Accessing Nutritious FoodsPlan of Work
Menifee County CES
Accessing Nutritious Foods
Accessing Nutritious Foods
Agents Involved:
Kendyl Redding
Plate It Up! Kentucky Proud
Food Preservation
Accessing Nutritious Foods (general)
The obesity epidemic threatens the quality and years of life of Kentuckians. Obese individuals are at increased risk for many chronic health conditions, including type 2 diabetes, heart disease, stroke, and some types of cancers. The obesity rate in Kentucky increased 90 percent over the last 15 years. Thirty percent of individuals in the Commonwealth report no leisure-time physical activity. Increased consumption of unhealthy food, stress, and built environments that promote physical inactivity are largely responsible for the obesity epidemic. As a result, Kentuckians are dying from heart disease and cancer at higher rates than all Americans and they have a lower life expectancy, 75.5 years, compared to 78 years for Americans. Minorities and individuals residing in Appalachia bear a heavier brunt of the obesity and chronic disease burden. The goal of the Making Healthy Lifestyle Choices Initiative is to reverse these trends by working with various organizations, agencies, and groups to promote the health and wellness in all Kentuckians.
Long-Term Outcomes:
A decrease in the number of obese and overweight children, youth, adults and elderly
Increase in the practice and promotion of physical activity and healthy eating daily
Improvement in the built environment to promote physical activity and healthy eating
Improvement in the mental health and well being of Menifee County residents.
Manage and prevent the risk, debilitation, and premature death related to diabetes, cancer, heart disease, stroke and hypertension
Increase the estimated health savings in dollars for chronic disease.
Increase policies that address obesity, physical inactivity and promotion of poor nutrition
Intermediate Outcomes:
Practice healthy food choices and strengthen individuals’ ability to build healthy eating plans and patterns.
Maintain appropriate calorie balance during each stage of life: childhood, adolescence, adulthood, pregnancy and breastfeeding and older age
Practice of physical activity in families and communities and decreased time spent on sedentary behaviors
Community members advocate for policy
Changes related to obesity, physical activity and healthy eating.
Strengthen community coalitions or partnerships to address obesity, physical inactivity and chronic disease.
Practice healthy lifestyle decision-making that strengthen individuals’ ability to cope with normal life stressors.
Initial Outcomes:
Change in awareness, knowledge, opinions, skills, and attitudes needed to make informed choices regarding:
Healthy lifestyle choices
Childhood and youth obesity
Adult weight management
Healthy aging
Practice and promotion of daily physical activity
Policies that that reduce the level of obesity
Reduction of chronic disease
Initial Outcome: Individuals and families intend to utilize community resources and extension programs.
Indicator: Knowledge and skills are gained regarding healthy eating habits, physical activity, healthy aging, and food safety/preparation.
Method: Pre and post evaluations, personal observations, and goal setting.
Timeline: 1 year
Intermediate Outcome: Participants show positive changes related to healthy eating, physical activity, and weight management.
Indicator: Apply skills of food resource management, food safety, and food preparation to afford healthy, nutritious food choices. Increase access to fresh fruits and vegetables.
Method: Follow up surveys, personal observation, personal success stories from the community.
Timeline: 2 years
Long-term Outcome: Participants make permanent lifestyle changes to their diet and physical activity routine and maintain good health.
Indicator: Increase in the use of community resources and extension programs. Increase in physical activity, healthy eating practices, and consumption of fruits and vegetables.
Method: Personal observation, success stories from the community, increase participation at community events and programs related to health and wellness.
Timeline: 4 years, 2016-2020
Learning Opportunities:
Audience: Families and individuals
Project or Activity: Food Preservation
Content or Curriculum: CES publications and NEP resources
Inputs: Kentucky Cooperative Extension Service Agent, NEP staff, specialist, and volunteers. CES publications and resources.
Date: July 2018
Audience: Adults
Project or Activity:Weight the Reality Series
Content or Curriculum: Weight the Reality curriculum and publications
Inputs: Kentucky Cooperative Extension Service agent, specialist, and volunteers. CES publications and resources. Community partners.
Date: 2016-2020
Audience: Plate It Up Kentucky Proud
Project or Activity: Plate It Up recipe demonstrations at food pantries and farmer's market.
Content or Curriculum: Plate It Up recipes and resources. CES publications.
Inputs: Kentucky Cooperative Extension Service agent, community partners, farmer's market vendors, and NEP assistants. CES resources and publications.
Date: 2016-2020
Audience: Preschool and cloverbud youth
Project or Activity: LEAP
Content or Curriculum: LEAP curriculum and resources.
Inputs: Kentucky Cooperative Extension Service agent, CES publications and resources, community partners, KEHA.
Date: 2016-2020
Audience: DCBS clientele
Project or Activity: SNAP-Education
Content or Curriculum: SNAP-Ed curriculum
Inputs: Adult Education, Department of Community Based Services, Cooperative Extension service agent, CES publications and resources, specialists.
Date: 2016-2020
Success Stories
Farmer's Market Kid's Day and Customer Appreciation
Author: Kayla Walton
Major Program: Accessing Nutritious Foods (general)

After being awarded a grant for farmer’s market use, the Menifee County Extension Family and Consumer Sciences program hosted a Kid’s Day at the local farmer’s market in conjunction with Customer Appreciation day. Each family with children under 18 years of age were given 10 one-dollar market vouchers to spend on fruits and vegetables at the market. Each child was given a goody bag including a MyPlate activity booklet, crayons and a pencil, a water bottle, stickers, recipe card
Full Story
© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment