Development of Youth LifeskillsPlan of Work
Allen County CES
Development of Youth Lifeskills
Building Human Capital
Agents Involved:
Adam Huber, Anna Meador, Kelly Burgess
4-H Communications and Expressive Arts Core Curriculum
4-H Agriculture Core Curriculum AND Natural Resources
4-H Health Core Curriculum
4-H Volunteer Programming
According to Kentucky after 3 p.m. report, 28%of Kentucky K-12 youth take care of themselves after school hours, spending an average of 7 hours per week unsuperivsed after school. Only 12% of this same population participate in afterschool programs, parents believe their children would benefit most from afterschool programs in the following ways: by having fun, improving their workforce skills, improving their physical activity and overall health, taking advantage of opportunities for community service/learning and receiving academic enrichment. Through the Allen County Extension Council and 4-H Council, the following issues were Identified to address youth in Allen County: provide a safe educational environment for youth to attend afterschool programs, since the community is limited with social activities for youth, 4-H can provide an avenue for youth educational as well as social interaction for youth, and youth can participate in activities through 4-H clubs and through the school enrichment programs.
Long-Term Outcomes:
*Youth will advance their skills to serve as teen/adult leaders and teach others skills they have learned through 4-H
*County 4-H program strengthened through quality projects completed by 4-H members
Intermediate Outcomes:
*Youth will apply information learned in 4-H Program by giving a demonstration
*Youth will enter 4-H projects completed in county and state fair
*School communication youth will compete in county communications program
*Youth become competent in communications and project life skills
Initial Outcomes:
4-H Youth will attend 4-H afterschool workshops
*Youth will give oral presentations through school communicatins program
*Youth will learn basic lifeskills through 4-H project workshops
*4-H community club enrollment will increase
Initial Outcome: Youth learn basic lifeskills at after school workshop
Indicator: Number of youth demonstrating skills
Method: observation, evaluation
Timeline: July-June
Intermediate Outcome: 4-H County Fair Entries
Indicator: Number of 4-H entries in County Fair
Method: Statistics
Timeline: July- June
Long-term Outcome: Current/former 4-H members serve in leadership roles
Indicator: Number of youth that advance in leadership roles
Method: Observation
Timeline: July-June
Learning Opportunities:
Audience: County 4-H Youth
Project or Activity: 4-H Communications program
Content or Curriculum: 4-H Communications curriculum
Inputs: Paid staff, classroom teachers, school administration, 4-H council, volunteers
Date: July- June
Audience: 4-H Youth
Project or Activity: Afterschool 4-H project workshops
Content or Curriculum: 4-H project curriculum, state fair information
Inputs: 4-H council, school transportation coordinator, volunteers, paid staff
Date: July-June
Audience: 4-H youth - grades 4-12
Project or Activity: 4-H Camp
Content or Curriculum: 4-H camp core curriculum, bullying curriculum
Inputs: Volunteers, paid staff, 4-H youth, teen leaders
Date: April - July
Audience: 4-H Youth, volunteers, parents
Project or Activity: 4-H club organization
Content or Curriculum: 4-H Club Leaders Handbook, 4-H club Handbook
Inputs: Paid staff,parents, volunteers
Date: July-June
Audience: 4-H Youth Parents, Volunteers
Project or Activity: County/area achievement banquet
Content or Curriculum: Volunteer/Youth recognition
Inputs: Paid staff, volunteers, youth, families
Date: Oct,Dec.
Audience: 4-H Youth, Families, volunteers
Project or Activity: 4-H Fun programs- picnic/St. Patrick's Day Party
Content or Curriculum: Recreation Curriculum
Inputs: Paid staff, Volunteers, youth families
Date: Sept/March
Success Stories
Allen 4-H Youth Obtain State 4-H Level Recognition and Life-Skills for the Future
Author: Anna Meador
Major Program: 4-H Leadership Core Curriculum

The 4-H Program not only teaches youth important life skills for being successful, but also provides youth with applicable learning experiences that youth will use throughout the remainder of their lives. “4-H has motivated me to make the best version of myself apparent to all around me and has influenced me to help other kids be the very best that they can be.” - Kierra Owens, Emerald 4-H Honors Award RecipientTwenty-one of Allen County's 4-H yout
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Keeping Kids Engaged and Learning through Hands-On Activities during COVID-19
Author: Anna Meador
Major Program: 4-H Youth Development Programming

As a response to COVID-19 school and community closings, Allen County Cooperative Extension Service and 4-H Program sought to meet a community need to provide continued education opportunities amid the new social and distance learning climate. Due to the COVID-19 social distancing period, the 4-H and Extension Programs developed an “Extension Tool Box” that helped to keep clients informed and continuously involved with 4-H and Extension programs with Take-n-Go Education kits.In
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Youth Gain Public Speaking Experience in Classrooms and Virtual Communications Contests Amid COVID-19 Pandemic
Author: Anna Meador
Major Program: 4-H Communications and Expressive Arts Core Curriculum

Although COVID-19 may have caused the cancellation of many youth in-person programs, Allen County 4-H was able to provide two public speaking opportunities to our Allen County youth through in-school speeches with the eighth grade and our Virtual 4-H Communications Contest.Each year students in the eight grade at James E. Bazzell Middle School have participated in a Speech Contest held in partnership with the James E. Bazzell Middle School, the Allen County Cooperative Extension Services and the
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4-Her's Exploring Science, Engineering & Technology Gain Real Life Skills
Author: Anna Meador
Major Program: 4-H Science, Engineering, and Technology Core Curriculum

As one of the newest additions to the Allen County 4-H Program this program year, the 4-H S.E.T. (Science, Engineering, Technology) Club has brought a new fun twist to science and leadership in the form of hands-on-learning activities and team-lead groups. Club Leader Elisabeth Mlinko brings her military and engineering skills to the club Photo above: SET Club members test out the capabilities of a variety of different robot senso
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Veggies, Racecars & Healthy Living – 3, 2, 1 … Let’s Go!!!
Author: Anna Meador
Major Program: 4-H Health Core Curriculum

The Allen County 4-H Program hosted the Veggies, Racecars & Healthy Living – 3, 2, 1 … Let’s Go!!! Class at the Allen County Library on September 24, 2019. Allen County 4-H partnered with the Library Learning Series for a fun-filled afternoon discussing the importance of veggies and healthy lifestyles with nineteen youth ages 4-11 and adult family members. Agent Anna led the young audience through a discussion of
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