: Stand Up to Falling, training for caregivers

Content or Curriculum: Program material and CES publications

Inputs: FCS Agent and specialist

Date: Fall 2019

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