Leadership DevelopmentPlan of Work
Fayette County CES
Leadership Development
Leadership Development
Agents Involved:
Doggett, Lindsay, Dockery, Wells
Kentucky Extension Leadership Development (KELD)
Kentucky Extension Leadership Development (KELD): Developing Core Leadership Skills
4-H Family and Consumer Science Core Curriculum
Building the capacity of volunteer leaders and engaging and developing community leadership are fundamental keys of community strengthening and advancement. Over the last several years, the necessity of empowering community residents to enhance civic responsibility through community ownership is an essential element in implementing local solutions to local issues. Listed by numerous leadership development institutes, the importance of recognizing and building leadership characteristics in community residents is the practical application of becoming a proactive, informed, and prepared citizen and advocate on behalf of Extension.
Long-Term Outcomes:
Local citizens will practice personal leadership skills in clubs, schools, and community outreach.
Intermediate Outcomes:
Volunteer leaders will use improved skills in communication, problem solving, or group process in addressing organizational issues and needs.
Engaged in community outreach and advocacy.
Initial Outcomes:
Local citizens increase their knowledge and skills in personal leadership and/or advocacy for Cooperative Extension and the College of Agriculture, Food and Environment.
KEHA, FCS. 4-H, Ag,and Horticulture Advisory Councils, COA&HES Alumni, and Community Coalition members increase knowledge and skills in organizational leadership.
Long-Term Outcome: Kentucky communities are impacted through local leadership from Extension Office.
Indicators: Leaders feel a sense of ownership to their community. Local leadership works together to solve current and future issues that may arise.
Method: Reports and surveys
Timeline: On-Going
Intermediate Outcome: Extension leaders practice leadership skills within their local community.
Indicator: Increased involvement in extension leadership
Method: reports, council attendance and participation, COA&HES Alumni Association volunteers and mentors
Timeline: On-Going
Initial Outcome: Increase knowledge and skills related to leadership.
Indicator: increased involvement and advocacy related to extension leadership
Method: reports, council attendance and participation, Area COA&HES Alumni Chapters membership, volunteer service and advocacy
Timeline: On-Going
Learning Opportunities:
Audience: Homemakers
Project or Activity: KEHA Leader Training
Content or Curriculum: CES Publications and Resources
Inputs: KY Cooperative Extension Agents, Specialists
Date: On-Going
Audience: Adults
Project or Activity: FCS Advisory Council
Content or Curriculum:
Input: KY Cooperative Extension Agents, Community Partners
Date: On-Going
Audience: Homemakers
Project or Activity: Homemaker Council
Content or Curriculum: KELD
Input: KY Cooperative Extension Agents, KEHA
Date: On-Going
Audience: Master Gardeners
Project or Activity: Master Gardener classes and Continuing Education
Content or Curriculum: Master Gardener manual
Input: County agents, Specialists, Volunteers
Date: Ongoing
Audience: Seniors and caregivers
Project or Activity: Challenges of Aging workshops; Bluegrass Eldercare Consortium; Grandparents and Relatives Raising Children, Next Best Years
Content or Curriculum: CEC Publications/programs
Inputs: Kentucky Cooperative Extension Service Agents, Specialists, Volunteers, Kentucky CES publications; local, state, and federal agencies.
Date: ongoing
Audience: Adult and Teen Volunteers
Project or Activity: 4-H Council
Content or Curriculum: CES Publications and Resources
Inputs: 4-H Agents, Specialists, volunteers
Date: quarterly meetings & as needed
Audience: Adult Volunteers
Project or Activity: 4-H Council Training
Content or Curriculum: CES Publications and Resources
Inputs: KY Cooperative Extension Agents, Specialists
Date: On-Going
Audience: Adult Volunteers
Project or Activity: 4-H Club Volunteer Leader Training
Content or Curriculum: CES Publications and Resources
Inputs: KY Cooperative Extension Agents, Specialists
Date: On-Going
Audience: Adult Volunteers
Project or Activity: 4-H Shooting Sports Volunteer Certification Training
Content or Curriculum: CES Publications and Resources
Inputs: KY Cooperative Extension Agents, Specialists
Date: On-Going
Audience: Adult Volunteers
Project or Activity: 4-H Livestock Volunteer Certification Training
Content or Curriculum: CES Publications and Resources
Inputs: KY Cooperative Extension Agents, Specialists
Date: On-Going
Audience: Adult Volunteers
Project or Activity: 4-H Horse Volunteer Certification Training
Content or Curriculum: CES Publications and Resources
Inputs: KY Cooperative Extension Agents, Specialists
Date: On-Going
Audience: Adult and Teen Volunteers
Project or Activity: 4-H Camp Volunteer Leader Training
Content or Curriculum: CES Publications and Resources
Inputs: KY Cooperative Extension Agents, Specialists
Date: On-Going
Audience: Teens & Middle School Youth
Project or Activity: Teen Club & Clover Council
Content or Curriculum: 4-H Leadership curriculum
Inputs: 4-H Agents, Specialists, volunteers
Date: monthly & as needed
Audience: Adults
Project or Activity: Phone calls, e-mails, and office visit customer service opportunities
Content or Curriculum: Available resources through CES publications, specialists, listed curricula and COA&HES Alumni research and program updates
Inputs: Kentucky Cooperative Extension Service Agents, Program Assistants, Specialists, Volunteers, Area COA&HES Alumni chapters, Kentucky CES publications; local, state, and federal agencies.
Date: On-Going
Audience: District Board, CEC and Advisory groups
project or activity: Extension Leadership Development
Curriculum: extension leadership materials
inputs: agents, specialists
Date: on going
Audience: Community Residents & Businesses
Project: Local Foods Committee & Coordinator
Content & Curriculum: Collaborating Agencies, LFUCG, Agents, Specialist, COA Office of Development, COA&HES Alumni Association
Date: On-Going
Audience: Adults and students
Project or Activity: Fayette County Cattleman's Association, Fayette County Farm Bureau, Lions Club, Bluegrass fair and local and statewide COA&HES Alumni Association.
Content or Curriculum: Livestock production, field crops, leadership Programs, Judging and recognition, Area alumni chapter's network/recruitment opportunities for COA and FCS.
Date: On-Going
Audience: UK Interns and Mentees
Project or Activity: UK AG&HES Alumni; Extension Intern Program
Content or Curriculum: UK Mentoring publications, handbook
Date All Year
Success Stories
Shooting Sports creates leaders
Author: Kevin Lindsay
Major Program: 4-H Youth Development Programming
The Fayette County Shooting Sports program continues to be one of the largest 4H programs in Fayette County. For the upcoming programming year, there are a total of 10 certified volunteer leaders/coaches. During the January orientation, one of the leaders talked to the group about how Shooting Sports helped her son grow into a now mature teenager. She explained how she watched her son grow from a 9 year old to a now confident 17 year old because of all the leadership skills 4H taught her son thr
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Advancement of Master Gardeners Plant Problem Identification Abilities through Continuing Education.
Author: Jamie Dockery
Major Program: Master Gardener
The Master Gardener program is a CAFE featured program and a major initiative for participating counties. Many Master Gardener volunteers assist county agents by accepting samples, completing homeowner site visits, fielding phone calls from homeowners, and/or providing general diagnostic assistance. As diagnosis of plant problems is a challenging and often intimidating process, many volunteers are timid to participate in these programs. In order to provide Master Gardeners with additional educat
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Kentucky Volunteer Forum
Author: Kevin Lindsay
Major Program: 4-H Volunteer Programming
Fayette County 4H had a total of 12 4H volunteers to attend the 2020 Kentucky Volunteer Forum. 4 staff members also attended with 2 staff members presenting workshops. Volunteers play integral roles in 4-H programs, performing a variety of duties, functions, and tasks and possessing varied and rich knowledge, skills, and backgrounds (Radhakrishna & Ewing, 2011). The success of Extension programming is due, in part, to the dedication of a large cadre of volunteers (Smith, Dasher, &
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Teen Leadership
Author: Kevin Lindsay
Major Program: 4-H Leadership Core Curriculum
The Fayette County 4-H Program continues to produce teen leaders. During the last program year, several teens served in leadership positions on the county and state level. The 4-H program has one teen serving as a State and National Shooting sports ambassador, 2 teens serving as State Teen Council at-large members, 2 teens serving on the Fashion Leadership Board, and 6 teens participating in the Natural Resources Academy. For the upcoming program year, we will have two teens joining the Sci
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Heart2Heart Letter writing
Author: Kevin Lindsay
Major Program: 4-H Communications and Expressive Arts Core Curriculum

In response to the Covid-19 epidemic, the 4H program created a partnership with the UK College of Agriculture, Food, and Environment and the UK College of Nursing to bring together both colleges to write letters of thanks, encouragement, and support to Health Care Providers on the front line battling COVID-19 across Kentucky and the rest of the United States. The idea was to encourage 4-H youth, community members and College of Nursing students and employees to write letters of support. From the
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Public Speaking
Author: Kevin Lindsay
Major Program: 4-H Communications and Expressive Arts Core Curriculum

Public Speaking skills are valuable communication tools that youth need to fully succeed in their school and career path. 4-H offers various ways to teach public speaking and other communication lessons. A parent of a youth who has down sydrome has raved about how much confidence public speaking has given her son as a result of him doing a demonstration. The mentioned youth participated in the March 2020 county demonstration contest and won first place in his division. He then competed at the di
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4-H Issues Conference
Author: Madalyn Hale
Major Program: 4-H Leadership Core Curriculum
The goals of the Kentucky 4-H Issues Conference are for the youth delegates to enrich their citizenship and civic engagement roles, enhance their leadership skills, develop public presentation skills, gain an understanding of local issues, and to learn the process of addressing local issues.During the four-day intensive conference, a partnership occurs between the Delegates (youth) and the Facilitators (adult) which leads to a successful learning experience. Delegates were involved in 20 hours o
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The Learning Center Collaboration
Author: Madalyn Hale
Major Program: 4-H Agriculture Core Curriculum AND Natural Resources
In May of 2019, I was contacted by a teacher at The Learning Center, a school for 8th-12th grades in Fayette County that works with at-risk students. He was interested in a partnership with 4-H and over several emails, we discussed ideas. I went into the classroom and met with him as well as several students to gauge interest and make a plan for the next school year. In October we met again and made a more solid plan for the group. We knew they wanted to learn about and focus on Natural Resource
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Volunteer Forum
Author: Madalyn Hale
Major Program: 4-H Volunteer Programming
Volunteers play integral roles in 4-H programs, performing a variety of duties, functions, and tasks and possessing varied and rich knowledge, skills, and backgrounds (Radhakrishna & Ewing, 2011). The success of Extension programming is due, in part, to the dedication of a large cadre of volunteers (Smith, Dasher, & Klingborg, 2005). Although highly valued, volunteer involvement does not guarantee achievement of Extension's goals and fulfillment of learners' needs (Bolton, 1992).
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© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment