Empowering Community LeadersPlan of Work
Muhlenberg County CES
Empowering Community Leaders
Empowering Leaders and Volunteers
Agents Involved:
Mary Beth Riley, Mackenzie Pouge, Darrell Simpson
Empowering Community Leaders (general)
Leadership 4-H Core Curriculum
Kentucky Extension Homemaker Association
Building the capacity of volunteer leaders within counties is critical for the sustainability of a community infrastructure that supports long term commitment to strengthen youth, families, farm businesses and organizations. Through the efforts of Extension agents and volunteers local citizens are engaged, educated and empowered to understand community issues and take ownership of implementing local solutions.
Long-Term Outcomes:
Muhlenberg County's youth and adults, and local as well as area organizations are strengthened through strong local organizational leadership.
Intermediate Outcomes:
Leaders practice personal leadership skills in clubs, schools and community outreach and improve skills in communication and problem solving in addressing organizational issues and needs. Leaders take active roles in Extension and non Extension related organizations to improve their communities.
Initial Outcomes:
Citizens increase knowledge and skills in personal, organizational and community leadership.
Long-Term Outcome: Strong local organizational leadership
Indicator: Participation and leadership in county projects and organizations
Indicator: Improved use of parliamentary procedure skills
Method: Evaluate at end of club year
Method: Agent observation at organization meetings
Timeline: 2018-2020
Intermediate Outcome: Improved skills in order to lead clubs, groups, and organizations
Indicator: Participation in leadership positions
Indicator: Correct use of parliamentary procedure
Method: Surveys and self critiquing of meetings
Method: Agent observation of leaders
Timeline: 2018-2020
Initial Outcome: increase knowledge and skills in personal leadership
Indicator: participation of club and organization members
Method: activities and participation
Timeline: 2018-2020
Learning Opportunities:
Audience: Kentucky Extension Homemaker's Association
Project or Activity: Lesson Trainings and Council Trainings
Content or Curriculum: KEHA Materials
Inputs: UK specialist, FCS Agents, KEHA members
Date: KEHA Program Year
Audience: Adult and Teen Volunteers
Project or Activity: 4-H Camp Leader Training
Content or Curriculum: Camp Counselors 101
Inputs: Staff and Specialist Input
Date: June
Audience: Extension Council, 4-H Council, ANR Council, FCS Council
Project or Activity: Educational Programs
Content or Curriculum: SEAL, Speakers
Inputs: Staff, Volunteers
Date: Annually 2018-2020
Audience: Members of Commodity Organizations
Project: Organized Commodity Group Members
Content or Curriculum: Parliamentary Procedure Publication, agent and leader one to one trainings
Date: Monthly Meetings
Audience: 4-H Teen Club
Project or Activity: Food for Kids Backpack Program/ Fundraising
Content or Curriculum: Unlock Your Leadership Potential, KY 4-H Leadership Curriculum
Inputs: Volunteers, Staff, Community Leaders,
Date: Fall/Winter
Audience: 4-H Project Leaders
Project or Activity: Various Projects, Horse, Ham, Shooting Sports, Poultry, Sewing
Content/Curriculum: National 4-H, KY 4-H Certification
Input: Staff, Volunteers, Program support funds
Date: Year Long
Success Stories
County Extension Council Supports Local Food and Food Producers
Author: Roger "Darrell" Simpson
Major Program: Community Engagement
The success of the Cooperative Extension Service is very dependent on volunteers taking leadership roles. The Muhlenberg County Extension Council voted to facilitate a Farm to Fork event so as to highlight the local foods being produced in Muhlenberg County. A committee of council members, farmers market vendors, and members from the Greenville Tourism Commission planned, implemented, supported and evaluated the event that was held in August of 2018. Agents for Agriculture and Natura
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County Extension Council Supports Local Foods and Food Producers
Author: Mackenzie Pogue
Major Program: Community Engagement

The success of the Cooperative Extension Service is very dependent on volunteers taking leadership roles. The Muhlenberg County Extension Council voted to facilitate a Farm to Fork event so as to highlight the local foods being produced in Muhlenberg County. A committee of council members, farmers market vendors, and members from the Greenville Tourism Commission planned, implemented, supported and evaluated the event that was held in August of 2018. Agents for Agriculture and Natural Resources,
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County Extension Council Supports Local Foods and Food Producers
Author: Mary Beth Riley
Major Program: Community Engagement
The success of the Cooperative Extension Service is very dependent on volunteers taking leadership roles. The Muhlenberg County Extension Council voted to facilitate a Farm to Fork event so as to highlight the local foods being produced in Muhlenberg County. A committee of council members, farmers market vendors, and members from the Greenville Tourism Commission planned, implemented, supported and evaluated the event that was held in August of 2018. Agents for Agriculture and Natural Resources,
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© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment