Leadership Development among KEHA members and other volunteersPlan of Work
Bath County CES
Leadership Development among KEHA members and other volunteers
Leadership Development
Agents Involved:
Nicole Gwishiri
Kentucky Extension Leadership Development (KELD)
Conflict Resolution
Building the capacity of volunteer leaders within counties is critical for the sustainability of a community infrastructure that supports long term commitment to strengthen families. Bath County Homemakers play a crucial role in extending Cooperative Extension's mission in Bath County and their development of leadership skills and recruiting volunteers is something we would like to focus on.
Long-Term Outcomes:
•Kentucky communities’ health and economy are strengthened through strong local organizational leadership
•Community problems are solved through active engaged local leaders.
Intermediate Outcomes:
Number of people who:
•Practice personal leadership skills in clubs, schools and community outreach.
•Improved skills in communication, problem solving, or group process in addressing organizational issues and needs.
•Apply skills to assess needs, develop programs and implement solutions for community problems
Initial Outcomes:
•Kentuckians increase knowledge and skills in personal leadership.
•KEHA and FCS Advisory Council members increase knowledge and skills in organizational leadership.
•Kentuckians increase knowledge and skills in community leadership
Initial Outcome: Members of KEHA are implementing leadership skills gained at their meetings
Indicator: More efficient meetings, agendas, etc that show growth
Timeline: 2017-2018
Intermediate Outcome: Recruitment of new volunteers
Indicator: Increased number of adults participating in Extension related activities
Method: KEHA membership and volunteer drive
Timeline: 2017-2018
Long-term Outcome:
Learning Opportunities:
Audience: KEHA Members, community members
Project or Activity: Food Champion Volunteer
Content or Curriculum: Food Champion Volunteer
Date: 2017-2018
Audience: KEHA Members
Project or Activity: County Office "Retreat"
Content or Curriculum: KELD
Date: August 2017
Project or Activity:
Content or Curriculum:
Success Stories
Bath County Extension Leadership
Author: Robert Amburgey
Major Program: Empowering Community Leaders (general)
In the year that this agent has been in the county, considerable effort has been made to recognize leadership throughout the ag community and to recruit those individuals to serve in various roles in extension and ag committees. This effort is ongoing and will provide members of the community more opportunity to take on leadership roles and provide extension a stronger leadership base to support our ongoing efforts. Bath County has a very strong group of individuals under the age of
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