Communication and Expressive ArtsPlan of Work

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LaRue County CES

Communication and Expressive Arts
Enhancing Life Skills and Fostering Youth & Family Development
Agents Involved:
M. Wilmoth
4-H Agriculture Core Curriculum AND Natural Resources

Research consistently shows a correlation between involvement in the arts, academic success and civic engagement. Unfortunately, there has been a sharp decrease over the years in Arts programs in our schools. Kentucky 4-H Youth Development has an opportunity to fill this void and inspire future artists across the Commonwealth.

Long-Term Outcomes:

- Youth utilize the skills gained through education and involvement in Extension programs to serve as leaders in 4-H and other organizations.

- Youth share the elements of the music, dance, drama and visual arts with their community.

- Youth become more comfortable sharing their thoughts with others.

- Youth develop into competent, capable, contributing adults as a result of their participation in 4-H Communications & Expressive Arts Programs.

Intermediate Outcomes:

• Youth construct a speech that has a clear introduction, body and closing.

• Youth present before their family, a group of their peers (such as at a 4-H club meeting), a school or county qualifying event.

• Youth demonstrate an increased level of confidence when presenting in front of groups.

• Youth use their communication skills to assume a leadership role in 4-H or other organizations.

• Youth apply elements of music, dance, drama and visual arts in creating and performing.

Initial Outcomes:

• Youth research a presentation topic prior to developing a speech or demonstration.

• Youth write an outline, including an introduction, body and conclusion for their speech or demonstration.

• Youth create a formal presentation, speech or outline using the written outline.

• Youth be prepared to present before their family, a group of their peers(such as at a 4-H club meeting) and a school or county qualifying event.

• Youth can identify key elements of music, dance, drama and visual arts.


• The number of youth that have improved their communication skills.

• The number of youth that can express themselves through the arts.

• The number of youth that report feeling comfortable sharing their thoughts with others.

• The number of youth that have confidence speaking in front of groups.

Learning Opportunities:

Audience: 4-H Members

Project or Activity: 4-H Speeches and Demonstrations

Content or Curriculum: 4-H Public Speaking Curriculum

Inputs: School Club Meeting Lesson on Communications Contests

County Speech and Demonstration Contests

County Winners advance to Area Rally Day

Area Winners advance to State 4-H Communications Day

Teen Leadership Academy Participants will all present a speech or demonstration.

Date: Spring 2019

Audience: 4-H Members

Project or Activity: Communications Contests

Content or Curriculum: 4-H Communications Curriculum

Inputs: Promote and hold annual communications contest.  Work with participants to help them improve their presentations.

County winners advance to Area 4-H Rally Day.  Area winners advance to State 4-H Communications Day.

Date: Spring/Summer 2019

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