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Contact Information

Craig Wood, Ph.D
Acting Associate Dean & Director
UK Cooperative Extension Service

S-107 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091

+1 (859) 257-4302


Contact Information

Craig Wood, Ph.D
Acting Associate Dean & Director
UK Cooperative Extension Service

S-107 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091

+1 (859) 257-4302

Fiscal Year:
Jul 1, 2023 - Jun 30, 2024

Improving Resource Utilization, Production Efficiency and Marketing in AgriculturePlan of Work

Graves County CES

Improving Resource Utilization, Production Efficiency and Marketing in Agriculture
Agricultural Profitability
Agents Involved:
ANR Agent
Ag Marketing
Grain Crops
Farm Management

Situation: Agriculture is a major economic force in Graves County, producing over $300 million in income for farmers each year. It is the largest industry in the county and typically ranks in the top 3 counties in the state for total gross ag receipts. Poultry, grain crops, tobacco, and cattle are the major sectors of income production for the county. Agricultural producers must continue to improve their efficiency and resource utilization if the county’s economy is to flourish.

Long-Term Outcomes:

Long-term Outcomes: Crop producers will focus on production efficiency and adopt new technology to improve overall profit. Tobacco producers will diversify their operations to sustain them in the long-term. Grain and tobacco producers will continue to seek out Cooperative Extension for production information. Grain farmers will utilize best management practices while operating a sustainable enterprise, taking into account both economic and environmental inputs which add to the economic well-being of Graves County agriculture.

Intermediate Outcomes:

Intermediate Outcomes: Grain farmers will adopt new technology to avoid over and misapplication of pesticides and reduce over seeding. They will also adopt best management practices in regards to pest control, soil testing, tillage, soil drainage methods and reducing crop depredation by wildlife. Tobacco producers will utilize soil testing, nutrient and pest control recommendations from Cooperative Extension. Some will also seek alternatives to tobacco production to diversify and grow their operations. Farmers will apply marketing strategies allowing them to take advantage of price premiums and giving them marketing alternatives rather than being locked in to local situations. Help farmers know and begin to utilize ideas that will aid in the transitions of farms from one generation to the next.

Initial Outcomes:

Initial Outcomes: Participants will demonstrate an increased knowledge and understanding of: Basic plant growth, interactions between plants and soils, how management affects soil and plant properties, use of budgets and other management tools in decision making and labor regulations and requirements. Some will also evaluate and begin new enterprises. They will also will also see the need for new technology and incorporate it into their operations as capitol improvements are feasible.


Outcome:Participants will use extension resources for decision making

Indicator: Number of producers using UK recommendations

Method: Personal contact

Timeline: Varies

Outcome: Farmers will adopt new technology

Indicator: Number of farmers using new technology

Method: Evaluation Survey

Timeline: 3 months after Marketing Exercise

Learning Opportunities:

Audience: Graves County Tobacco Producers

Activity: Tobacco twilight Tour

Content or Curriculum: Varies

Date: Late Summer

Audience: Livestock Producers

Activity: PACA Meeting

Content: Improved Management and Marketing for Cattle

Date: Spring

Audience: Grain Farmers

Activity: Winter Ag Conference

Content: Improving Efficiency, Adopting New Technology, or bringing new knowledge to the producers.

Date: Winter 

Audience: Graves County Farmers

Activity: Farm transitions program

Content: Terms, Programs, and connections for making farm transition smooth

Date: Winter