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Contact Information

Craig Wood, Ph.D
Acting Associate Dean & Director
UK Cooperative Extension Service

S-107 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091

+1 (859) 257-4302


Contact Information

Craig Wood, Ph.D
Acting Associate Dean & Director
UK Cooperative Extension Service

S-107 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091

+1 (859) 257-4302

Fiscal Year:
Jul 1, 2023 - Jun 30, 2024

Acquiring basic Life skills in Family and Consumer SciencesPlan of Work

Johnson County CES

Acquiring basic Life skills in Family and Consumer Sciences
Life skills
Agents Involved:
Reed, Cockerham
Family and Consumer Sciences 4-H Core Curriculum
Real Skills for Everyday Life
Nurturing Families (general)
4-H Youth Development Programming

How we live life is ever-changing but learning basic life skills is still as important as ever. Learning to practice healthy habits, select clothing to emphasize one’s best appearance, create and live within a budget, prepare nutritious meals safely, nurture children, create a safe and pleasant home environment, practice common courtesies, and form relationships with others—all of these skills are basic to everyday life. A reality is that today’s youth and adults are busier than ever. Many of these basic life skills are not consistently taught to individuals at home or at school. Consequently, adult life can often fall short of the needed skills sets to function best in managing life skills. Family and Consumer Sciences programs can equip citizens young and old with these skills.

FCS and 4-H alike offer basic learning activities on topics of interest to local citizens but the addition of activities which support that interest (such as Homemakers lessons, workshops, public events, fair exhibits, day camps, field trips, and practical skills learned through project completion, significantly increase the development of life skills. In a study by Olson, Croymans and Ji (2014), 4-Hers reported that participating in 1 or 2 educational opportunities influenced the development of critical thinking and decision making skills, and participating in 6 to 8 opportunities significantly increased the program’s influence by adding development of life skills in leadership, planning/organization, wise use of resources, useful/marketable skills and accepting differences. This suggests that the same would be true for adults.

While many FCS skills can be learned through self-directed projects at home or through school enrichment, it’s beneficial for participants to have the added experience and guidance of others and the opportunity to form relationships with caring mentors. For many adults, long-term volunteering is not always possible but shorter-term volunteer roles create doable opportunities for more people to work volunteering into busy schedules. Special interest opportunities that meet for a few weeks or months broaden the possibilities. For 4-H, the volunteer efforts of multiple adults may be required to take the experience from club meetings alone to also include exhibits, field trips and more. For groups like Extension Homemakers, opportunities are consistently available throughout the year. The Johnson County Extension Council, FCS and 4-H Councils, Extension Homemakers Council- all agree, that many of the Life Skills topics are necessary for stability for the home, the community and the individual.

Long-Term Outcomes:

Program Participants will:

-Be responsible and contributing individuals and family members.

-Gain and maintain employment through life skill development.

-Contribute to a safe, pleasant and productive home and family.

Intermediate Outcomes:

Participants will be able to:

-Utilize and practice life skills in projects and life situations

-Project a positive image and self-confidence

-Practice responsible consumer and financial decision-making

-Make choices that lead to responsible and beneficial results

-Adopt habits and skills that contribute toward employability in the future

Initial Outcomes:

Program Participants will:

-Gain knowledge and develop skills in 4-H and Family & Consumer Sciences projects and programs

-Understand the decision-making process

-Gain skills in setting a goal and developing a plan of action

-Learn to read and follow instructions


Long Term evaluation methods:

*Indicator: Number youth who reported that they followed safe practices,

that they showed another person how to do what they learned to do for themselves, that they set a goal and accomplished it,

or demonstrated use of life skills learned through 4-H in daily life.

Method: Surveys, face to face conversations and follow ups

Timeline: following programs

*Indicator: Number of adults who report they apply skills to their everyday lives

Method: interviews, personal testimonies and formal evaluations when relevant

Timeline: following programs


*Indicator: Number of Adults reporting practice of life skills

Method: formal evaluations following program

Timeline: throughout the year

*Indicator: Number of youth reporting practice of life skills, projecting positive self-image, consumer and financial decision making, responsible choices and development of habits that contribute to employability in the future.

Method: surveys, face to face follow up discussions and conversations

Timeline: annually

3. Initial Outcome:

*Indicator: Number of youth and adults attending programs and workshops and participating in hands on experiential learning activities.

Method: surveys, face to face follow up and conversations

Timeline: annually

Learning Opportunities:

1.Audience: Parents

Project or Activity: Parent Expo and expanded outreach

Content or Curriculum: Promoting: Nurturing Parenting/Keys to Great Parenting, Block Party  programs, FCS materials for Early Childcare trainings

Inputs: Early Childcare Council,  FCS Council

Date: 2016-2019

2.Audience: Families

Project or Activity: Healthy Homemakers, (Homemakers Lessons)

Content or Curriculum: “Keys to Embracing Aging and other FCS curriculum

Inputs: Extension Homemakers

Date: 2017-19

3.Audience: Grandparents

Project or Activity: Grandparents and Grandchildren Together

Content or Curriculum: FCS Curriculum

Inputs: FCS Council

Date: 2016-19

4. Audience: Families, FCS Students, Single Parents

Project or Activity: Money Habitudes

Content or Curriculum: Money Habitudes and Managing in Tough Times

Inputs: FCS Council, State Specialists

Date: 2018-19

5. Audience: Youth ages 9-18

Project or Activity: Shooting Sports

Content or Curriculum: Kentucky 4-H Shooting Sports materials

Inputs: State specialists, Extension personnel, volunteer leaders and certified coaches and coordinators.

Date: annually Mar-Sept

6. Audience: 4-8th grades

Project or Activity: It’s Your Reality and Dollars and Sense and Reality Store 

Content or Curriculum: State Curriculum

Inputs: State Specialist, Extension personnel, youth volunteers, community volunteers, Extension Councils, school systems and local businesses

Date: annually Nov-Dec and Feb-Mar

7. Audience: 9-12th graders

Project or Activity: Workforce Preparation

Content or Curriculum: UK Cooperative Extension World of Work Curriculum, 4HCCS Curriculum, Job Interviews Preparation materials

Inputs: State Specialist, Extension personnel, community leaders and volunteers, schools

Date: annually September-May

8.Audience: 4-12th graders

Project or activity: 4-H Project Book completion

Content or Curriculum: 4HCCS and UK Cooperative Extension Project books

Inputs: State Specialists, Extension Personnel, Leaders, schools

Date: Annually October-April

9. Audience: Parents of Young Children

Project or activity: Block Party for Preschooler at Parent Expo, Building Super Heroes

Content or Curriculum National FCS material for school readiness

Inputs: FCS Agent, JC Early childcare council, state specialists

Date: 2017

10. Audience: Daycare workers, parents and grandparents of pre-schoolers, Headstart

Project:Building Super Heroes

Content: FCS curriculum

Inputs: FCS Specialists, Directors, ECC

Date: 2018

Success Stories

4-H Grows Here

Author: Dianna Reed

Major Program: Agriculture 4-H Core Curriculum

4-H Grows Here

In 2018, the Johnson County Extension Council identified Gardening/Ag Production/Food Security as a priority for the Plan of Work. To address this issue, County Agent, Dianna Reed and Program Assistant, Valerie LeMaster worked with local schools to provide a three part workshop titled Seeds, Sprouts and Seedlings. In this workshop, session one covered the development of a seed from planting to seedling. As the accompanying hands-on activity, 278 students (which increased from last year's 100

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Parent Expo

Author: Brenda Cockerham

Major Program: Nurturing Families (general)

Each year, Johnson County Family and Consumer Sciences works with the Early Childcare Council to host an event called Parent Expo. This event is designed to support parents and caretakers with knowledge of how to assist preschoolers to become school ready. Out of 42 families who filled out the questionnaires, it was revealed as a result of the program, there was an increased understanding of the definition and checkpoint of what health and physical well-being means; there was an increased unders

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Financial Management Classes

Author: Brenda Cockerham

Major Program: Small Steps to Health & Wealth

Johnson County Family and Consumer Sciences worked with Family Resource Centers throughout the county to train parents and caregivers about budgeting and financial management. Small Steps to Health and Wealth curriculum was used with the focus of understanding locus of control, assessing your expenditures and incomes by tracking your behavior and then forming a plan or a budget. 80 parents and caregivers in three sessions participated, and 37 individuals were formally evaluated. Of the 37 evalua

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