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Contact Information

Craig Wood, Ph.D
Acting Associate Dean & Director
UK Cooperative Extension Service

S-107 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091

+1 (859) 257-4302


Contact Information

Craig Wood, Ph.D
Acting Associate Dean & Director
UK Cooperative Extension Service

S-107 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091

+1 (859) 257-4302

Fiscal Year:
Jul 1, 2023 - Jun 30, 2024

Developing Leadership Skills In Youth and AdultsPlan of Work

Lyon County CES

Developing Leadership Skills In Youth and Adults
Leadership, Civic, and Economic Development
Agents Involved:
Wanda Paris, Susan Fox, Angie York
Kentucky Extension Leadership Development (KELD)
Master Gardener
Kentucky Extension Leadership Development (KELD): Developing Core Leadership Skills
Leadership 4-H Core Curriculum
There is an untapped wealth of resources among retirees that have migrated to the county. The County Extension Council and 4-H Council have suggested that these resources contribute to training opportunities for others.

Youth are also a resource that is often untapped for their leadership skills. The Profile of Youth in Kentucky (KCN, 2000) reported that only 25% of youth felt valued by society and only 27% felt they were given useful roles in their community. Lyon County has many teens with strong leadership skills.

Citizens, youth and adults, should understand the importance of taking leadership roles in governmental and civic organizations as a way to influence change. The Lyon County Extension Service can be the catalyst for preparing citizens for these efforts.
Long-Term Outcomes:
Youth and adults will assume leadership roles for which they are qualified.

The County Extension Council will be purposeful, provide program leadership to Lyon County Extension, and actively participate in Extension programs offered to the community. The Extension programs will be grassroots oriented and vital to the community based on active volunteer and community input.

The Master Gardeners will expand the home horticulture opportunities and conduct demonstration/service projects that benefit the community.

Teens will use learned skills to present programs to younger students, local organizations, and governmental agencies to influence change in their community.

Homemakers will use learned skills to present programs to younger students, local organizations, and governmental agencies to influence change in their community.
Intermediate Outcomes:
Participants will learn to fill leadership roles. Participants will acquire skills and gain self-confidence in preparation for assuming leadership roles.

Presentations will be made and programs conducted by the County Extension Council. They will conduct a Local Officials Breakfast and other programs identified as a need.

Committees will meet to plan and conduct business, classes, workshops, and community events.

The County Extension Council, Master Gardeners, Family and Consumer Sciences, and 4-H Youth Development will work with local businesses during community events to assure that Lyon County Extension programs are shared with a diverse audience.

Youth will participate in training to enhance their leadership and communication skills.
Initial Outcomes:

Citizens will participate in training opportunities. Participants will evaluate their personal strengths and become aware of leadership opportunities in the county. The retirement community will share their expertise with other citizens.

Volunteers will serve on the County Extension Council and program councils. These volunteers will serve on committees and represent Extension in the community. The CEC volunteers will participate in a fall leadership training.


Long-Term Outcome: Qualified youth and adults will assume leadership roles

Indicator: Number of youth/adults taking on leadership roles, number of programs and projects conducted, and the number of volunteer hours provided

Method: Survey, personal observation & peer evaluation

Timeline: 2017-2018 Throughout year

Intermediate Outcome: Knowledge, skills & self-confidence will gained

Indicator: Number of participants participating in training programs

Method: Written evaluations & personal observation

Timeline: 2017-2018 Throughout year

Initial Outcome: Participants will increase knowledge of personal strengths and leadership opportunities. Retirement community will share expertise.

Indicator: Number of evaluations, awareness of leadership and participation by retirees.

Method: Formal & informal evaluations. 

Timeline: 2017-2018 Throughout year

Learning Opportunities:

Audience: 4-H Youth

Project or Activity: 4-H Club Officer Election & Training

Content or Curriculum: 4-H Club training materials

Inputs: Agent, volunteers, teen leaders

Date: September & October 2017

Audience: Adults - Program Councils & CEC

Project or Activity: Leader Trainings

Content or Curriculum: Approved Volunteer Training Materials -- CEC Fall Leadership Training.

Inputs: Agents, State Staff

Date: Throughout year 2017-2018

Audience: Homemaker Club Members

Project or Activity: Homemaker Leader Trainings

Content or Curriculum: FCS Programming

Inputs: Agents & State Staff

Date: Sept - June 2017-2018

Audience: Extension District Board Members

Project or Curriculum: Fiscal matters training

Content: Budgeting and following regulations

Inputs: Agent, DD and officials

Date: Throughout year 2017-2018

Audience: 4-H Council Members

Project or Curriculum: Volunteer Training Materials

Content: Clientele Protection, Leadership

Inputs: Agent

Date: Throughout year 2017-2018

Audience: 4-H Camp Adult and Teen Leaders

Project or Curriculum: Camp Leader Orientation

Content: 4-H and ACA Camping Materials

Inputs: Agents, Camp Manager, Camp Specialist

Date: May & June 2018

Audience:Lyon County Extension Gardener Volunteers

Project or Activity: Master Gardener Programs

Content or Curriculum: Leadership and extending research based information.

Inputs: Master Gardeners, specialists, local speakers

Date: 2017-2018

Audience:County Extension Council

Project or Activity: Local Officials Breakfast

Content or Curriculum: University of Kentucky materials and updates.

Inputs: CEC volunteers, UK publications and information, agents.

Date: 2018

Success Stories

Building STEAM for Female Acceptance in Male Dominated Careers

Author: Angie York

Major Program: Family and Consumer Sciences 4-H Core Curriculum

STEAM (science, technology, engineering, arts, and math) careers have long been dominated by males.  According to Lee Martin (2015) the Maker Movement is a grass roots effort by artisans, teachers, and others who see the significance of adding sewing, woodworking, and electronics hobbies into STEAM classrooms.  By having students complete hands on projects in a class room setting, Martin believes learners will better understand how objects work therefore increasing their knowledge and

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Students Develop Communication Skills to Use In and Out of Classroom

Author: Wanda Paris

Major Program: Communications and Expressive Arts 4-H Core Curriculum

Over 150 Lyon County 4th and 5th graders wrote and presented 4-H speeches in the classroom with 4-H judges critiquing each of them.  Classroom time was designated to help the students research their chosen topics and compose their presentations.  Students were given time in the classroom and as homework to practice public speaking skills that were taught by the 4-H Agent.  Volunteers judged students' speeches in the classroom using 4-H Speech Score Sheets.  As is to be ex

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