Increase best practices for urban ag, nat res, & local food systemsPlan of Work
Franklin County CES
Increase best practices for urban ag, nat res, & local food systems
Enhancing Urban Agriculture, Local Food Systems, and Municipal Natural Resources
Agents Involved:
A Leonberger, K. Perry, T Thomas, K Bishop
Accessing Nutritious Foods (general)
Home & Consumer Horticulture
Urban Environments (water issues)
4-H Health Core Curriculum
As urban development continues, degradation of farmland, waterways, and forest lands has exacerbated the already limited access to public green spaces and to locally produced, fresh foods.
The lack of green space or appropriately managed plant species in the urban environment is critical to a healthy environment. Outdoor places to play and learn for kids are critical to good physical and mental health. Research published in the American Journal of Public Health, found that exposure to quality trees, vegetation, nature, or green space in urban areas has been connected with multiple public health benefits, including reduced mortality, morbidity, stress, and mental fatigue. Multiple studies have correlated an increase in the number and quality of urban trees with a decrease in crimes such as property crimes, vandalism, gun assault, theft, robbery, burglary, and narcotics possession.
The quality of public urban forests and community health are impacted by storm water runoff. This problem is further impacted by the degradation of existing farmland and natural areas, which increases the amount of nonpoint source (NPS) pollution that currently accounts for two-thirds of the water quality impairments in Kentucky’s streams, lakes, and rivers. Furthermore, poor water quality impacts public use in local and urban areas which impacts community health and fitness.
Access to locally produced food, affects consumption of healthy food options and overall individual health. According to a 2014 Kentucky Association of Food Banks survey, 91 percent of food bank recipients had to purchase inexpensive, unhealthy food to feed their families. This demonstrates that these families either were unaware of where to purchase local healthy food, or they were unavailable for purchase. In addition, there is an increase of requests from urban dwellers for implementing community gardens, urban livestock, and other modern agriculture, horticulture & natural resource practices.
With an increase in the quality and productivity of new and existing urban spaces, Franklin County can decrease pollution and crime, while increasing public health and safety. In addition, by strengthening Franklin County’s local food systems, everyone will have access to a healthier diet while benefitting the local economy and communities.
Long-Term Outcomes:
•Fragile and threatened lands and waters are protected and improved
•Decrease in crimes related to increased quality and quantity of urban forests and greenspaces
•Population will experience increased outdoor activity rates and decreased incidence of obesity, morbidity, stress, and mental fatigue
•More well-managed urban green space and less degradation of land and waterways
•Lower rates of NPS pollution, higher water quality in Franklin County waters
•Franklin County population will experience lower rates of obesity and heart disease due to choosing to eat a healthier diet
•Children grow to understand and appreciate agriculture and natural systems and strive to make better choices for their health and environment
•Urban farming is accepted and a significant contribution to the local economy
•More local retail, community, and institutional outlets sell and serve locally produced items
•Local producers seek out and utilize new marketing opportunities
•Producers and retail food outlets see an increased customer base and income due to demand for local food
Intermediate Outcomes:
•Citizens request and utilize green space in urban and suburban areas
•Increased number walk/bike trails and usage is increased
•More policies are implemented to saving, improving, and managing green space in established new developments
•Urban greenspaces are designed and installed to intercept stormwater runoff
•County residents are implementing fertilizer applications to minimize runoff and leaching
•Responsible riverfront and storm water management planning, development, and use increases
•Residents apply improved food preparations skills and healthy eating habits
•More county households, schools, churches and institutions plant, harvest, and preserve produce
•Schools have gardens, outdoor learning centers, and programs that incorporate all facets of modern agriculture, horticulture, and natural resources
•Producers adopting new practices to increase profits
•Local population has an increased access to and aware of local food options
•Eligible recipients increase redemption of farmer’s market nutrition programs
Initial Outcomes:
•County Population understands the importance of urban agriculture, horticulture, natural resources, and local food systems to their health, financial well-being, community, and environment
•People are aware of and more accepting of environmentally, socially, economically sustainable policies
•Residents understand and request green spaces for safe and enjoyable outdoor activity
•Residents and community leaders are aware of the public health and safety benefits of well-managed greenspaces
•Residents are aware of what NPS pollution is and the impact it has on the environment
•Community leaders recognize the importance of utilizing greenspace to manage stormwater, minimize NPS pollution, and create responsible riverfront areas
•People learn to grow, prepare, and preserve food
•Citizens are aware of options for urban farming and request more information
•People learn to incorporate unfamiliar foods or foods not currently eating into a healthy diet
•People and institutions increase knowledge and understanding of healthy eating, food safety, food access to increase food security
•The community becomes aware of food policy councils and begins to think of food policy
Outcome(st): Learn where food comes from, how to choose more local/regional foods
Indicator: People and institutions ask for and choose local food and food sources
Method: Survey
Timeline: April-October
Outcome(st): Learn the benefits of urban agriculture, horticulture, and natural resources
Indicator: People and institutions ask for and plan for more urban farms, forests, and green spaces
Method: Survey
Timeline: Annual
Outcome(I): Access more local foods
Indicator: Of the total number of households. Caregivers reached with information on accessing healthy local foods, the number of participants that self-report eating more healthy local foods
Method: Plate it up Kentucky featured program questions
Timeline: October – September
Outcome(I): Increased quantity and quality of urban forests and greenspaces
Indicator: increase in total acreage of urban forests and greenspaces, decrease in number of urban tree removals
Method: Survey, Public Records
Timeline: Annually
Outcome(LT): Urban farming practices are being used
Indicator: Increase in community & school gardens; other agriculture practices are being done in urban settings
Method: Survey
Timeline: Biennially
Outcome: (LT): Franklin County communities’ health and economy are strengthened through strong local organizational food ways
Indicator: Number of people who are involved in addressing local/regional food issues and food security issues
Method: Number of local policy changes or partnerships as a result of Extension programs
Timeline: August-December
Learning Opportunities:
Audience: Community Leaders, Food-way System Leaders
Activity: Community Food Council
Content or Curriculum: Convene existing advisory groups and other key stakeholders to discuss and set priorities for developing a stronger local food system. Identify potential policies to decrease hunger and increase food access.
Date: August-September, first meeting – then quarterly or as needed
Audience: Teachers, Educators, Parents, Youth
Activity: Farm to School support
Content or Curriculum: Kentucky Farm to School Task Force resources (3Cs: Cafeteria, Classroom, Community), Farm to School Curriculum, Super Star Chef goes to Farmers Market
Date: September-May
Audience: Farmers market customers; EBT/WIC/Senior/LEP Farmers Market Nutrition Participants
Activity: Farmers’ Market Demonstrations
Content or Curriculum: Cooking Programs, Tastings, Displays, Incentives
Date: April - November
Audience: Program Newsletters; Newspaper articles; Farmers market customers/vendors
Activity: Plate It Up Kentucky Proud
Content or Curriculum: Plate It Up Resources
Date: July - June
Audience: Farmers Market Vendors; Farm Producers
Activity: Growing Local Food Entrepreneurs
Content or Curriculum: Home-Based Micro-Processing Training, Home-based processing; Market Ready; Restaurant Rewards program; Ky Proud Program
Date: offer opportunities quarterly
Audience: Local restaurants, grocers, caterers, retail food outlets; City/County Tourism; Chamber of Commerce
Activity: Market Ready/Ky Proud Restaurant Program
Content or Curriculum: Using UK Market Ready & Ky Proud resources, bring together producers, restaurants, grocers to partner in supplying items for consumers
Date: November- intro, January, February-solidify contracts
Audience: Youth
Activity: Super Star Chef Curriculum/Program, Cooking Club, 4-H Project Days, County Fair, School Clubs
Content or Curriculum: Super Star Chef, County Fair Recipes taught at Project Days, Snap Ed, EFNEP recipes
Date: All Year
Audience: local beef producers
Activity: Master Marketing
Content or Curriculum: Beef marketing options workshops
Date: Annual as needed
Audience: Community
Activity: Governor's Downtown derby Celebration
Content or Curriculum: Beef, Pork & local food education
Date: Derby day
Audience: Farmers, Businesspeople, Community, Chamber of Commerce
Project or Activity: Farm/City Banquet
Content or Curriculum: Urban Farming Award
Inputs: Chamber of Commerce; Community Organizations; CommonWealth Garden Network; local media
Date: April annually
Audience: Community
Project or Activity: Franklin County Fair
Content or Curriculum: Classes, newspaper and newsletter articles about Fair and how to exhibit; classes to assist with production of appropriate items to enter, 4-H Projects exhibited in the fair (Cloverville and Floral Hall)
Inputs: Fair Board; Extension Agents; Homemaker leaders; Master Gardeners; Garden Club educators
Date: May – July annually
Audience: Local Cattlemen
Project or Activity: Cattlemen's Educational Tour
Content or Curriculum: National travel to other ranches, farms, Univeristy reseach units, factories, technologies, etc
Inputs: local cattle producers, national extension agents, farmers, ranchers, community leaders
Date: Annual
Audience: Woodland owners
Project or Activity: Woodland owners short course
Content or Curriculum: Woodland management
Inputs: UK Forestry, KDF, private consultants, loggers
Date: Annual as needed
Audience: UK students, UK farm workers
Project or Activity: UK Lanscaping Dry Stone Class
Content or Curriculum: History & building with dry stone
Date: Fall
Audience: Livestock Producers
Project or Activity: BQA Certafication
Content or Curriculum: BQA program
Inputs: KCA, KBN, UK ruminant Vet
Date: Spring
Audience: Limited resource & underserved farmers & land owners
Project or Activity: KSU/UK Limited resource farmer Update
Content or Curriculum: Current topics of interest
Inputs: KSU, FSA, NRCS, Health Dept
Date: Fall
Audience: Community
Project or Activity: Beginner Beekeeper Series
Content or Curriculum: Basics of beekeeping as provided by State Apiarist, Extension Apiary Specialist, and local beekeepers association
Inputs: KSU, KDA, Capital City Beekeepers Assoc.
Date: Fall
Audience: Youth
Project or Activity: 4-H Summer & Environmental Camp
Content or Curriculum: Project WET, Project Learning Tree
Inputs: CES Agents, Camp Staff, Volunteers,
Date: September - August
Success Stories
Author: Keenan Bishop
Major Program: Facilitation Training
The UK Emergency Management System team received a grant for LADDER: Local Approach to Discussion-BasedDisaster Exercises and Readiness, a unique project that offers emergency management,Extension educators and other stakeholders a low-cost, low-technology “exercise-in-a-box” toincorporate into their exercise schedule, allowing communities to identify ways to become moreresilient. Franklin County Extension is a partner in this pilot project.The project goal is to engage whole communi
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Master Gardener's successfully transitioned to an online plant market
Author: Adam Leonberger
Major Program: Master Gardener
Capital Area Extension Master Gardeners have held an annual plant sale for over 10 years. This sale not only provides the bulk of the revenue for outreach activities and an academic scholarship, but also provides an opportunity for county residents to obtain plants at a very affordable price. The Covid-19 pandemic forced the traditional in-person plant market. The Capital Area Extension Master Gardeners worked closely with the Franklin Co Extension staff to successfully transiti
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Local Foods Local Places
Author: Adam Leonberger
Major Program: Local Food Systems
The Franklin County Farmers Market is located in River View Park, which is on land owned by the Commonwealth of Kentucky, but maintained by the City of Frankfort. A recent planning process showed the farmers market moved to the other side of the highway offramp, but not everyone agrees that moving the market is necessary or desirable. They do agree that the market is important to the community and to local producers, who vend at the market.Increased local foods initiatives could boost the city&r
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BQCA Chuteside
Author: Keenan Bishop
Major Program: Beef
While many producers participate in Beef Quality and Care Assurance (BQCA or BQA) trainings because they are mandatory for the livestock cost- share, there is research proving that there is a financial benefit for BQCA certified producers as well. According to a recent study by the Beef Checkoff-funded BQA program and conducted by Colorado State University (CSU), results show a significant premium for calves and feeder cattle sold through video auction markets.On July 29th and 30th Owen an
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Environmental Education Program supporting Kentucky's Natural Resources
Author: Adam Leonberger
Major Program: Master Gardener
Kentucky’s spectacular environment and beautiful landscapes have helped to shape our economy, culture, and history. The demand for information from Franklin County residents has risen sharply as the society has focused more on climate change and failing ecological systems. These residents understand that it is everyone’s responsibility to be good stewards of the land to protect and restore our natural resources’ quality and diversity that make Kentucky a great place
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© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment