Sustainable AgriculturePlan of Work
Woodford County CES
Sustainable Agriculture
Sustainable Agriculture
Agents Involved:
Elizabeth Coots, Ryan Farley, Faye Kuosman, Adam Probst
Sustainable Agriculture
Integrated Plant Pest Management
Home & Consumer Horticulture
Master Gardener
With almost 97% of all Woodford County land involved in agricultural or residential uses, proper stewardship of natural and human resources is of vital importance. Enhancing soil quality and health, economic profitablity, and natural resource conservation are three key factors to ensuring longevity of farms and landscapes within the community.
Long-Term Outcomes:
Enhancement of economic and ecological sustainability for farmers and homeowners within the community.
Intermediate Outcomes:
Clientele implement sound environmental and economic practices.
Initial Outcomes:
Clientele are aware of practices to sustain or improve natural resources on their farms.
Initial Outcome: Clientele are aware of practices to sustain or improve natural resources on their farms.
Indicator: Observation
Method: Personal Interviews
Timeline: Yearly
Intermediate Outcome: Clientele implement sound environmental and economic practices.
Indicator: Observation
Method: Site visits, personal interviews
Timeline: Yearly
Long-Term Outcome: Enhancement of economic and ecological sustainability for farmers and homeowners within the community.
Indicator: Ag Census, Soil test reports
Method: National Ag Statistics Service, U.K. Regulatory Services
Timeline: Yearly
Learning Opportunities:
Audience: Farmers/Landowners
Project or Activity: Educational Programs, Field Days
Content or Curriculum: Sustainable farm management and agricultural production.
Inputs: Agent/Program Assistant Time, Specialist Time, Natural Resource Conservation Service, Woodford Co. Conservation District, Woodford County Beef Cattle Association, Farmer Cooperators
Date: Yearly
Audience: Homeowners/Farmers/Landowners
Project or Activity: Soil Testing Service
Content or Curriculum: Soil testing for residents to promote sustainable management decisions
Inputs: Agent Time
Date: Yearly
Audience: Homeowners
Project or Activity: Spring and Fall Gardening Workshops
Content or Curriculum: Environmentally sound horticultural practices for home gardens and landscapes.
Inputs: Agent/Program Assistant Time, Specialist Time
Date: March and October of every year
Audience: Homeowners/Farmers
Project or Activity: Horticulture Workshops
Content or Curriculum: Environmentally sound horticultural practices for home gardens and landscapes.
Inputs: Agent Time, Specialist Time, CES publications
Date: Yearly
Success Stories
An online network connecting producers and consumers of local food in Woodford County
Author: Faye Kuosman
Major Program: Local Food Systems
An emerging concern in the midst of the Covid19 pandemic is that there might be instability in our national food system. This has created a surge of interest to purchase local foods. In response to this, the Woodford County Horticulture Agent worked with Master Gardeners and a group of community volunteers to create a website featuring foods produced in Woodford County called the Woodford FoodNet. The website will support local farmers and processors as well as expand buying choices for county r
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Pollinator Grant Program Encourages Residents to Provide Habitat for Pollinators
Author: Faye Kuosman
Major Program: Home & Consumer Horticulture
In the past five to 10 years, researchers estimate that pollinator populations have declined between 30 to 60%, depending on the pollinator. While much of the attention has focused on dwindling honeybee populations due to colony collapse disorder, native bee populations, butterflies including the monarch, and many other pollinator species, are also on the decline. Habitat loss due to urban and suburban sprawl is one of the main reasons.In an effort to help offset the loss of habitat for pollinat
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Family garden kits enable residents to successfully grow their own food during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Author: Faye Kuosman
Major Program: Home & Consumer Horticulture

The COVID-19 Pandemic demonstrates the fragility of our food system. Although plenty of food is being produced, there is a bottleneck in distribution. As a result, Kentuckians are coming together to not only support local agriculture but also have an increased interest in growing their own food in home or community gardens. As a response to this interest, the Woodford County Horticulture and Family and Consumer Sciences Agent partnered to distribute Family Garden Kits, Container Garden Kits, and
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Estate Planning Workshop
Author: T. Adam Probst
Major Program: Sustainable Agriculture
With the average age of the farmer in Woodford County over 58 years old, the Woodford County Extension Service designed and implemented a 4 week estate planning workshop to assist landowners with transferring the farm to the next generation. With a partnership between the ANR and FCS programs, 30 participants learned more from extension specialists, attorneys, and financial management specialists in methods to effectively transfer ownership of the farm business and plan for retirement. &nb
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© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment