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Contact Information

Craig Wood, Ph.D
Acting Associate Dean & Director
UK Cooperative Extension Service

S-107 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091

+1 (859) 257-4302


Contact Information

Craig Wood, Ph.D
Acting Associate Dean & Director
UK Cooperative Extension Service

S-107 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091

+1 (859) 257-4302

Fiscal Year:
Jul 1, 2023 - Jun 30, 2024

Agriculture Production, Marketing and EducationPlan of Work

Clay County CES

Agriculture Production, Marketing and Education
Attaining Agriculture Sustainability Through Education
Agents Involved:
Jeff Casada, Alissa Ackerman
Home & Consumer Horticulture
Farmer's Markets
4-H Health Core Curriculum

Situation: There are 243 farms in Clay County a 28% decrease since 2007. Total acres in farm land has decreased by 32% since 2007 with the average farm size being 145 acres. Major crops grown are tobacco, corn and vegetables and sales amounted to $3,282,000. Animal sales, primarily beef cattle, accounted for $1,376,000. Total Agricultural Receipts amounted to over $4,658,000 which has not increased significantly since 2007 and is approximately a 40% decrease since 1999. Local foods are popular and Clay County has a produce buying club as well as Community Supported Agriculture for vegetables and meat. A farmers’ market has been organized and is starting to attract growers. Tobacco is now concentrated in the hands of approximately 10-15 growers and uncertainty over contracts has caused growers not to plan for the future. Plummeting corn prices has producers leaving the corn enterprise and looking at soybeans as a potential crop. Sheep, goats and rabbits are minor livestock enterprises. Oneida Baptist Institute has a Future Farmers of America Chapter and Red Bird High School and Clay County High School do not. County schools, once primarily made up of students raised on farms, are made up of students that have lost contact with the farm and where and how their food is produced. Natural resources such as timber and land must continue to be managed or hope for future opportunities dwindle.

Long-Term Outcomes:

Clay County agricultural producers will sustain profitability and optimize efficiency through the use of sound management practices, marketing and the use of current technology in annual crop, horticulture and livestock production.

Clay County agricultural producers will maximize profits, while minimizing impact to air, soil and living area.

Clay County agriculture producers will reduce the amount of pesticides that are introduced into crop and non-crop land.

Clay County agriculture producers will increase the number of vendors, variety of local food products, sales and/or profits at farmer’s markets, road side stands and community supported agriculture (CSA).

Clay County agricultural producers will increase their local access to local foods in restaurants, retail outlets and other institutions.

Clay County agricultural producers will protect and improve water quality through reducing muddy areas on the farm and improved efficiency of manure handling.

Clay County youth will see economic change by being personally involved in agriculture projects and by organizing community programs for the betterment of the county.

Intermediate Outcomes:

Clay County agricultural producers will use current technology to minimize the cost of production and increase yields. Producers will use practices which are competitive and environmentally safe. Producers will continue to transition from tobacco into other agricultural enterprises; growing quality products that can be marketed locally and regionally as local producers are linked with local consumers.

Clay County agricultural producers will adopt new technology for crop and animal production, use diagnostic services to identify insects, diseases, and weeds.

Clay County agricultural producers will evaluate their chemical storage, handling and disposal practices to ensure that they are in line with best practices. They will ensure that fields are posted after chemicals are applied and that spray materials are selected for re-entry intervals, pre-harvest intervals, pre-slaughter intervals, and milk and meat withdrawals as well materials that will cause the least harm to honey bees and other pollinators.

Clay County beef producers will implement practices such as a controlled breeding season, selecting bulls through EPDs, having a crossbreeding program, and having a complete mineral supplement program that will enhance production efficiency.

Clay County beekeepers will communicate with neighboring pesticide applicators to eliminate accidental killing of honeybees.

Clay County farmer’s market participants will earn certifications for: selling and/or providing samples at farmer’s markets; micro-processing; and USDA Good Agricultural Practices (GAP).

Clay County farmer’s market participants will apply food safety practices and create value added food items.

Clay County agricultural producers will adopt and implement ag water quality plans, nutrient management plans, forest stewardship plans, and other conservation practices appropriate for their farming operation.

Clay County youth will actively engage in agricultural practices/events such as livestock shows, skill-a-thons and field days.

Initial Outcomes:

Clay County Agricultural producers will gain knowledge in current technology and marketing as it relates to beef, forages, tobacco and commercial fruits and vegetables. Producers will gain skill in the management of their farming operations.

Clay County agricultural producers will have awareness of current land grant research concerning grain crop production.

Clay County producers will understand Organic vs Conventional crop production

Clay County producers can identify herbicide resistant pests and strategies to overcome these pests

Clay County producers can demonstrate proper use of pesticides and antibiotics

Clay County producers increased awareness of the following practices: reproduction, genetics, nutrition, health, end product, general herd management, and economics and marketing

Clay County beef participants become KY Master Cattleman

Clay County vegetable producers identify/locate local food producers and processors

Clay County livestock and crop producers will understand the importance of clean water

Clay County agricultural producers will increase knowledge of best management practices for protecting and improving water quality

Clay County youth will gain a better understanding how agriculture affects our society

Clay County youth will understand how the use and misuse of natural resources affect a global society


Long Term Outcome: Agricultural producers will increase income and improve profits of their farming operations.

Indicator: Amount of dollars earned or saved through improved practices as determined by the net income of livestock sold, pounds of tobacco sold and the value of fruits and vegetables sold.

Method: programs, trainings, information from producers, markets and state statistics.

Timeline: 2016-2020

Intermediate Outcome: Producers adopt new technologies and practices that have been presented through Extension programming.

Method: Follow up farm visits or surveys from educational programs.

Timeline: 2016-2020

Initial Outcomes: Attendance at educational meetings, questions and participation in programs.

Method: Follow up farm visits, surveys and evaluations from meetings to gauge success.

Timeline: 2016-2020

Long Term Outcome: Economic change from youth involvement

Indicator: Money raised from youth participation

Method: Interview and recorded documentation

Timeline: 2016-2020

Intermediate Outcome: Youth are engaged in agriculture and environmental or natural resources practices or activities increase

Indicator: Number of participants involved; projects, activities, or enterprises students are working on themselves

Method: Surveys, follow-ups, interviews

Timeline: 2016-2020

Initial Outcome: Students show increased awareness of how agriculture and natural resources affect our world.

Indicator: Number of students that show change based on what they have learned

Method: Pre and Post Surveys

Timeline: 2016-2020

Learning Opportunities:

Audience: Clay County Cattlemen 
 Project or Activity: Clay County Cattlemens' Association Educational Meetings 
 Content or curriculum: Educational programs that teach management, health, and marketing skills 
 Date: Quarterly 
 Inputs: UK Specialists and publications, Industry, and Association Leadership 

 Audience: Clay County Growers 
Project or  Activity: Fruit Growers' Meeting 
 Content or Curriculum: Educational program that updates producers on marketing, disease, insect and pest control strategies and management 
 Date: Spring 2020 
 Inputs: UK Specialists and UK Publications, Agent 

 Audience: Vegetable Producers and Consumers 
 Project or Activity: Clay County Community Farmers' Market 
 Content or Curriculum: Educational programs that focus on marketing strategies as well as producing safe and high quality produce 
 Date:  Spring 2020 
 Inputs: Kentucky Department of Agriculture, Agent, UK Specialists and Publications 

 Audience: Beekeepers in Clay County 
Project or Activity: Beekeepers' Association 
 Content or Curriculum: Educational Programs on insect control, marketing, hive maintenance and processing to package a quality product 
 Date: Monthly March-October 
 Inputs: Agents, KDA, KSU, Industry 

 Audience: Clay County Producers/Wilderness Trail Area 
Project or Activity: Field Day 
 Content or Curriculum: Presentation of topics that will help producers manage forages and animals that utilize them 
 Date: Fall 2019 
 Inputs: UK Specialist, Agent 

 Audience: Clay Countians 
Project or Activities: Grow Appalachia 
 Content or Curriculum: Educational programs on gardening                                                                                                                                                                                                Date: 5 per year:  March, April, May, July, August 
 Inputs: UK Publications, Agent, and Experienced Clay County Producers

Audience: Youth and Adults 
 Project or Activity: Forestry /Environmental Camp 
 Content or Curriculum: 4-H Curriculum 
 Date: Fall 2019
 Inputs: Volunteers, Location, 4-H Curriculum, ANR Agent, 4-H Agent 
Audience: Youth 
Project or Activity: Windowsill Gardening                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Content or Curriculum: 4-H Publication 
 Date: Annually 
 Inputs: 4-H Pub, Facilities, Volunteers, Students, Materials, 4-H Agent, ANR Agent 

Audience:  Clay County Beef Producers

Project or Activity:  Beef Quality and Care Assurance

Content or Curriculum:  Video

Date:  As needed

Inputs:  Agent, Beef Quality Assurance Material

Audience:  Clay County Farmers, landowners and citizens

Project or Activity:  Woodland Owner Education Program

Content or Curriculum:  UK research material, expertise of specialists/agent

Date:  Summer 2019

Inputs:  Agent, specialists, NRCS, Producers

Audience: Clay County Livestock and Hay Producers/with Wilderness Trail Area producers

Project or Activity: Drone/fly-over, analysis of hay/pasture ground

Content or Curriculum:  Field Planting

Date: Fall 2019 

Inputs: NRCS, Agent, Producer, Specialists

Audience:  Youth

Project or Activity:  Embryology in the Classroom

Content or curriculum:  4-H curriculum – Hatching Classroom Projects

Inputs:  4-H agent, teachers

Date:  2019-2020

Audience:  Youth 

Project or Activity:  4-H Natural Resource Academy

Content or curriculum:  4-H curriculum

Inputs:  4-H agent, UK specialists

Date:  2019-2020

Success Stories

Cow-Calf Profitability

Author: Jeffrey Casada

Major Program: Beef

On December 17, 2019, four ANR agents, four University specialists and thirty-six producers from Laurel, Jackson, Clay, Knox, and Whitley counties came together for an entire day of profit increasing and cost cutting information to be used for their cattle operations. Producers learned how to manage overhead costs, manage the costs of hay production, understand the depreciation of breeding stock, improve winter feeding practices, determine correct stocking rates, and manage farm taxes.Producers

Full Story

Woodland Owners Webinar Short Course

Author: Jeffrey Casada

Major Program: Woodland Education

According to Kentucky Agriculture Statistics, Clay County has 301,000 acres of total land mass with 263,849 acres that is forested.  Seventy percent of the forested land is controlled by private land owners but not actively managed for timber, recreation or wildlife.  The Kentucky Division of Forestry reports that 67% of the measured timber is Grade 3 or below.   With this in mind, Clay County was able to host the Getting to Know Your Woodlands:  Next Steps Webinar Series in

Full Story