Environmental Stewardship and Natural ResourcesPlan of Work
Simpson County CES
Environmental Stewardship and Natural Resources
Environment & Natural Resources
Agents Involved:
Jason Phillips, Catherine Webster, Christy Ramey
Chemical Crop Management Tools
4-H Health Core Curriculum
Chemical Livestock Management Tools
Community Strategic Planning
Situation: Agricultural production involves the manipulation of the environment and our natural resources. Daily activities carried out by the general public also affects the environment. Humans are dependent upon the Earth’s natural resources from the air we breathe, to the water we drink, to the soil we use for food production. Therefore, it is critical for everyone to make better and more informed decisions about practices that will sustain our environment and natural resources for present and future generations.
Long-Term Outcomes:
Long-term Outcomes: Landowners and the general public will consistently demonstrate sound environmental practices which will sustain economic well-being and increase social awareness. Youth will use scientific techniques, responsible practices, an innovative technologies that will positively sustain the natural resources in the home, community, and world.
Intermediate Outcomes:
Intermediate Outcomes: Clientele will utilize best management practices and make responsible decisions that positively address environmental issues such as air and water quality, land use, carrying capacity, product life cycle and ecological sustainability. Youth will make decisions & adopt practices that positively impact natural resources.
Initial Outcomes:
Initial Outcome: Producers and consumers will gain knowledge about environmental stewardship and natural resources as a result of various educational opportunities and information provided by the Extension Service. Youth will develop an interest in environmental sciences, identify natural resources used within their community, and understand ecosystems.
Outcome: Producers, consumers and youth will increase knowledge, make practice changes, implement decisions, and get involved in community projects that will improve the long-term sustainability of the environment and natural resources.
Indicator: The number of producers, consumers and youth indicating knowledge, practice and long-term impacts as a result of information presented at Extension sponsored events.
Method: Post-program evaluations
Timeline: Evaluations will be given immediately following programs and one to twenty four months following training sessions.
Learning Opportunities:
Learning Opportunities (repeat as needed):
Audience: Agribusiness representatives
Project or Activity: SOKY Commercial Pesticide Training
Content or Curriculum: Commercial Pest Control Education
Inputs: Agent’s time, paid staff, facilities, UK specialists, industry specialists, UK publications, newsletters, radio programs
Date: December 2019
Audience: Agricultural producers
Project or Activity: Private Pesticide Applicators Training
Content or Curriculum: proper handling, storage, application methods, calibration, etc.
Inputs: Agent’s time, paid staff, meeting facility, UK resources, newsletters, radio program
Date: February – March 2020
Audience: 4th Grade
Project or Activity: Environmental Field Day
Content or Curriculum: 4th Grade KY Science Core Content
Inputs: Extension Agents, Community Park, KDFWR, Local
Businesses/Organizations, Simpson Co. Farm Bureau Federation, School
Date: April 2020
Audience: General Public in Southern Kentucky Area
Project or Activity: SOKY Earth Day Festival and Cherry Blossom Festival
Content: Tree planting, Water conservation, responsible recycling practices, educational information pertaining to reducing your carbon footprint
Inputs: Community partners, paid staff, Agent led, volunteers, donations, marketing materials, UK resources, 4-H clubs
Date: April 2020
Audience: 4-H Members
Project or Activity: Horticulture Judging and Jr. Forestry Field Day
Content or Curriculum: State Fair Guidelines
Inputs: Mammoth Cave National Park & Employees, UK Specialists,
Extension Agents & Offices, 4-H Parents & Volunteers, Community
Businesses related to Horticulture
Date: July –September 2019
© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment