Commercial and Homeowner Horticulture EducationPlan of Work
Taylor County CES
Commercial and Homeowner Horticulture Education
Enhancing Commercial & Consumer Hort. Advancement
Agents Involved:
Kara Back, Amanda Sublett
Local Food Systems
Master Gardener
Commercial Horticulture
Farmer's Markets
Homeowners are wanting to have a more sustainable lifestyle by raising their own fruits and vegetables and caring for their landscape. There is also an increase in commercial horticulture to sell in produce auctions, and an increased interest in local food systems. Under the direction of the Extension Council and Farmers' Market, educational programs are needed to enhance these interests.
Long-Term Outcomes:
Improve food management skills and healthy eating habits through raising own foods, while commercial producers are sustaining profitability.
Help commercial growers reach profit sustainability, by providing educational opportunities to implement within their operations.
Having a sustainable Farmers' Market.
Residents within the county will have the opportunity to participate in the Master Gardener's Program to gain education, which can be used to improve not only their own home / farm, but also the community through educational projects.
Intermediate Outcomes:
Homeowners will implement best management practices to ensure a bountiful harvest.
Citizens have access to more local foods.
More households will plant, harvest, and preserve produce.
Commercial producers adopt recommended practices that lead to more profitability.
Increase number of patrons at Farmers' Markets.
Homeowners are motivated to improve landscapes.
Residents will be able to participate in projects within the Master Gardener's Program. They will gain knowledge in botany, disease, entomology, soil composition, etc., which they can use to educate others.
Initial Outcomes:
Understand the importance of sustainable local agriculture to their health and financial well-being.
Homeowners learn about different varieties and best management practices of fruit and vegetables.
Commercial growers learn about best management practices, new methods, and new technologies.
Residents will be able to participate in projects within the Master Gardener's Program will gain knowledge in botany, disease, entomology, soil composition, etc
Initial Outcome: Individuals, homeowners, and commercial growers will gain knowledge about horticulture's role in their daily lives and economic endeavors.
Indicator: Number of individuals who report changes in knowledge, opinions, skills, and aspirations.
Method: Post-test
Timeline:End of program series.
Intermediate Outcome: Individuals, homeowners, and commercial growers will implement gained knowledge within their lifestyles, and economic endeavors.
Indicator: Number of people who implement at least one practice which was taught during any of the horticulture classes / series.
Method: Follow up survey / interviews.
Timeline: Annually.
Long-term Outcome: Individuals, homeowners, and commercial growers will enjoy a healthier lifestyle, and sustainable profitability through education provided by UK Extension.
Indicator: Individuals enjoy a healthier & more self-sufficient lifestyle, while commercial growers will gain a more sustaining profit.
Method: Pre and post evaluation in addition to monitoring of health statistics & social economic indicators within Taylor County.
Timeline: Beginning and end of program.
Learning Opportunities:
Audience: Commercial Vegetable Producers
Project or Activity: Class Series: Production, Disease, Pesticide Classes
Content or Curriculum: Vegetable Production Guide for Commercial Growers, UK Publications from:
Inputs: UK Specialists & Taylor Co. Horticulture Agent
Date: September 2019 - February 2020
Audience: Home Horticulture
Project or Activity: Class Series: Production, Disease, Pesticide Classes
Content or Curriculum: Vegetable Production Guide for Commercial Growers, UK Publications from:
Inputs: UK Specialists & Taylor Co. Horticulture Agent
Date: September 2019 - February 2020
Audience: Residents of Taylor and surrounding counties
Project or Activity: Master Gardener Program
Content or Curriculum: Master Gardener Program Manual
Inputs: UK Specialists, Additional Horticulture Agents, & Taylor Co. Horticulture Agent
Date: September 2019 - June 2020
Audience: Adults & Children Living within Campbellsville Housing
Project or Activity: Campbellsville Housing Horticulture Program
Content or Curriculum: Home Vegetable Gardening in Kentucky, & The Master Gardener's Handbook
Inputs: Campbellsville Housing Event Coordinator & Taylor Co. Horticulture Agent
Date: July 2019 - June 2020 - Adult & Children Classes 3rd Monday & 3rd Wednesday of every month
Audience: Residents of Taylor & Surrounding Counties
Project or Activity: Floral Design and Wreath Class
Content or Curriculum: The AIFD Guide to Floral Design
Inputs: Florists & Taylor County Horticulture Agent
Date: November 2019, December 2020, & April 2020
Audience: Residents of Taylor & Surrounding Counties
Project or Activity: Farmers' Market Health Fair, National Farmers' Market Week Celebration, & Farmers' Market Fall Festival
Content or Curriculum: Home Vegetable Gardening in Kentucky & SNAP-ED Resources
Inputs: Taylor County Health Department, Farmers' Market Association, Inc. of Taylor County, and the Taylor Co. Cooperative Extension Office Agents.
Date: July 2019 - October 2019
Audience: The Healing Place
Project or Activity: Recovery Garden
Content or Curriculum: Home Vegetable Gardening in Kentucky
Inputs: The Healing Place, and the Taylor County Extension Office
Date: March 2019 - September 2019
Audience: 9 - 18 year old youth
Project or Activity: 4-H Horticulture Judging Contest
Content or Curriculum: NJHA Material, 4-H horticulture curriculum
Inputs: Local nurseries, grocery stores, producers, forestry specialists, & Taylor Co. Horticulture and 4-H Agent
Date: June - August 2019, 2020, 2021
Success Stories
Tri-County CEU course
Author: Kara Back-Campbell
Major Program: Pesticide Safety – Plant Pests
This year we had a tri-county CEU hour course for commercial pesticide applicators for categories 3 and 20. Two general hours were also offered. Lawn care professionals came from Taylor, Adair, and Green Counties as well as surrounding counties.Several lawn care professionals had asked for closer CEU opportunities. These requests are what prompted the horticulture agent to offer this program. The program consisted of extension specialists presenting on the topics of herbicides for athletic turf,
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Biological Release Study
Author: Kara Back-Campbell
Major Program: Commercial Horticulture
Biological controls have been used for many years but often the price for shipping and lack of knowledge have left many producers turning to chemical control for their primary action of combat for disease. An extension entomology specialist contacted the Taylor County Horticulture Extension Agent for possible producers to participate in a grant study. Three producers showed interest in the research project. One who primarily grows ornamentals had used biologicals before. The grower was
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Taylor County Public Library
Author: Kara Back-Campbell
Major Program: Home & Consumer Horticulture
Normal life has changed so much in the last few months. Busy meeting rooms have went from bustling to empty. The methods often used for education have had to be adjusted for these changing times. Before the pandemic the horticulture agent had been holding horticulture classes at the local public library. The classes were held on the 2nd Friday of the month in the morning, and the class was repeated the following Monday in the evenings. Thus, allowing more people to participate. Topics ranged fro
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© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment