Personal, Organizational and Community Leadership DevelopmentPlan of Work
Lawrence County CES
Personal, Organizational and Community Leadership Development
Empowering Leaders for Success
Agents Involved:
Faris, McCreary, Maggard
Kentucky Extension Leadership Development (KELD)
4-H Youth Development Programming
Leadership 4-H Core Curriculum
Extension volunteer leaders play an important role in all Extension program areas. Extension agents know the value of our volunteer leaders and provide both youth and adult leaders opportunities and resources to develop and strengthen their leadership skills. Many of these leaders are also involved with other organizations, some of which we partner with, to accomplish intermediate and long-term outcomes. Our ultimate goal is to make positive impacts within our county as individuals, families and communities.
Long-Term Outcomes:
*Community problems and issues are solved through actively engaged local leaders and Extension volunteers
*Extension will continue to empower and train volunteers to lead events and educate community members to play essential roles in their county.
Intermediate Outcomes:
*Extension and community leaders develop programs to address community problems and issues
*Implement leadership skills in Extension clubs and programs as well as community outreach
*Develop and practice personal leadership skills in Extension Advisory Program Councils, District Board, County Extension Council, Extension Homemakers, 4-H Teen Club and Adult Council, and Agriculture Boards
Initial Outcomes:
*Extension and community leaders identify community problems and issues
Initial Outcome: Extension leaders gain leadership knowledge and skills by belonging to a group, council or board
Indicator: Number of individuals involved in leadership roles
Method: Observation, personal narratives, attendance and participation
Timeline: 2016-2020
Intermediate Outcome: Extension leaders will actively participate in leader led programs and activities
Indicator: Number of people involved in Extension leadership roles
Method: Leader involvement, observation, personal narratives
Timeline: 2016-2020
Long-term Outcome: Extension leaders become active in area and state positions and/or engage in other community partnerships to solve community problems and issues
Indicator: Number of Extension leaders taking officer, chairperson or other positions demonstrating effective leadership skills
Method: Observation, personal narratives, leader involvement
Timeline: 2016-2020
Intermediate Outcome: Develop and practice personal leadership skills in Extension Advisory Program Councils, District Board, County Extension Council, Extension Homemakers and 4-H Teen Club
Indicator: Number of people taking leadership roles
Method: leader involvement
Timeline: 2016-2020
Long-term Outcome: Extension will grow and train volunteers to empower leader-lead events and educate community members to play a role in their county
Indicator: Number of Extension leaders taking part in other community programs, councils, and more
Method: leader involvement, program increase, increase in community support, surveys
Timeline: 2016-2020
Learning Opportunities:
Audience: Extension Homemakers
Project or Activity: Lawrence County Extension Council and Club Leadership
Content or Curriculum: UK Extension Homemakers; KELD
Inputs: Extension Homemakers; District 1 FCS Agents
Date: beginning August 2017; Monthly lessons and council meetings
Audience: Northeast Extension Homemakers
Project or Activity: Leadership Event
Content or Curriculum: KELD: People Learn with a Purpose; Membership & Marketing; and Volunteer Background Checks
Inputs: UK Extension District 1 FCS Agents; Extension Homemakers
Date: 2017-2020
Audience: Extension Homemakers
Project or Activity: Monthly Craft Corner Day
Content or Curriculum: Life skill development
Inputs: Extension Homemakers and FCS Agent
Date: Monthly, 2016-2020
Audience: Northeast Extension Homemakers
Project or Activity: Northeast Area Extension Homemakers Annual Meeting
Content or Curriculum: UK FCS; Extension Homemakers
Inputs: County, Area and State Extension Homemaker Organizations
Date: October annually
Audience: Extension Homemakers
Project or Activity: Annual Cultural Arts Exhibit
Content or Curriculum: KEHA Cultural Arts Guidelines and Categories
Input: Area and State KEHA
Date: Summer (county), Fall (area), Spring (state), annually
Audience: Extension Homemakers
Project or Activity: County Leadership Training
Content or Curriculum: KEHA and Area Leadership Event
Input: KEHA, Northeast Area Extension Homemakers, and FCS Agent
Date: Fall 2017-2020
Audience: Extension FCS Advisory Council
Project or Activity: Advisory Council
Content or Curriculum: Planning and implementing Extension FCS programs
Input: Extension and Community leaders (Lawrence County Health Dept; Public Library; Lawrence County High School FCS Dept.; parents of school-aged children)
Date: Quarterly
Audience: Lawrence County Quilted Treasures Quilt Guild
Project or Activity: Workshops and Guild Meeting
Content or Curriculum: UK Master Clothing publications
Input: UK FCS Extension; Extension Homemakers; Guild members; local quilt and fabric businesses
Date: Monthly, 2016-2020
Audience: 4-H Youth
Program/Activity: BRIDGE Days Events
Content/Curriculum: Various 4-H programs including but not limited to Reality Store, 4-H Bullying, Leadership and Workforce Prep
Inputs: UK Extension, Community Partners
Date: 2016-2020 School years
Audience: Extension Volunteers and School Professionals
Program/Activity: Kentucky 4-H Volunteer Forum
Content/Curriculum: Volunteerism, ALL 4-H Core Content Areas
Inputs: UK CES Agents, CES State Specialists, community volunteers
Date: February 2018, February 2020
Audience: 4-H Teens
Program/Activity: Kentucky 4-H Teen Conference
Content/Curriculum: Leadership, ALL 4-H Content Areas
Inputs: UK CES Agents, CES State Specialists, volunteers
Date: June 2018, 2019, 2020
Audience: Lawrence County Master Gardener's
Program/Activity: State Master Gardener Meeting
Content/Curriculum: Extension Master Gardeners
Inputs: UK CES Agents and specialists
Date: September 2016-2020
Success Stories
Technology in Quilting for a Cause
Author: Alivia Faris
Major Program: Empowering Community Leaders (general)

Technology in Quilting for a CauseTechnology is always changing and technology for sewing and quilting is not immune to this phenomenon. With the fast changes in quilting technology that makes things easier and fast it is important to keep those who sew and quilt up-date on changes and empower them to develop their skills. The Lawrence County Extension Agent for Family and Consumer Sciences (FCS) Education developed a program that provided the opportunity for quilters develop new skills in using
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Scholarships Award Lawrence County Kids Opportunity to Attend 4-H Camp
Author: Laura Maggard
Major Program: Summer Residential Camps
The median household income in Lawrence County is $32,703 according to After a family gets all the bills paid and the other essentials, there is not a lot leftover for extras such as vacations, going to the movies, or other extracurricular activities like 4-H Camp. 4-H camp provides children the opportunity to do things that they normally wouldn’t be able to do such as shooting sports, swimming, canoeing, and rock climbing. 4-H camp is a wonderful opportunity for kids to be in
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