Making science, engineering and technology meaningful to the lives of others.Plan of Work
Hickman County CES
Making science, engineering and technology meaningful to the lives of others.
Engaging Youth and Adults in Science
Agents Involved:
Paula McCuiston, Mattea Mitchell
Data Management & Tech
Science, Engineering and Technology 4-H Core Curriculum
According to the Council on Post secondary Education, jobs in science, engineering, and technology are essential for the economic prosperity of Kentucky’s citizens and communities. These disciplines fuel innovation, per capita income, and the creation of 21st century jobs. Despite these benefits, Kentucky continues to perform poorly when compared with other states. Kentucky ranks 47th in the number of scientists and engineers and 41st in the number of science and engineering occupations. With demand for scientists accelerating and student interest in these fields dwindling, action must be taken to ensure both our state and our nation remain competitive in research, innovation, and technology. A key to producing more scientists is to introduce youth to the wonders of science and technology at an early age. Hickman County teachers and the 4-H Council has identified SET as a need in Hickman County.
Long-Term Outcomes:
An increased interest in science, engineering, and technology among youth and adults.
Science, engineering, and technology concepts are incorporated into everyday living.
Youth will explore related careers and enroll in courses to prepare them for these careers.
Intermediate Outcomes:
Participants will adopt and use new methods or improved technology in everyday life.
Participants will participate and/or compete in science, engineering, and technology related projects and programs.
Participants will adopt usage of new technology for crop production.
Initial Outcomes:
Participants will be able to define scientific terms.
Participants demonstrate basic knowledge of biotechnology, rocketry, circuitry, and other SET areas.
Participants opinions on science, engineering, and technology will positively change.
Long-term Outcome: Increase in science, engineering and technology among youth.
Indicator: Increase in number of individuals pursuing SET careers and enrolled in SET classes.
Method: Observation; Data analysis
Timeline: Ongoing
Intermediate Outcome: Science, engineering, and technology practices are adopted as part of everyday living.
Indicator: Increase in number of individuals adopting new practices and changing behaviors.
Method: Observation; Written and verbal evaluations; Individual reports
Timeline: 18-19 School Year
Initial Outcome: Knowledge gain and new opinions and aspirations in regards to science, engineering, and technology fields.
Indicator: Acquisition of knowledge, skills, opinions, and aspirations.
Method: Observation; Written and verbal evaluations
Timeline: 18-19 School Year
Learning Opportunities:
Audience: Youth
Project or Activity: Building Simple Circuits
Content or Curriculum: 4-H SET
Inputs: Extension Staff, School Teachers, youth, volunteers
Date: 18-19 Program Year
Audience: Youth
Project or Activity: Rocket Building
Content or Curriculum: 4-H SET
Inputs: Extension Staff, School Teachers, youth, volunteers
Date: 18-19 Year
Audience: Youth
Project or Activity: Snap Circuits
Content or Curriculum: 4-H Set
Inputs: Extension Staff, School Teacher, youth, volunteers
Date: 18-19 Year
Audience: Youth
Project or Activity: National Youth Science Day
Content or Curriculum: National 4-H Science Day curriculum
Inputs: Extension Staff, Classroom teachers, volunteers, program council
Date: 18-19 School Year
Audience: Youth
Project or Activity: 4-H Robotics
Content or Curriculum: 4-H SET
Inputs: robotics set, volunteer training
Date: July 2019 and during 2019-2020 school year
Audience: Hickman County Grain Crop Producers
Project or Activity: Precision Ag Demonstration
Content or Curriculum: Supplied by Ag Agent
Inputs: Ag Agent, Local Precision Ag Dealers, Local Banks, UK Specialist
Date: 2018 Crop Year
Success Stories
STEM Week: Expanding Knowledge among Youth
Author: Paula McCuiston
Major Program: Science, Engineering and Technology 4-H Core Curriculum

According to an eight-year longitudinal study conducted by the Institute for Applied Research in Youth Development at Tufts University demonstrated that compared to non-4-H youth, participants in 4-H: * Reported better grades and an elevated level of engagement at school * Are nearly 2x's more likely to plan to go to college and are more likely to pursue a STEM career * 4-H girls are nearly 3x's more likely to participate in STEM programs Since one of the fastest grow
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