Selecting safe, energy efficient options; managing farmPlan of Work
Johnson County CES
Selecting safe, energy efficient options; managing farm
Environment and Safety
Agents Involved:
Cockerham and Jeffiers
Arts and Community Health
Promoting Healthy Homes and Communities (general)
Pesticide Safety – Plant Pests
Chemical Crop Management Tools
Energy inefficiency has become a deterrent to families being able to effectively manage their budgets. With rising costs of energy, aging homes, an elderly population, all combine to make a perfect storm of unbalanced costs of living when there are better options available. Finding affordable, energy efficient method of safe housing has become a strategy to also be able to manage the family budget more effectively. Keeping the environment safe has been an ongoing problem, Johnson County Agriculture Council has prioritized the safety for both farmers and the communities they live in, while the FCS Council has prioritized the development of energy efficient plans for safe, affordable homes for everyone.
Long-Term Outcomes:
Citizens will own safe, affordable, energy efficient homes, with a lower environmental footprint.
Pollution from farm operations is minimized.
Diverse strategies such as the use of Art will be use to address other areas of a home's health
Intermediate Outcomes:
Citizens will select energy efficient options and set new energy efficient and environmental standards for themselves.
Farmers utilize appropriate types, rates, and techniques with farm chemicals.
Families will have more artistic options available to them.
Initial Outcomes:
Citizens will learn about energy efficient methods of construction and remodeling.
Farmers understand pesticide action and the effect of pesticides on the environment.
Opportunities for artists will be increased.
A.Long-term Outcome:
Indicator: Citizens will have access to energy efficient homes, with a lower environmental footprint.
Method: observation
Timeline: 2019-20
Intermediate Outcome:
Indicator: Citizens will make decisions to adapt homes and select new building methods for energy efficiency.
Method: Observation and responses to questions
Timeline: 2019-20
B. Intermediate Outcome: Volunteers will engage in community demonstration project
Indicator: Visual observation
Method: By using KEHA local and International tools
Timeline: 2019-21
C. Initial Outcome: Citizens will learn about energy efficient methods of construction including environmental issues worldwide.
Indicator: Through verbal feedback
Method: Attendance to programs, questions and responses to media
Timeline: 2019-20
1. Long-term outcome: Pollution from farms is minimized.
Indicator: Ground water and surface water shows acceptable levels of pesticide byproducts.
Method: Water testing
Timeline: 2020
2.Intermediate outcome: Farmers utilize appropriate types, rates, and techniques with farm chemicals.
Method: Producer feedback, observation
Timeline: Annually
3.Short-term outcome: Farmers understand pesticide action and the effect of pesticides on the environment.
Indicator: Farmers reporting knowledge of how to choose chemicals, application conditions, equipment, and rates.
Learning Opportunities:
Audience: Citizens
Project or Activity: Affordable, energy efficient housing demonstration project with a low environmental footprint
Content or Curriculum: Pilot project working with KEHA
Inputs: FCS Council, KEHA
Date: 2019-21
Audience: Farmers
Project or Activity: Pesticide education
Content or Curriculum: UK curriculum
Inputs: Specialists, agent
Date: Annually
© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment