Empowering LeadersPlan of Work
Wolfe County CES
Empowering Leaders
Emprowering Communty Leaders
Agents Involved:
Heather Graham, Jessica Morris
Empowering Community Leaders (general)
Kentucky Extension Homemaker Association
Master Clothing Volunteer
Wolfe County Council and Family Consumer Science Council identified leadership skills as a need not just for youth but also for adults. Extension is committed to engaging, educating, and empowering local citizens to investigate issues, make responsible decisions, and taking ownership of solutions. In order to achieve this, individuals must have opportunities to develop personal capacity. Communities and clientele benefit from the learning of leadership competencies such as goal setting, Clientele are in need of education that prepares them to manage time, work as a team, set goals, start conversations, facilitate meetings and make effective presentations. By supporting and engaging young leaders, adults, organizations and communities experience direct benefits. Young people help to re-energize adults and counteract negative stereotypes of youth when they are successfully engaged in leadership within their communities. Improving the personal capacity of our clientele to learn more about themselves, lead groups and become engaged, will help community members to build an environment for will work toward building successful problem solving communities.
(Reviewed 06/2019; 04/2017 HG, JM)
Long-Term Outcomes:
Wolfe County will gain leadership and personal capacity skills in numerous settings to solve problems and achieve issue based goals.
Wolfe County citizens will be volunteering on a regular basis to the extent that volunteerism is recognized as a valuable resource in the community.
Individuals will improve personal skills in communication, group decision making and follow through Extending the outreach of the Cooperative Extension Service by improving knowledge and communication skills of Master Clothing Volunteers and Extension Volunteers.
(Reviewed 06/2019; 04/2017 HG, JM)
Intermediate Outcomes:
Wolfe County population will volunteer more hours or will take on additional leadership roles.
Teen and adult volunteers will become more competent, contribute and accept more responsibility as leaders.
Clientele will become empowered and assume leadership responsibilities on the extension district board, extension council, program councils and committees.
Clientele will use decision-making skills, self-confidence and responsibility to serve on local school boards, program councils, Farm Bureau board, school site-based councils, PTO’s and other community
(Reviewed 06/2019; 04/2017 HG, JM)
Initial Outcomes:
Advisory Councils become educated about personal capacity and leadership development.
Youth and adults will gain knowledge about community services opportunities and be given an opportunity to serve.
KEHA and FCS Advisory Council members will increase knowledge and skills in organizational leadership. Adult and youth leaders will learn about different leadership styles and effective communications skills to make meetings work more efficiently.
Clientele will become more aware of the needs of their community.
Clientele will become more educated in specific subject matter areas to teach, lead and train others, goal setting and evaluation techniques.
(Reviewed 06/2019; 04/2017 HG, JM)
Initial Outcome: Stronger and more effective councils(FCS, Homemakers, County)
Indicator: Completed goals, committee work
Method: Observation and attendance
Timeline: July 2017- June 2018
Intermediate Outcome: Increased number of volunteer hours reported by Extension Homemakers
Indicator: assume leadership roles, in clubs, councils and committees, develop community service projects
Method: Observation through increased programs, and volunteers and KEHA reports
Timeline: yearly reports each May
Long Term Outcome: Increased number of programs offered by Master Clothing Volunteers
Indicator: Individual will increase knowledge of Sewing Skills
Method: Observation and project completed
Timeline: Program year
(Reviewed 06/2019; 04/2017 HG, JM)
Learning Opportunities:
Audience: Adults
Project or Activity: Kentucky Extension Leadership Development Program
Content or curriculum: (KELD and other leadership training opportunities), Officer Trainings and council meetings
Inputs; FCS agents
Date: August-September
Audience: Adults
Project: or Activity: FCS leaders program
Content or curriculum: FCS curriculum
Inputs: FCS agents
Date: 2017-2018
Audience: Homemakers
Method or activity: Quicksand Area Leaders training
Content or curriculum; Officer and chairmanship training KEHA
Input: FCS agents
Date: Summer, beginning and ending of program
Audience: Adults/Homemakers
Method or activity: KEHA Leader Lessons
Content or curriculum: Minimum of 9 annually
Input: FCS agent
Date: August 2017-June 2018
Audience: Adults
Method or activity: Extension Council training
Content or curriculum: SEAL or recommended trainings as needed
Input: County Extension Agents
Date: quarterly (Topics: Council systems, By-Laws, diversity, Programming)
Audience: Youth
Method Activity: Master Clothing Volunteers programs
Content: 4 H youth sewing curriculum, FCS curriculum
Input: Master Clothing Volunteers/FCS agent
Date: July 2017-2018
Method or Activity: Adults
Method or activity: Come Sew with Us/Basic Sewing Classes
Content or Curriculum: Professional resources
Input: Master Clothing Volunteers
Date: July 2018-2019
(Reviewed 06/2019; 04/2017 HG, JM)
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