Enhancing Sustainable Livestock and Forage ProductionPlan of Work
Owen County CES
Enhancing Sustainable Livestock and Forage Production
Sustainable Production and Marketing of Agriculture Products
Agents Involved:
Judy Hetterman, Chelsea Young & Kendal Bowman
Sustainable Agriculture
4-H Volunteer Programming
With 62,414 acres in pastureland and 29,012 acres in forage production (69.3% of total cropland), the United Producers Stockyard and the Kentucky Beef Network's Eden Shale Research and Demonstration Farm, Owen County is uniquely suited for growing forage and grazing livestock. Livestock production generated $10,760,000 in sales in 2012 in Owen County. Because of its critical importance to the Owen County agriculture economy, it is important to educate beef producers on best management practices to: keep costs down, optimize income through management and marketing, be good stewards of the land and practice good animal welfare. Educational programs are targeted to equip Owen County beef producers with the tools necessary to be profitable and sustainable.
Long-Term Outcomes:
Participants will:
* Improved public animal handling image
* Improved animal welfare
* Improved marketing opportunities
* Build the reputation and value of Owen County cattle
* Improved end product quality and food safety
* Enhanced consumer confidence
* Producers save money by making better selection decisions
* Enhanced profitability by selling value-added calves
* Improved economic status and sustainability of beef farms
Intermediate Outcomes:
Participants will:
* Utilize basic principles of dystocia and manage to avoid it
* Use proper cattle handling and movement techniques
* Construct a cattle handling facility
* Utilize proper euthanasia techniques
* Use proper transportation practices
* Reduce the use of electronic prods, pipes, and sticks for moving animals
* Calculate and properly time for castration and dehorning to minimize animal stress
* Utilize body condition scoring to manage nutrition of animals
* Appraise management practice changes; employ record systems to track drug use, vaccines, chemicals, feed additives, and the movement of cattle on and off operations
* Have access to premium markets
* Market cattle in large uniform lots, access to premiums for better management
* Implement practices to control the breeding season and enhance production efficiency
* Test forage for nutritional quality
* Provide a complete mineral supplement program
* Implement cross breeding program
* Make EPD and targeted selection decisions to capitalize on a value-added product
Initial Outcomes:
Participants will:
* Describe the best management practices for handling cattle and providing for their well-being
* Gain knowledge on genetic factors associated with cattle welfare.
* Understand body condition scoring and how to manage nutrition for a healthy, reproductive animal
* Gain knowledge of best management practices to reduce end product defects.
* Analyze and evaluate cattleman practices
* Increased in-depth knowledge or new information related to:
* Reproduction
* genetics
* nutrition
* health
* end product
* general herd management
* economics and marketing
Initial Outcome: Increased awareness of improved production technologies and marketing opportunities
Indicator: Number of individuals reporting changes in knowledge, opinions, skills or aspirations related to forage and livestock production
Method: pre- and post tests, phone conversations
Timeline: April-May, 2019
Intermediate Outcome: Implementation of new technologies and participation in new marketing opportunities
Indicator: Number of producers utilizing new technologies and marketing opportunities introduced by Extension
Method: Phone calls, Home and farm visits, questionnaires
Timeline: Ongoing
Long-term Outcome: New forage and livestock production systems which are profitable serve as teaching tools for others
Indicator: Number of homeowners and producers self-reporting an increase in profits as a result of adopting one or more practices recommended by Extension
Method: Surveys, home and farm visits
Timeline: Ongoing
Learning Opportunities:
Audience: Owen County Beef and Forage Producers
Project or Activity: Cattle Handling and Care and Beef Quality Assurance Certification Classes
Content or Curriculum: Research based approved publications and presentations developed by Agents, and UK Forage & Livestock Specialist
Inputs: Publications, Agent, UK Animal Science and Forage Specialists, guest speakers, video, live presentations, & online courses
Date: November 2019, March 2020
Audience: Owen County Beef Producers
Project or Activity: Feeder Calf Grading School @ United Producers Stockyard
Content or Curriculum: Research based approved publications and presentations developed by Agents, and UK Forage & Livestock Specialist
Inputs: Publications, Agent, UK Animal Science and Forage Specialists, guest speakers, live presentations and demonstrations
Date: September, 2019
Audience: Owen County Beef Producers
Project or Activity: Grazing School at Eden Shale Farm
Content or Curriculum: Research based approved publications and presentations developed by Agents, and UK Forage & Livestock Specialist
Inputs: Publications, Agent, UK Animal Science and Forage Specialists, guest speakers, live presentations and demonstrations
Date: May, 2020
Audience: Owen County Beef Producers
Project or Activity: Master Cattlemen Program
Content or Curriculum: 10 Educational Sessions with presentations developed by UK Beef Forage, Nutrition, Genetics and Health Specialist
Inputs: Publications, Agent, UK Animal Science and Forage Specialists, guest speakers, live presentations and demonstrations
Date: September-November 2019
Audience: Owen County Beef Producers
Project or Activity: Kentucky Grazing School
Content or Curriculum: 2-Day Session at Woodford County with presentations developed by UK Beef Forage and Nutrition Specialist
Inputs: Publications, UK Animal Science and Forage Specialists, guest speakers, live presentations and demonstrations
Date: September 2018
Audience: Youth 9-19 interested in livestock projects
Project or Activity: Livestock Judging
Content or Curriculum:4-H Livestock Leaders' Handbook
Inputs:Certified Livestock Leaders
Date: September 2019-June 2020
Audience: Youth 9-19 interested in livestock projects
Project or Activity: 4-H Livestock Clubs
Content or Curriculum:4-H Livestock Leaders' Handbook
Inputs:Certified Livestock Leaders, Guest Speakers, Record Books
Date: September 2019-June 2020
Audience: Youth 9-19 interested in livestock projects
Project or Activity: 4-H/FFA Livestock Sale
Content or Curriculum: 4-H Livestock
Inputs:Certified Livestock Leaders, Volunteers, Buyers/Sponsors
Date: Fall 2020
Audience: Youth 9-19 interested in livestock projects
Project or Activity: Country Ham Projects
Content or Curriculum: 4-H Livestock
Inputs:Youth 9-19
Date: December 2019-June 2020
Audience: Youth 9-19 interested in equine projects
Project or Activity: Horse Club
Content or Curriculum: 4-H Horse Leaders' Handbook
Inputs:Certified Horse Club Leader, Guest Speakers, Record Books
Date: September 2019-June 2020
Audience: Youth 9-19 interested in equine projects
Project or Activity: Horse Judging/Horse Bowl
Content or Curriculum: 4-H Horse Leaders' Handbook
Inputs: Certified Horse Club Leader, Guest Speakers, Record Books
Date: September 2019-June 2020
Success Stories
Feeder Calf Grading School
Author: Kendal Bowman
Major Program: Beef
Cattle producers who are interested in understanding today’s feeder calf market and grades attended Feeder Calf Grading School hosted by Owen and Franklin County Cooperative Extension Services. The single session was held at United Producers Inc. Stockyards in Owenton KY on October 3rd, 2019. Speakers Tim Dietrich from Kentucky Department of Agriculture’s Office of Agricultural Marketing and Jodee Inman from U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Agricultural Marketing Service explai
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Chute-Side Beef Quality Assurance Training
Author: Kendal Bowman
Major Program: Beef
While many producers participate in Beef Quality and Care Assurance (BQCA or BQA) trainings because they are mandatory for the livestock cost- share, there has been research proving there is a financial benefit for BQCA certified producers as well. According to a recent study by the Beef Checkoff-funded BQA program and conducted by Colorado State University (CSU), results show a significant premium for calves and feeder cattle sold through video auction markets. On July 29th and 30th Owen
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Increasing Beef Profits
Author: Kendal Bowman
Major Program: Beef
Kentucky has the highest number of cattle east of the Mississippi River, but if you’ve ever been to Kentucky you know you’ll experience all four seasons in one month. With Kentucky’s unpredictable weather many cattle pastures end up destroyed from the mud. Kendal Bowman, Owen County’s Agriculture and Natural Resource Agent has been working with one of his producers on designing an economical high intensity backgrounding operation while avoiding the weather elements. Sever
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Cooperative Extension Meeting The Needs During A Pandemic
Author: Kendal Bowman
Major Program: Sustainable Agriculture
Living in a decade of technology and in the middle of the COVID19 Pandemic has brought many challenges. COVID19 has changed the world as we know it, one of the ways i think it has benefited the Cooperative Extension Service is by challenging us to create virtual education opportunities. These virtual programs allow producers to watch and learn at their own pace. Many of my beginning farmers like the flexibility it provides for their busy lifestyle. I sent a survey out and about half of the
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