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Contact Information

Craig Wood, Ph.D
Acting Associate Dean & Director
UK Cooperative Extension Service

S-107 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091

+1 (859) 257-4302


Contact Information

Craig Wood, Ph.D
Acting Associate Dean & Director
UK Cooperative Extension Service

S-107 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091

+1 (859) 257-4302

Fiscal Year:
Jul 1, 2023 - Jun 30, 2024

Creating Awareness and Stewardship of Agriculture and Natural ResourcesPlan of Work

Wayne County CES

Creating Awareness and Stewardship of Agriculture and Natural Resources
Agriculture and Natural Resources
Agents Involved:
T. Humble, G. Roberts
Natural Resources 4-H Core Curriculum
Agriculture 4-H Core Curriculum
Commercial Horticulture
Youth Fruit & Vegetable Access

People, animals and plants are dependent on our Earth’s natural resources. Everything from the air we breathe, to the water we drink, to the soil we use for food production – these resources are vital to our existence. Therefore, it’s important that we care for and respect these resources.

Understanding how our daily choices affect our environment, we can conserve natural resources and protect our environment for present and future generations.

Agriculture is Kentucky’s largest employer and accounts for the greatest amount of revenue in Kentucky’s economy. Every person in Kentucky is impacted by Agriculture every day in the foods that they eat and the fibers that are used in their clothes, homes, work places and vehicles.

Long-Term Outcomes:

• Youth and adults will use scientific techniques, responsible practices and innovative

technologies that will positively sustain the natural resources in the

home, community and world.

• Youth and adults will engage in community projects related to natural resource conservation.

• Youth and adults will engage in entrepreneurial enterprise.

• Youth and adultswill gain and maintain employment through life skill


• Youth and adults will be advocates for agriculture and healthy sustainable food


Intermediate Outcomes:

• Youth and adults will make decisions in their daily lives that positively impact

natural resources.

• Youth and adults will adopt practices to conserve and protect the environment in their home and community.

• Youth and adults will use problem solving and logical reasoning skills and apply them

to environmental issues

• Youth and adults will practice and apply skills and knowledge in the production of food and fiber in the areas of plant science, horticulture and animal


•Youth will adopt and practice skills that contribute to employability.

• Youth and adults can explain the role of agriculture in daily life to others.

• Youth will set a goal and accomplish it.

• Youth and adults can influence the purchase of Kentucky Proud products

• Youth can practice entrepreneurship skills related to agriculture

and food systems.

Initial Outcomes:

•Youth will develop an interest in environmental science and sustainable

practices and technologies.

• Youth and adults will gain knowledge of the interrelationship and interdependencies

with an ecosystem.

• Youth will identify the natural resources that are used within their

home and community

• Youth and adults will gain knowledge and skills in the production of food and fiber in the areas of plant science, horticulture and animal science.

• Youth and adults will gain and understanding of healthy and sustainable food systems.

• Youth and adults will develop valuable life-skills, including decision making,



leadership and service


Initial Outcome: Youth and adults will identify the natural resources and agricultural products that are used within their home and community

Indicator: Youth and adults can show gained knowledge

Method: Evaluation

Timeline: July 2018 - June 2019

Intermediate Outcome:Youth and adults can explain the role of agriculture in daily life to others

Indicator: Youth and adults will become more involved in agricultural leadership roles within Extension and outside organizations

Method: Evaluation/Participation

Timeline: July 2018 - June 2019

Long-term Outcome: Youth will be advocates for agriculture and healthy and sustainable food systems and natural resources.

Indicator: Participation in ANR programs and activities.

Method: Evaluation

Timeline: July 2018 - June 2020

Learning Opportunities:

Audience: 4-H members,Certified Volunteers Livestock, Horse or Shooting Sports

Project or Activity: Creating Awareness and Stewardship of Agriculture and Natural Resources

Content or Curriculum: Project Wet, Project Wild, Acres of Adventure, Kentucky Farm to School, Horse Achievment Series, KY Horse/Livestock Resource Kit, Livestock Discovery Cd, Project Food, Land and People, Project Learning Tree

Inputs: Land Grant University Support, County Extension administrators

and agents, program coordinators, and specialists,Training in NR & sustainability issues, Extension administrators, LGU and Extension faculty and staff), Federal, state & private funders, Partners (Other Federal

agencies, science museums, youth organizations, etc.) collaborating, Evaluation materials, Program resources: Curricula, LVC, HVC, Skill-a-thon, Hippology,Human resources: Extension professionals, certified volunteers,

episodic volunteers, producers, Funding: Program Support, local,funding, KDA, 4-H Councils, grants, Partners: UK, KDA, KFB, KCA, Equipment: laptops, printers, WiFi, Facilities: Extension Offices,Fairgrounds, KFEC, State Parks, Retreat Centers


Audience: school students and faculty

Project or Activity: FFA school garden

Content or Curriculum: Farm to school, LEAP, and junior master gardener

Inputs: Production supplies for the garden, labor by students and extension staff and volunteers

Date: Spring , summer and fall of 2018


Project or Activity:

Content or Curriculum:



Success Stories

Group Purchasing Beef IRM mineral

Author: Glen Roberts

Major Program: Beef

Group Purchasing Beef IRM mineralby Glen RobertsMajor Program: BeefCollaborators: UK Beef IRM Nutrition Specialists, KY Farm Bureau Federation, Wayne County Farm Bureau Federation, ANR Agent Glen Roberts, KSU Small Farm Assistant, and Wayne County Cattlemen`s Association mineral committeeSituation: After attending Master Cattlemen and other beef nutrition educational sessions taught by University of KY Beef nutrition specialists Wayne County Cattlemen became aware of the need to purcha

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Growing Fruit and Vegetables in a large school garden utilized by the school food service

Author: Glen Roberts

Major Program: Commercial Horticulture

Growing Fruit and Vegetables in a large school garden utilized by the school food serviceby Glen RobertsMajor Program: Youth Fruit & Vegetable AccessCollaborators: Glen Roberts, ANR agent, Ashley DeBord, ANR assistant, Danny Adams, KSU Small Farm Assistant, Justin Horton, FFA Adviser/VoAg instructor, Karen Gibson, School Food Service Director, Master Gardeners, VoAg and FCS students, Terry Bertram ANR Assistant.Situation:  Todays youth are unaware how good their food is grown.

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Wayne County Grain Farmers Use the Kentucky Grain Yield contest to boost grain yield and quality

Author: Glen Roberts

Major Program: Grain Crops

Collaborators: ANR Agent, Glen Roberts, KSU SFA, Danny Adams, ANR assistyant, Terry Bertram, Wayne County Grain Growers, KY Corn Growers, KY Wheat Growers, and KY Soybean Growers, University of KY Grain Yield Contest, USDA National Agriculture Statistics Service, KY Field OfficeWayne Co grain growers are faced with a limited amount of available, suitable land for row cropping. They need to optimize yields and maximize efficiency in order to compete with farmers in other areas who have access to

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Conserve Resources, Reduce and Recycle

Author: Glen Roberts

Major Program: Sustainable Agriculture

Collaborators: Ky Department of Agriculture, ANR agent Glen Roberts, Ky State University Small Farm Assistant , Danny Adams, ANR Assistant , Terry Bertram, Ky Farm Bureau Federation, Wayne County Farm Bureau Federation, Valley Farm Center, UK Beef Nutrition Specialist, UK Soils Specialist, and UK Biosystems and Engineering specialists Goals: Livestock and grain farmers are perceived as good stewards of the land. They farm in a sustainable environmentally friendly and profitable manner. Through a

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