Family RelationsPlan of Work
Clay County CES
Family Relations
Nurturing Families
Agents Involved:
Lora Lee Frazier, Alissa Sebastian
Mastering Food Choices
Promoting Healthy Homes and Communities (general)
Clay County is rural county in Eastern Kentucky.29% of our head of households are 65 or older. 66.4% of our households are husband wife with their own children, 33.6% of our households are single parent with children under 18, 62% of our grandparents are responsible for their grandchildren. 46.2% have been responsible for their grandchildren over 5 years. 42% of our population is living below the poverty level.
Family communication is the key to the success of family life. Helping families to overcome stereotypes, appreciating individual differences, understanding the developmental stages, sharing a value system and goals and making wise decisions impacts family life by providing a supportive environment for the entire family unit thus impacting the community.
Long-Term Outcomes:
-Families will foster the optimal development of family members, care for the physical and mental health and wellbeing of each individual over the long term.
-Build personal strengths and self control, interpersonal communication, life skills, including wise decision making.
Intermediate Outcomes:
-Practice skills to strengthen and sustain relationships.
-Reduce stress level, make time for selves, and make wise decisions about time money and family.
-Identify realistic expectations for child and adult.
Initial Outcomes:
-Realize realistic behavior expectations for adults and children.
-Participants learn to manage stress, bond with family members and interact
with children and other family members; teach responsibility in use of money and time.
Long-Term Outcome: Care for the physical and mental health and wellbeing of each individual over the long term.
Indicator: Number of adults and youth who demonstrate informed and effective decision making and who make lifestyle changes that improve personal health.
Method: Program evaluation long term, word of mouth.
Timeline: July 2016 - June 2020
Intermediate Outcome: Practice skills to strengthen and sustain relationships, reduce stress and improve decision making skills.
Indicator: number of adults and youth that demonstrate informed and effective decision making.
Method: Word of mouth, program evaluation, surveys.
Timeline: July 2016 - June 2020
Initial Outcome: Participants attending program gain knowledge of realize realistic expectations for themselves and their children.
Indicator: number of individuals reporting changes in knowledge, opinions and skills aspirations related to aging or personal relationships.
Method: Total number attending, immediate program evaluation and talking with participants.
Timeline: July 2016-June 2020
Learning Opportunities:
Audience: Families
Project or Activity: Family Fun Night – Reading in a Winter Wonderland
Content or Curriculum: Bonding Activities
Inputs: FCS and 4-H Agent, volunteers, teens
Date: Dec. 2019Audience: Adults raising children not their own
Project or Activity: Relatives Raising Relatives
Content or Curriculum: Face Book Post
Inputs: Family & Consumer Sciences Agent,
Date: 2019-2020Audience: Families/Women
Project or Activity: Learn and Craft
Content or Curriculum: Publications
Inputs: FCS Agent/Volunteers
Date: 2019-2020
Audience: Adult Men and Women
Project or Activity: Body Balance
Content or Curriculum: Body Balance Curriculum
Inputs: FCS Agent
Date: 2019-20
Audience: Adults
Project or Activity: Healthy Women
Content or Curriculum: Publications/Guest Speakers
Inputs: UK Publications
Date: 2019-2020
Audience: Adults
Project or Activity: Needlework Couching Japanese Embroidery
Content or Curriculum: Needlework
Inputs: Leaders
Date: 2019-2020
Audience: Adults
Project or Activity: Come Sew
Content or Curriculum: Leaders, FCS Agent
Inputs: Agent, Leaders
Date: 2019-2020
Audience: Youth & adults
Activity: 4-H Paint Night
Content or curriculum: Bonding, connecting with community/State Fair projects
Input: 4-H agent, FCS agent, Volunteer Leader
Date: 2019-2020
Success Stories
Word of the Month
Author: Lora Howard
Major Program: Making Healthy Lifestyle Choices (general)
The Clay County Family and Consumer Science Council was the leader for the Word of the Month Banner. During our program planning session one member discussed the need for young people and adults to build character and a brain storming fire started for the council. The banners are character words with the definition that youth and adults need to live by. They contacted businesses to see if they would sponsor each month and chose the words for the banners. We had seven businesses that s
Full Story
© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment