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Contact Information

Craig Wood, Ph.D
Acting Associate Dean & Director
UK Cooperative Extension Service

S-107 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091

+1 (859) 257-4302


Contact Information

Craig Wood, Ph.D
Acting Associate Dean & Director
UK Cooperative Extension Service

S-107 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091

+1 (859) 257-4302

Fiscal Year:
Jul 1, 2023 - Jun 30, 2024

Accessing Nutritious Foods & SNAP-EducationPlan of Work

Edmonson County CES

Accessing Nutritious Foods & SNAP-Education
Accessing Nutritious Foods
Agents Involved:
Julia Wilson
Accessing Nutritious Foods (general)
Food Preservation
Food Preparation
Plate It Up! Kentucky Proud

According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Kentucky adult obesity rates rank among the 10 highest in the US; and, Kentucky youth rank among the 10 highest for obesity in the US. In Edmonson County 33.6% of adults are considered obese (BMI greater than or equal to 30). In Edmonson county 29% of adults report not participating in any physical activity. The CDC also reports Kentucky adults rank in the 10 highest for poor consumption of fruits and vegetables in the US. In addition to these health indicators, according to the Kentucky Cabinet for Health and Family Services Data Book (2015) 21.2% of Edmonson County families live below poverty and there were 2,191 SNAP recipients; and, approximately 29.3% percent of children and youth under the age of 18 live in poverty in Edmonson County. Almost 300 seniors receive the monthly benefits from Commodity Supplemental Food Program and during the school year, over 100 school-aged children receive weekly Backpacks for Hunger. 

SNAP-Education programs help limited resource families increase access to affordable nutritious food, stretch food dollars, develop food preparation skills and improve food safety practices. SNAP-Education efforts also help communities address nutrition and obesity prevention issues related to the social, environmental, and policy work which supports limited resource individuals in making healthy lifestyle changes. 

Long-Term Outcomes:


Long-term Outcomes:

Individuals will reduce their risk for nutrition-related health problems.

Individuals will maintain a healthy weight.

Fewer foodborne illnesses will be reported by healthcare providers.

The instance of food insecurity will decline in the community.

Individuals will increase their physical stamina.

Individuals will increase food availability by accessing additional healthy foods via community systems and personal productivity.

Community social, environmental, and policy systems will reinforce healthy lifestyle behaviors.

Intermediate Outcomes:


Individuals will adopt one recommendation from the dietary guidelines.

Individuals demonstrate food preparation skills.

Individuals engage in good food safety practices.

Individuals adopt one food resource management practice.

Individuals utilize community support systems (farmers market, community gardens, WIC, food pantry, etc.) that provide access to healthy foods.

Individuals will grow, care for, produce and preserve foods from personal gardens and orchards to gain access to healthy foods.

Community social, environmental, and policy systems will design opportunities to support individuals toward living a healthier lifestyle

Initial Outcomes:


Individuals will be able to identify the components of a healthy diet as defined by the Dietary Guidelines for Americans.

Individuals will describe food preparation techniques.

Individuals will be able to describe food safety practices.

Individuals will identify food resource management practices.

Individuals will locate community support systems (farmers market, WIC, food pantry, etc.) that provide access to healthy foods.

Individuals will develop skills and knowledge to grow their own garden and/or orchard.

Partners will recognize the need for community social, environmental, and policy systems to address efforts toward improving healthier lifestyles



Long-term Evaluations 

Long-term Outcome: Individuals will reduce their risk for nutrition-related health problems. 

Indicator: Individuals will report reduced nutrition-related health problems as a result of making healthy eating choices. 

Method: Change in health/disease data from Kentucky County Healthcare Profile Data (CEDIK). 

Timeline: Fall 2020 

Long-term Outcome: Individuals will maintain a healthy weight. 

Indicator: Individuals will report sustained weight loss or healthy weight maintenance as a result of making healthy eating choices and physical activity. 

Method: Pre/Post written evaluation. Change in BMI data from Kentucky County Healthcare Profile Data (CEDIK). 

Timeline: Fall 2020 

Long-term Outcome: Fewer foodborne illnesses will be reported by healthcare providers. 

Indicator: A decrease in the number of foodborne illness reported. 

Method: Reports from the Department of Public Health. 

Timeline: Fall 2020 

Long-term Outcome: Individuals will have improved food security. 

Indicator: A decrease in the number of individuals reporting hunger. 

Method: Pre/Post written evaluation. Web-NEERS reports. Change in food security data from the Kentucky County Agriculture and Food Profiles (CEDIK) 

Timeline: Fall 2020 

Long-term Outcome: Individuals will increase their physical stamina. 

Indicator: Increase in the number of individuals reporting the ability to engage in physical activity for a sustained period of time. 

Method: Pre/Post written evaluation. Web-NEERS. Changes in physical activity data from the Kentucky County Healthcare Profile Data (CEDIK). 

Timeline: Fall 2020 

Long-term Outcome: Individuals will increase food availability by accessing additional healthy foods via community systems (community gardens, WIC, food pantry, etc). 

Indicator: Food insecurity decreases. . 

Method: Pre/Post written evaluation. Web-NEERS reports. Change in food security data from the Kentucky County Agriculture and Food Profiles (CEDIK). 

Timeline: Fall 2020 

Long-term Outcome: Individuals will increase consumption of fruits and vegetables through home gardens and orchards. 

Indicator: Changes in food security. Yields of produce grown. Quantity of food preserved. 

Method: Pre/Post written evaluation. Web-NEERS reports. Garden Survey. Change in food security data from the Kentucky County Agriculture and Food Profiles (CEDIK). 

Timeline: Fall 2020

Long-term Outcome: Community social, environmental, and policy systems will promote a healthier lifestyle. 

Indicator: Increase in the number of social, environmental, and policy changes implemented to support healthier lifestyles. 

Method: Community surveillance. Changes in Kentucky County Healthcare Profile Data related to recreational facilities in the physical environment (CEDIK). 

Timeline: Fall 2019

Intermediate Evaluations 

Intermediate Outcome: Individuals will adopt one recommendation from the dietary guidelines for the purpose of improving their diet. 

Indicator: Number of individuals who reported adopting at least one of the recommendations from the dietary guidelines. 

Method: Pre/Post written evaluation. Web-NEERS reports. 

Timeline: Fall 2019

Intermediate Outcome: Individuals demonstrate food preparation skills. 

Indicator: Number of individuals who implemented food preparation practices and behaviors. 

Method: Pre/Post written evaluation. Web-NEERS reports. 

Timeline: Fall 2019

Intermediate Outcome: Individuals engage in good food safety practices. 

Indicator: Number of individuals who implemented the recommended practices for safe storage, handling, or preparation of food. 

Method: Pre/Post written evaluation. Web-NEERS reports. 

Timeline: Fall 2019

Intermediate Outcome: Individuals adopt one food resource management practice. 

Indicator: Number of individuals reporting adopting one or more practices to make food more affordable. 

Method: Pre/Post written evaluation. Garden survey. Web-NEERS reports. 

Timeline: Fall 2019

Intermediate Outcome: Individuals utilize community systems (farmers market, WIC, food pantry, etc.) that provide access to healthy foods. 

Indicator: Number of individuals reporting utilization of community systems that provide access to healthy foods. 

Method: Pre/Post written evaluation. Web-NEERS reports. 

Timeline: Fall 2019 

Intermediate Outcome: Individuals will grow, care for, produce and preserve foods from personal gardens and orchards to gain access to healthy foods. 

Indicator: Number of individual reporting growing, producing, and preserving fruits and vegetables. 

Method: Pre/Post written evaluation. Web-NEERS reports. Garden Survey. 

Timeline: Fall 2019

Intermediate Outcome: Community social, environmental, and policy systems will design opportunities to support individuals toward living a healthier lifestyle. 

Indicator: Number of community social, environmental, and policy systems implemented for the purpose of addressing healthier lifestyles for limited resource and SNAP-eligible individuals. 

Method: Community surveillance to report number of systems changes as a result of partnership efforts. 

Timeline: Fall 2019

Initial Evaluations 

Initial Outcome: Individuals will be able to identify the components of a healthy diet as defined by the Dietary Guidelines for Americans. 

Indicator: Number of individuals reporting an increase in knowledge related to the components of a healthy diet. 

Method: Pre/Post written evaluation. Web-NEERS reports. 

Timeline: After completion of education program. 

Initial Outcome: Individuals will describe food preparation techniques. 

Indicator: Number of individuals reporting an increase in knowledge related to food preparation techniques. 

Method: Pre/Post written evaluation. Web-NEERS reports. 

Timeline: After completion of education program. 

Initial Outcome: Individuals will be able to describe food safety practices. 

Indicator: Number of individuals reporting an increase in knowledge or opinion change related to food safety practices. 

Method: Pre/Post written evaluation. Web-NEERS reports. 

Timeline: After completion of education program. 

Initial Outcome: Individuals will identify food resource management practices. 

Indicator: Number of individuals reporting change in knowledge related to food resource management practices. 

Method: Pre/Post written evaluation. Web-NEERS reports. 

Timeline: After completion of education program. 

Initial Outcome: Individuals will locate community support systems (farmers market, WIC, food pantry, etc.) that provide access to healthy foods. 

Indicator: Number of individuals reporting knowledge of community systems (farmers market, WIC, food pantry, etc.) that provide for food security. 

Method: Pre/Post written evaluation. Web-NEERS reports. 

Timeline: After completion of education program. 

Learning Opportunities:


Audience: Youth ages 9-18

Project or Activity: Super Star Chef Kneads a Little Dough

Content or Curriculum: Super Star Chef

Inputs: Kentucky Cooperative Extension Service (CES) agents, SNAP Education, program assistants, Kentucky CES publications and resources

Date: Summer 2020

Audience: General Public . Job Corps, 4-H Youth, Youth Groups

Project or Activity: Food Preservation Training 

Content or Curriculum: Food Preservation Curriculum, Put it Up Food Preservation

Inputs: Kentucky Cooperative Extension Service (CES) agents, volunteers, program assistants, Kentucky CES publications and resources 

Date: Spring 2020, 2021 

Audience: Preschool, Daycare, & Head Start Youth 

Project or Activity: LEAP 

Content or Curriculum: LEAP Curriculum (youth) 

Inputs: Kentucky Cooperative Extension Service (CES) agents, SNAP Ed Assistants, volunteers, program assistants, Kentucky CES publications and resources 

Date: 19-20 Academic School Year

Audience: Teens 

Project or Activity: Teen Cuisine 

Content or Curriculum: Teen Cuisine 

Inputs: Kentucky Cooperative Extension Service (CES) agents, program assistants, Kentucky CES publications and resources 

Date:  Fall 2019, Summer 2020 

Audience: SNAP Eligible Individuals/ Families 

Project or Activity: UK NEP Adult Curriculum Classes/ Facebook LIVE

Content or Curriculum: UK NEP Adult Curriculum 

Inputs: Kentucky Cooperative Extension Service (CES) agents, SNAP Education, program assistants, Kentucky CES publications and resources    

Date: Monthly 

Audience: Job Corps

Project or Activity: Food Preparation Classes

Content or Curriculum: Teen Cusine, Super Star Chef

Inputs: Kentucky Cooperative Extension Service (CES) agents, SNAP Education, program assistants, Kentucky CES publications and resources 

Date: Summer 2020

Audience: WPBM-TV31 Viewing Area

Project or Activity: Family Lifestyles Television Show

Content or Curriculum: Various Nutrition & Food Preparation Publications, SNAP Recipes, Plate it Up Proud Recipes 

Inputs: Kentucky Cooperative Extension Service (CES) agents, SNAP Education, program assistants, Kentucky CES publications and resources    

Date: Monthly

Audience: Mammoth Cave Area Homemakers, General Public

Project or Activity: Leader Lesson-Holiday Appetizers Leader Lesson 

Content or Curriculum: Various Nutrition & Food Preparation Publications, SNAP Recipes, Plate it Up Proud Recipes 

Inputs: Kentucky Cooperative Extension Service (CES) agents, SNAP Education, program assistants, Kentucky CES publications and resources    

Date: August 2019

Audience: Mammoth Cave Area Homemakers, General Public

Project or Activity: Leader Lesson- Improving Overall Health 

Content or Curriculum: Various Nutrition & Food Preparation Publications, SNAP Recipes, Plate it Up Proud Recipes 

Inputs: Kentucky Cooperative Extension Service (CES) agents, SNAP Education, program assistants, Kentucky CES publications and resources    

Date: February 2020

Audience: Mammoth Cave Area Homemakers, General Public

Project or Activity: Leader Lesson-Award Winning Jars Leader Lesson 

Content or Curriculum: Food Preservation Publications 

Inputs: Kentucky Cooperative Extension Service (CES) agents, SNAP Education, program assistants, Kentucky CES publications and resources    

Date: March 2020

Success Stories

Home Gardening Kits

Author: Julia Wilson

Major Program: Accessing Nutritious Foods (general)

Home Gardening Kits

Due to current events many families found themselves faced with empty store shelves in 2020. As a result many families had a new or renewed interest in home gardening.  The Edmonson County Family and Consumer Sciences Agent and the Agriculture and Natural Resouces Agent partnered together to create a home gardening kit for families in Edmonson County. The kits contained 21 varieties of seed, seed starting trays, soil,  SNAP publications on gardening, Plate it Up KY Proud Recipes, and t

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Adulting 101: Cooking

Author: Julia Wilson

Major Program: Food Preparation

According to the American Heart Association, teaching youth how to prepare their own food will give them a skill they can use for a lifetime. (Cooking With Your Children; Web MD; May 30, 2008.)  In Marxh of 2020 the Edmonson County Family and Consumer Sciences Agent was approach by the Family Resource Center to assist with Adulting 101. A day where high school seniors are taught basic life skills.The FCS Agent selected fried rice as a hands on recipe the students could make. Students worked

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