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Contact Information

Craig Wood, Ph.D
Acting Associate Dean & Director
UK Cooperative Extension Service

S-107 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091

+1 (859) 257-4302


Contact Information

Craig Wood, Ph.D
Acting Associate Dean & Director
UK Cooperative Extension Service

S-107 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091

+1 (859) 257-4302

Fiscal Year:
Jul 1, 2023 - Jun 30, 2024

Farm SafetyPlan of Work

Boyd County CES

Farm Safety
Sustainable Agriculture Practices
Agents Involved:
Sustainable Agriculture
Pesticide Safety – Plant Pests
Pesticide Safety – Livestock Pests
Farm Management

It has come to the attention of the County Ag Advisory Council that in the past few years there has been an increase in the number of farm/agriculture related accidents, some fatal, in our county. Whether this is an actual increase or just an increase in awareness of these types of accidents, it was felt that we needed to offer some educational programs on combating these. All outcomes will have to be subjectively evaluated as there is no good source of current statistics according to personnel in the UK Agribilty office.

Long-Term Outcomes:

Reduce the number of on-farm/agricultural related accidents and the number of casualties/life altering injuries sustained from them.

Intermediate Outcomes:

Start seeing the number of accidents declining, as well as the number of fatalities due to increased safety awareness and changing the way some activities are performed.

Initial Outcomes:

Change the way many involved in agriculture/farming do or do not do certain activities from a safety standpoint due to their increased knowledge of the proper and safe way to do them and give them the skills needed to do so, for themselves as well as their employees and family members.


Initial Outcome: Farmers/ ag personnel are starting to change the way they do certain things to a more safe way

Indicator: Reduced accidents

Method: Personnel contact, mail/phone surveys, i.e. direct follow-up

Timeline: 2017-2018

Intermediate Outcome: Will begin to see a reduction in the number of on-farm/agriculture related injuries/deaths

Indicator: Less accidents and deaths

Method: Word of mouth and direct contact

Timeline: 2017-2020

Long-term Outcome: A long term reduction in the number of on-farm and ag related accidents and deaths

Indicator: Reduced number of accidents and deaths as related to before the programming

Method: Word of mouth and direct contact

Timeline: 2020 and beyond

Learning Opportunities:

Audience: Anyone actively farming or involved in agriculture

Project or Activity: Farm Safety Field Day/safety programs

Content or Curriculum: ATV/RTV safety, chain saw safety, tractor safety, farm level first aid,

Inputs: Facilities for programs, cooperating landowner, Extension personnel, UK Extension Specialist, Agribility personnel, KDA personnel, and others as needed

Date: 2019-20

Audience: Anyone actively farming or involved in agriculture

Project or Activity: Private Pesticide Applicator Trainings

Content or Curriculum: Videos and Material provided by UK CAFE Extension Specialists

Inputs: Extension personnel and facilities

Date: Annually, multiple times

Audience: Any and all farmers and producers

Project or Activity: Provide training for safely and correctly using, and access, to no-till seeders, sprayer, hay wrapper for on-farm use, weed wiper, hydro-seeder, sprayer, small plot seeder, pasture aerator, squeeze chute/head catch, corral system

Content or Curriculum: Mandatory training in use of each piece of equipment

Inputs: Extension Agent, Conservation Office, equipment, storage facility, maintenance

Date: Continuously