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Contact Information

Craig Wood, Ph.D
Acting Associate Dean & Director
UK Cooperative Extension Service

S-107 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091

+1 (859) 257-4302


Contact Information

Craig Wood, Ph.D
Acting Associate Dean & Director
UK Cooperative Extension Service

S-107 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091

+1 (859) 257-4302

Fiscal Year:
Jul 1, 2023 - Jun 30, 2024

Youth and Adults Overcome Life Situations by Acquiring Life SkillsPlan of Work

Taylor County CES

Youth and Adults Overcome Life Situations by Acquiring Life Skills
Youth Life Skill Development
Agents Involved:
Amanda Sublett, Pat Hardesty, Audrey Myers, Kara Back
4-H Youth Development Programming
4-H Volunteer Programming
4-H Agriculture Core Curriculum AND Natural Resources
4-H Communications and Expressive Arts Core Curriculum


Researchers from Northwestern and Columbia Universities have found extensive findings "that substantiate significant associations between poverty and children's health, cognitive development, behavior problems, emotional well being and problems with school achievement."

In Taylor County 33.1% of children ages 0-17 are below poverty (Kentucky By the Numbers). It is important for the youth of our communities to develop life skills in order for them to overcome their life situations such as poverty.

Youth and adults need to develop essential life skills to become productive members of the community and effective as adults in society.

The 4-H Youth Development Program helps build the key characteristics of positive youth development, competence, confidence, character, connection and compassion.

Long-Term Outcomes:


Youth will acquire life skills needed to prepare them to address all aspects of their adult lives and to develop into adult roles in society enabling them to be productive members in our community.

Intermediate Outcomes:


Youth will implement problem solving and decision making skills in various aspects of their lives. Youth will learn how to effectively interact and cooperate with their peers and adults. Youth will teach other children skills learned.

Initial Outcomes:


Youth will learn basic public speaking skills to help reduce the fear of speaking in front of a group. Youth will compete in events and will be recognized for their accomplishments. Youth will attend day camps and project meetings and begin to learn new skills. Youth will increase awareness and knowledge of science. Youth and adults will identify and implement sound decision-making in relationships.


Long-Term Outcome: Youth will increase verbal and written communication skills

Indicator: Number of youth participating in communication events

Method: Post survey and score sheets

Timeline: November-July 2018,2019,2020

Intermediate Outcome: Youth will engage in decision making skills in all aspects of their daily lives

Indicator: Number of youth participating in judging events, day camps, and activities

Method: Pre and post surveys and awards

Timeline: July-June 2018,2019,2020

Initial Outcome: Increased Awareness of 4-H Program to Youth in Grades 1-3

Indicator: Number of cloverbud participants and number of participants attending 4-H 4 All

Method: Attendance Rosters, Parent and Agent Observations

Timeline: August-May 2018,2019,2020

Outcome: Youth and adults will gain and utilize new life skills

Indicator: Number of youth who gain and utilize new life skills

Method: Observation, Written Evaluations

Timeline: July-June 2018,2019,2020

Outcome: Increase Knowledge of Science, Engineering and Technology and number of youth who participate

Indicator: Number of youth who gain and utilize Science, Engineering and Technology skills

Method: Observation, Written Evaluations

Timeline: July-June 2018,2019,2020

Learning Opportunities:


Audience: Youth ages 9-18

Project or Activity: Demonstrations and Talk Meet

Content or Curriculum: Kentucky 4-H Speak Up and Would You Like to Do a 4-H Project Demonstration? Project Books

Inputs: Teachers, School Officials, Parents, Community Members

Date: November-July 2018,2019,2020

Audience: 4-H and FFA youth ages 9-15

Project or Activity: Heifer Chain

Content or Curriculum: KLVCR Program Materials

Inputs: Taylor County Cattlemen, Parents, Kentucky Department of Agriculture, Agents

Date: July-June 2018,2019,2020

Audience: Youth ages 9-18

Project or Activity: Livestock, Dairy, and Equine Educational Meetings and Activities

Content or Curriculum: KLVCR Materials

Inputs: Certified Volunteer Leaders, Cattlemen, Kentucky Department of Agriculture, Parents

Date: July-June 2018,2019,2020

Audience: Youth ages 9-18

Project or Activity: Monthly School Club Meetings

Content or Curriculum: Various topics from the 7 core curriculumn areas

Inputs: Teachers, School Officials

Date: August-May 2018,2019,2020

Audience: Youth ages 5-8

Project or Activity: Cloverbud Monthly Meetings and Day Camp

Content or Curriculum: The Ohio State Cloverbud Curriculum

Inputs: Youth Leaders, Parents, Community Members

Date: July-May 2018,2019,2020

Audience: Youth ages 9-18

Project or Activity: 4-H After School Programs

Content or Curriculum: Fantastic Food Series, Acres of Adventure, Awesome After School Kits

Inputs: School Officials

Date: September-April 2018,2019,2020

Audience: Youth ages 9-18

Project or Activity: Project Workshops

Content or Curriculum: Various Project Books and State Fair Requirements

Inputs: Volunteer Adult and Youth Leaders

Date: May 2018,2019,2020 and throughout the year

Audience: Youth ages 9-14

Project or Activity: 4-H Camp

Content or Curriculum: State Curriculum

Inputs: Volunteer Adult and Teen Leaders, Parents, Community Members

Date: January-July 2018,2019,2020

Audience: Youth ages 9-18

Project or Activity: Shooting Sports/Y-HEC

Content or Curriculum: State Shooting Sports Curriculum

Inputs: Volunteer Adult and Youth Leaders, Parents

Date: January-October 2018,2019,2020

Audience: Youth ages 9-15

Project or Activity: Day Camps

Content or Curriculum: Various depending on Day Camp offered using 4-H Core Curriculum

Inputs: Parents, Teen Volunteers

Date: July, Fall Break and Spring Break 2018,2019,2020

Audience: Youth ages 9-18

Project or Activity: Babysitting Clinic

Content or Curriculum: KY 4-H Babysitting Curriculum

Inputs: Teachers, Community Leaders

Date: Fall 2018,2019,2020

Audience: Youth ages 9-18

Project or Activity: Sewing Classes, Fashion Revue and Sewing Day Camp

Content or Curriculum: 4-H Sewing Curriculum

Inputs: Certified Master Clothing Volunteers, Homemakers, Parents

Date: July and February-May 2018,2019,2020

Success Stories

Manners To Go

Author: Audrey Myers

Major Program: Creating and Maintaining Family Traditions

Teaching children manners, character and social emotional skills are very important.  Manners are a skill that needs to be taught to children of all ages.  These skills provide a way for children to be confident in every aspect of their lives.   The Taylor County Extension Agent provided the “Manners to Go” program for the BRANCH after school program at Taylor County Primary School.  This program focuses on reading and math skills, good nutrition, community and li

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Game Changers

Author: Amanda Sublett

Major Program: 4-H Science, Engineering, and Technology Core Curriculum

The 4-H National Youth Science Day Challenge, Game Changers, was taught to every 4th and 5th grader, approximately 600 kids, in the Taylor County, Campbellsville Independent School and Kentucky Christian School systems during October & November.  Pitch Your Passion is an introductory coding activity that teaches kids how to use code to create an animated pitch about why people should care about one of their favorite topics.  Students used code to animate something they were passion

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Life Skill Development - Youth Heifer Chain

Author: Patrick Hardesty

Major Program: 4-H Agriculture Core Curriculum AND Natural Resources

At the request of the Taylor County Cattlemen’s Association to have an educational livestock project for youth, a Youth Heifer Chain Program was developed and implemented. The goals of the program are to encourage involvement in the dairy and beef industries, learn proper animal husbandry, and personal responsibility and pride. The program has appealed to youth and families beyond traditional livestock producers. Since the 2007 inception of the program, 80 youth have participated. The Tayl

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4-H To Go Kits

Author: Amanda Sublett

Major Program: 4-H Youth Development Programming

In response to COVID-19 school, community and business closings, Marion County Cooperative Extension Service and the 4-H Program sought to address a community need to provide educational opportunities.  Due to COVID-19 social distancing, 4-H and Extension Programs developed 4-H To Go Kits and informational packets that helped to keep youth and clients informed and involved with  4-H and Extension programs during the pandemic.Over 1500 informational packets were distributed through Cent

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Summer Day Camps Develop Life Skills & Offer Opportunities to Prepare Youth for the Future

Author: Amanda Sublett

Major Program: 4-H Youth Development Programming

Kids are often bored at the end of the summer and parents are looking for educational opportunities to engage them in before returning to school. Over 87 youth participated in one or more of the following seven day camps offered in July and August 2019: Night and Day, Fashion Design, Kids Eating and Doing Something, Clover-buds, Paper Craft and Mixed Media, Fitness and Horticulture. All day camps included a healthy snack and six included lunch and were provided free of charge to the community. A

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4-H 4 All

Author: Amanda Sublett

Major Program: 4-H Youth Development Programming

So many times you hear parents say, “Wow, I didn't know that 4-H had so much to offer,” after their child has participated in a few activities. 4-H is sometimes still stereotyped as being just for “farm kids” when in reality the possibilities are endless. In order to promote the Taylor County 4-H Program to the community, the local council planned and implemented a large scale event that would showcase all of the wonderful things 4-H has to offer to youth and to creat

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